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The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan lays out Black America's prophetic destiny; exposes truth of Black-Jewish relations yesterday and today
![]() The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Photo: Andrea Muhammad |
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan June 26 delved deeply into the subject, using the words of his teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, biblical prophecy and an analysis of historical data to solve the mystery and declare: The prophetic children of Israel are not living in the modern Jewish state in the Middle East but are, in fact, the Black man and woman of America.
The Minister's words answered a question posed in the title of his lecture, “Who are the Real Children of Israel?” The message was delivered before a standing room only crowd of 5,000 people crammed into the Boisfeuillet Jones Atlanta Civic Center—where every seat was sold in the main auditorium and where seats in an overflow room, or simply a place to stand in the building, were prized commodities.
The Nation of Islam minister explained how scriptural references were used to frame and create social and political reality as Zionist thinkers and leaders justified and carved out the modern Jewish state. He uncovered the long history of Black-Jewish relations and Jewish connections with control of Blacks and their impact on Black progress—and the lack of Black progress from slavery and the days of King Cotton centuries ago to control of entertainers and athletes today.
![]() Mother Khadijah Farrakhan stands between her daughters, Maria
Farrakhan Muhammad and Betsy Jean Farrakhan Muhammad Photo: Mikal Veale
‘We are the choice of God'
“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Almighty God Allah revealed to him that the Black people of America are the real children of Israel and we are the choice of God and that unto us, He will deliver His Promise,” said Min. Farrakhan. “This question says that somebody has usurped our position. This question says that somebody has taken the promise of God to the children of Israel and claimed it for themselves.”
Blacks in America are God's people, not those who inhabit land in Palestine, the Minister said. “These are the people that if you bless us, then God will take off of America some of the plagues that are now coming on America that will get worse after I deliver this message tonight!” said the Minister with hands outstretched toward the audience.
He challenged Biblical and Qur'anic scholars to disprove what he said, offering to pay with his very life, if proven false. He also delivered guidance—and a warning.
“To all of those who feel that the children of Israel are over in that place they call Israel, you are mistaken. To the Christian right who feel that if you bless that Israel you will be blessed, but for over 60 years, that nation has not been blessed,” he said.
“It is time now that a proper dialogue be set up to answer the question that I've raised and answered. It is time for the scholars to sit down and listen to and look at scripture and prophecy to find out who is that last one that would usher in the kingdom and bring about the end of this present world!”
![]() Audience June 26 at the Atlanta Civic Center. Photo: Ansar Muhammad
“I pray that tonight will be the beginning of an earthshaking movement of Christians, Muslims and Hebrews working together not only for the liberation of our people in America, but working for the liberation of all humanity from the blinding touch of Satan who has deceived the entire world,” said Min. Farrakhan.
“The wickedly wise have known the truth and because they know the truth and they know the time they are working night and day to trick you out of the promise of God and take you down to hell with them because the time of their end has come.”
While the Jewish people have claimed the Biblical prophecy of Abraham's children being lost and afflicted in a strange land, and many misguided Christians have repeated that claim, there is no historical record of Jews in bondage in Egypt for four centuries, said Min. Farrakhan.
The prophecy fits the Black people of America, who have been strangers in the United States and deprived of freedom, justice and equality for over 400 years, he said.
The afflictions suffered by Blacks who have experienced slavery, lynching, Jim Crow laws, segregation, oppression and exploitation are unmatched.
“Could it be that we are the people of promise? Could it be that we are the people that should be expecting the visitation of God? Could it be that relief is in sight? The masquerade is over!” he declared to a thunderous standing ovation.
Citing the Book of Exodus, in the Bible, which promises Abraham that his descendents will number as many as the stars in heaven or grains of sand on the earth, and inherit a land forever, Min. Farrakhan observed: This cannot be a reference to the White race, because demographers and scientists are finding the number of Whites on the planet decreasing. This prophecy refers to the Original man and woman, but wickedly wise scientists have targeted Black communities with birth control campaigns and sterility programs and abortion clinics, in an effort to slow population growth, the Minister said.
Biblical prophecy says a man like Moses will be raised in the last days which also bears witness to the Black condition in America, he added. That man was the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, who taught separation from the slave master, not integration, just as the children of Israel had to separate from Pharaoh, he continued.
Any leader, past or present, advocating integration is not the “man like Moses” and he is not the one prophesied to lead Black people to liberation, Min. Farrakhan said.
Jewish control of the Black economy
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“That's why Jesus said ‘you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.' What truth shall you know?” the Minister asked, “If you are not free then you do not yet know the truth that Jesus was talking about that would free you from your open enemy! That would awaken you, cleanse you and reconnect you to the God who has come for your and my salvation.”
“Today, the architecture of White Supremacy is to be exposed and destroyed,” said Min. Farrakhan. “We are prepared to defend what we say and we are ready to spread this truth throughout the world.”
Minister Farrakhan shared information from two new books, Volume Two of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” and “Jews Selling Blacks.” Both books were available for the very first time and published by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam.
