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Nation of Islam leader hurls more truth to destroy the lie of Black-Jewish relations
Farrakhan's challenge to the Jewish community goes unanswered (FCN, 07-07-2010)
A Speech and Book for The New Spiritual Economics Part I (FCN, 07-06-2010)
Text of Minister Louis Farrakhan's letter to ADL's Abraham Foxman (FCN, 07-01-2010)
Farrakhan: Blacks are True Children of Israel (FCN, 06-28-2010)
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Volume 2 Book Review (FCN, 06-28-2010)
![]() The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Photo: Michael Muhammad
With the main sanctuary packed with a standing room only crowd, many gathered in the Musallah (prayer hall) downstairs and in the Muhammad University of Islam and thousands more viewing internationally via internet Web cast, the Minister used scripture to deliver undeniable proof that Black people are, in fact, God's chosen people. And revealed how Jewish leaders have profited handsomely off of the backs of Blacks and how despite their “friendship,” critical lessons about business development, unity and economic force have never been shared.
![]() Woman bears witness at Mosque Maryam. Photo: Andrea Muhammad
From slavery and the cotton plantations of yesterday to sharecropping in the 20th century to modern sharecropping under Jewish owners of professional sports teams and Jewish managers, Black talent remains exploited and too often left broke at the end of lucrative careers, he noted.
The Minister pointed out how his bold stance for Black independence has made him the “litmus test” for Blacks seeking citywide, statewide or national office among powerful elements in the Jewish community. But, he warned Blacks in political, cultural, economic and social spheres not to bow to pressure to denounce him today. To capitulate to these forces out of fear and attack a man who has been your defender will only show you as an Uncle Tom and a tool and a slave, Min. Farrakhan said.
“It is you, the Black people of America, the Western World, that are the people today of God's choice, and the people to receive His promise that He made to Abraham, that after His people would be in bondage in a strange land, under strange circumstances, for 400 long years, He would not send a prophet, He would come Himself and He would raise from among us—a dead people—one we would come to know as the first begotten of God from among a dead people.”
![]() Mosque Maryam was overfl owing with people during Min. Farrakhan’s July 11 address. Photo: Michael Muhammad
Jewish power and the ‘Farrakhan Litmus Test'
The Minister reminded the audience of how the 2008 presidential campaign included a raw display of Jewish political muscle. Then candidate Barack Obama, like others before him, was given the “Farrakhan Litmus Test.”
“Brother Barack did not want to condemn me, he hesitated,” said Min. Farrakhan.
The Obama campaign first said, “ ‘well we condemn anti-Semitism wherever it is' ” and tried to move on. That was not good enough for some Jewish leaders and after continued pressure and prodding by those leaders and his main opponent at that time for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mr. Obama finally rejected Min. Farrakhan's kind words and denounced him during a nationally televised debate moderated by the late Tim Russert.
The pressure on Mr. Obama was part of a nearly 30-year-old pattern of pressuring Blacks to denounce and repudiate the Nation of Islam minister whenever his words challenge Jewish behavior that ill-affects Blacks or unjust U.S. foreign policy that bows before the Zionist lobby that protects the modern state of Israel in the Middle East.
For some in the audience, it was the first time hearing detailed aspects of Minister Farrakhan's simmering and at times white-hot controversy with powerful Jews.
He spoke about a meeting over a decade ago with several prominent Jewish rabbis and leaders in which they laid down ground rules for him to gain friendship with the Jewish community. Their terms included monitoring Min. Farrakhan's actions and words over a “protracted period of time,” and his denunciation of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,” Volume One, which they called a “calumny” against the Jewish people. No one has been written of well in history who has not been a friend of the Jewish people, Min. Farrakhan said the influential Jews told him.
Minister Farrakhan said since they had done more harm to Black people maybe it was us—as members of a vigilant Black community—that needed to watch the Jewish people over a “protracted period of time.” He would not denounce the book, unless they were prepared to denounce the research and writings of the Jewish scholars that were quoted in Volume One. Until this day, Min. Farrakhan has not backed down.
‘We have your history'
![]() (Top) Overflow crowd in mosque watched the Minister’s address via closed circuit TV in the Musallah. Photos: Michael Muhammad (lower)A brother bears witness to the truth at Mosque Maryam on July 11.
“This is an investment that is probably one of the greatest history lessons that you will ever have the privilege of getting because most of us who write, we write but we never go to the root of why we are in the condition we are in,” he said.
Blacks have been used by powerful Jewish interests to promote their political, economic and social power, he said. Blacks were used to storm social and legal barriers that kept Jews from advancing in some areas during the civil rights era, the Minister said. But while Blacks marched, prayed-in and sat-in for progress, Jews used their knowledge, combined economic strength and unity to progress, he said.
The scholars, historians and theologians of the Nation of Islam are ready to defend this truth against the scholars of the world, the Minister continued.He vowed to stand on the “invincible truth” given to him from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who met with God.
“These who call us anti-Semitic are not Semitic at all, they have no connection whatsoever to the Holy Land. They are usurpers, land grabbers. We have you etymologically, anthropologically, historically and genetically. We can prove that you have no legitimate connection to that land!”