The books detail how Jewish people were involved in the slave trade, the slave-driven global cotton trade and associated industry, controlled Black human trafficking in Brazil, connected with one another to do business in banking, maritime commerce, and the investment industry from the South and North, and internationally.
These immigrant Jews also found common ground with Southern Whites who hated Blacks, helped force Blacks onto former slave plantations when America became fed up with Reconstruction and locked Blacks out of building trades and unions, fostering dependence on former slave masters and virtual slavery through sharecropping, the Minister said.
In rural areas in Mississippi, Blacks still live in abject poverty and in slave-like conditions, he thundered.
These connections and a “relationship” have continued through the years, from Jewish merchants and business owners in the ghettos to managers and advisors of successful and influential Blacks today, the Minister said.
“Cotton was then what oil is now,” said Min. Farrakhan, describing the industry and its connections to the labor and abuse of Blacks under slavery and in post-Reconstruction sharecropping. He showed a diagram that detailed Jewish banking ownership throughout the South, as well as an extensive map detailing the international shipping exploits of the Jewish cotton plantation owners and their prominence in the southern Banking industry. They followed Blacks and made money off Blacks, he said.
Financial shackles on today's Black talent?
This economic reality and disunity have left Black communities impoverished and without businesses to serve needs, improve financial health, create more wealth and promote a future, he said.
Blacks have produced an “angry and defiant” generation of youth because of this lack of productivity of the elders, said Min. Farrakhan. “That's why the children are angry and bitter, because they came into a world and we prepared nothing for them.”
“If you look at all of the people of the Earth, the ones who are the most busy, showing that they have the most life and are the members of the Jewish people. Why are they this way? Because they have had the prophets and they have learned well,” said Min. Farrakhan.
Referring to the late Michael Jackson, who was asset rich but cash poor, the Minister said when times became hard for Michael, he was forced to go to a Jewish man who loaned him money, but, the “King of Pop” would have to meet demands based on debt.
While no longer in chattel slavery, some prominent Black entertainers are still victimized by a new strategy: Yesterday's strategy was to suck the wealth out of Blacks and their communities but today's strategy is to make a few Blacks rich, but keep them under control, the Minister said.
Even though athletes and entertainers possess wealth, or the trappings of wealth, they are not independent, he said. They are kept tied to financial masters who make money off of their skill and talent, the Minister said.
Cotton was yesterday's resource but entertainment and culture, and Black culture in particular, are America's leading world export. Giants in the sports and entertainment industry, such as Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, P-Diddy, Russell Simmons, and LeBron James, have Jewish advisers and financiers who have grown rich by facilitating the rise of Black talent, he said.
The Jewish people understand the importance of trade and commerce, Min. Farrakhan said. Despite the increased number of Black millionaires, Black people still have not learned the importance of doing business and connecting with one another across the country and the world, he said. A living people engage in business and chart their own course, he said.
“You are not alive! You have flat lined on business,” said Min. Farrakhan.
He also urged Blacks, Whites and Jews to read the books, which are compiled from works and research done by Jewish thinkers and scholars, and then talk to him. Don't bother calling me about an interview until you read the book, he said.
Min. Farrakhan noted that his strong representation of the truth would mean attacks from enemies, but voiced faith in the power of God to protect and defeat his opponents. I will be the winner in the end, he said.
“There is so much mess that is going on all over this country, this country is filled with divisiveness and hate and it's time that we come together to be able to move forward in a mighty powerful way to take back our possessions and be able to use our God given talents to lift up our community in growth and development,” said Rev. Dr. Richard Cobble, president of the Concerned Black Clergy of Metropolitan Atlanta.
“Minister Louis Farrakhan's message was well received and the Concerned Black Clergy are going to be supportive in buying these books that the Islamic scholars have researched and were able to reveal to us the real truth,” said Rev. Dr. Cobble.
“It was eye-opening,” began State Representative Roberta Abdul Salaam. “The Minister did an excellent job of giving us an education. I grew up in Georgia, I picked cotton. We understand those relationships. My grandparents sharecropped and we are still in that same situation today. And the thing about not producing for ourselves…we ought to be producing something and for me to be serving in the legislature on economic development and tourism and for the last several years working with international trade trying to maneuver that minefield, for me it was very eye-opening.”
Dr. Barbara King noted that “the message was powerful. It's what the people need and only the Minister can deliver it in that fashion. Because he gave us the historical information and brought it home to us for everyday living, I believe we are here to lead the world. Ministers have got to do more from the pulpit; we can't just hoop-n-holler. You got to really bring a message to the people and this is the kind of message we have to bring to our people,” she said.
Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad, student minister of host Muhammad Mosque No. 15 in Atlanta, said the Muslims planned to push harder with the Nation's program as the hour grows more and serious. Bro. Sharrieff Muhammad went throughout the region building support for the overwhelming event in Atlanta.
(Brian Muhammad and Eric Ture Muhammad contributed to this report.)