Scripture and Jesus' controversy with the Jews
Minister Farrakhan pointed out that while scholars and theologians discuss the life and ministry of Jesus, they avoid discussing why he was brought to court, tried and crucified.Jesus was exposing the identities of those who ruled based on falsehood and disproving their claims, which is exactly what is happening now, not 2,000 years ago, he said.
Minister Farrakhan deciphered scriptures, bringing them up to the modern times showing their connection with the plight of Blacks in America. Abraham was claimed by the Jews as their father, however, Jesus rejected their claim telling them, “if you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham,” Min. Farrakhan said. The Holy Qur'an, the Islamic book of scripture, says Abraham was neither a Christian nor a Jew, he said. Abraham is referred to as “an upright man” and “not of the polytheists,” said Min. Farrakhan.
Judaism did not come into existence until after Abraham so he could not have been a Jew and he was in existence before Jesus, so he could not have been a Christian, yet he was considered the “friend of God,” he said.
The contentious conversations that Jesus had with Jews, in the book of John, the 8th chapter when Jesus told the Jews “if God were your father, you would love me for I proceedeth forth and came from God, neither came I of myself, but He sent me,” said Min. Farrakhan.
“Master Fard Muhammad raised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, but Elijah Muhammad sent me to you to complete his work,” the Minister boldly declared to the delight of the cheering crowd.
The Minister also pointed out scriptures, such as the 2nd, 3rd and 5th chapters of the book of Revelation and other places in the Bible, including the books of Luke and Isaiah, in which aspects of Satan's identity were detailed. Satan, according to the scriptures, was once a part of the angelic hosts, however, he was banished by Allah (God) for being rebellious. This is also described in the Holy Qur'an in the story of Iblis.
“Satan is no spirit! He is a man, but what kind of a man? A star fell from heaven!” said Min. Farrakhan. “You can't stay in the kingdom if you get a command from God and don't want to follow. The kingdom is not for rebels or hypocrites. The kingdom is for those who surrender their will to do the will of Allah.”
![]() Min. Farrakhan explains how the Star of David is related to the higher and lower self and obedience to God versus falling under the rule of carnal appetites. Photo:Andrea Muhammad
Additionally, Satan was given 6,000 years to rule, 60,000 people were taken to the land of Patmos to make the Caucasian race, and the process took 600 years, said Min. Farrakhan. All of this is related to the true identity of the Satanic people, he added.
The identity of Blacks hidden from world
Using statistics, Minister Farrakhan described how Jews lead in influential areas and enjoy a high level of income and wealth as a result of working together.
“It is because of the power, influence and money of the Jewish community, Black people are afraid to speak up for the hurt that we have received from the hands of some of their people, afraid to associate with those that they dislike,” Minister Farrakhan said.
Minister Farrakhan pointed out that every Black leader, even those considered “safe” Negro leaders who tried to establish economic power for Black people was called anti-Semitic. W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington and Malcolm X were all called anti-Semites, said Min. Farrakhan. He also pointed out how respected world leaders such as India's Mahatma Gandhi, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., South African Bishop Desmond Tutu and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter were slapped with the anti-Semitic tag after speaking out against the misdeeds of the Jewish people.
He noted how disrespectful the Jewish owner of the NBA Cleveland Cavaliers, Dan Gilbert, was upon learning basketball star LeBron James left the city for Miami. Mr. Gilbert called the act a betrayal and has lambasted the basketball pro who turned his franchise around and increased its value.
Still the basketball star and sought after NBA free agents Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosch went to Miami, where they will play for another Jewish team owner and forgo top market-driven salaries to make less money in search of a championship ring, Min. Farrakhan said. Well, you get treated better on some plantations then others, the Minister said.
He listed prominent Jews in the sports industry, who hold positions of power in professional league oversight or as team owners.
The Minister said his point was not to mock or scorn Jews; it was to show that their successful business practices and collective efforts are things Black people should emulate.
The Jews received divine revelation, he said.
“When God reveals truth that was not in the world before, how you use revelation determines who you are. If you use the wisdom of God in accordance with God's will, you are the righteous but if you use the wisdom of God for vain material purposes denying God, then you are the wicked and the chief of wickedness is Satan himself,” said Minister Farrakhan.
Through deception, the reality of the identity of Black people was hidden from the world and through religious indoctrination, falsehood spread and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad delivered a teaching to Min. Farrakhan who is now making these truths known to the world.
“We are the father and mother of all the races on the planet. There is not one that we have not brought into existence,” said Min. Farrakhan. “No one taught this before he (the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad) began teaching this, and today is the vindication of that holy man who walked among us like no Black man has ever walked among us. Today is his day!”
Related news:
Farrakhan's challenge to the Jewish community goes unanswered (FCN, 07-07-2010)
A Speech and Book for The New Spiritual Economics Part I (FCN, 07-06-2010)
Text of Minister Louis Farrakhan's letter to ADL's Abraham Foxman (FCN, 07-01-2010)
Farrakhan: Blacks are True Children of Israel (FCN, 06-28-2010)
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Volume 2 Book Review (FCN, 06-28-2010)