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“The economic plight of the black people of this land has so long been neglected by so-called leaders that even our own people have forgotten it's basic importance.” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Message To The Blackman
“It is only after coming into the light of what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us of the knowledge of God, the self, and of the enemy of God and self, and the true religion of God, that we could then go after the science of business, the science of warfare, and the science of mating, that we would never again be a slave to any man, dependent on other human beings for our food, clothing, and shelter and the necessities of life and that we would become producers of this for ourselves.” -The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Closing The Gap
‘Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble?' in Isaiah 14:16
![]() In terms of footnote documentation, it is the most meticulously researched book I have ever read. Anyone who would dismiss this book or take a very narrow view of it is simply indolent (lazy), not a careful reader, did not read it at all, or never took the time to independently read some of the excellent sourcing of this book which compiles the work of eminently respected scholars and the historical record. |
There is a profound connection between “Who Are The Real Children of Israel?” given this past week, and “Self-Improvement: The Basis For Community Development,” given nearly 24 years ago.
There are those who both love and hate Minister Farrakhan whom I believe are taking a very narrow view of “Who Are The Real Children of Israel?” The former group will do so primarily out of ignorance and an unwillingness to grow. The latter group will do this, primarily out of wickedness, and an unwillingness to grow.
Neither group will properly respond to this statement the Minister made during his speech, “My declaring this, I know will divide scholars, theologians, Jews, Christians and Muslims but it is time now that a proper dialogue be set up to answer the question that I have raised and answered. It is time for the scholars to sit down and listen to and look at scripture and prophecy to find out who is that Last One that would usher in the Kingdom and bring about the end of this present world.”
I was blessed to read The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume II: How Jews Gained Control Of The Black American Economy in advance of Minister Farrakhan's speech. Over five days, in an exhilarating and pained reading, I read every single page and carefully reviewed every single one of the footnotes of Volume II. In terms of footnote documentation, it is the most meticulously researched book I have ever read. Anyone who would dismiss this book or take a very narrow view of it is simply indolent (lazy), not a careful reader, did not read it at all, or never took the time to independently read some of the excellent sourcing of this book which compiles the work of eminently respected scholars and the historical record.
I write this not only as a Student of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as represented by Minister Louis Farrakhan, but as a student of economics who recognizes the quality and impact of many of the works, authors, periodicals, scholars, publications, historians and economists that Volume II cites and refers the reader to look deeper into. Simply put, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume II: How Jews Gained Control Of The Black American Economy utilizes the words, testimony, arguments, and perspectives of some of the most credible and authoritative experts and opinion leaders in the discipline of economics.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's speech (which provides scriptural interpretation (exegesis), a method of argumentation, and some empirical and anecdotal evidence not included in the book) along with the book open up a new school of thought toward a universal and unified view of the various disciplines which this world's colleges, universities, scientists and media examine separately.
In other words, this speech and book not only deepen one's understanding of historiography, theology, religion, linguistics, economics, sociology, anthropology, arts and culture; but this speech and book open up new avenues of research and learning within all of these fields.
When I say universal or unified what do I mean?
According to Merriam Webster's online dictionary “universe” comes from a root Latin word which means “entire.” In utilizing the word “unified,” I am referring to the ability of the speech and book to show the shared principles and relationship between seemingly different fields of study and sciences of life.
One of those sciences which Who Are The Real Children of Israel?' and The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volumes I and II can help anyone—Black, Red, Brown, Yellow, and White—to gain a mastery of is business.
The extraordinary value of the speech and book become clear when one considers this portion of a question and answer exchange between Brother Jabril Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan in the book Closing The Gap: Inner Views of The Heart, Mind & Soul of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan:
Brother Jabril: “Brother Minister, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that there were three scientific fields of knowledge that the slave master did not want the slave to ever learn. What are those areas of knowledge and what has that ignorance produced in us as a people? How does knowledge of music, medicine, and color, help in overcoming that ignorance?
Minister Farrakhan: “The three sciences, as I recall, were: number 1) the science of business, 2) science of warfare, 3) the science of mating.
“In the word business is: b-u-s-i, and the i is interchangeable with y, ‘busy.'
“When a person is busy, they're active. So the science of business is the science of the life activity. The life activity, that is dictated by the nature in which we're created, is that we must utilize what God is giving to us; develop it through knowledge and use that with what God has already put here to become productive; to be producers.
“So the science of business is the knowledge of how to satisfy the natural needs of a human being in the manner that pleases God. Business, which takes, of course, into consideration the acquisition of wealth; the proper use of wealth or the creation of wealth; the making of a product; the sale and distribution of what one makes; the creation of a means of satisfying necessities—food, clothing, shelter, trade, and commerce—all of this is really a science.
“When one does not know it, then we are subjected to the one who does know it. We become their servant, and, at worse, their slave. So if the enemy wanted to keep us as perpetual slaves, this then is a science that we were not to become familiar with because that would free us from the state of dependence that a slave existence determines.
Now, consider all of the above in terms of this portion of Minister Farrakhan's address, “Who Are The Real Children of Israel?;”
“Do we do business like business should be done? Let me hear an answer. In the word business is the word ‘busy,' and when you are busy, you're engaged in some focused activity. Business is the activity of life itself. When you are a living organism you must be engaged in that which preserves and maintains your life. There is no creature that God created that is not busy—feeding, sheltering, procreating, extending itself. If we are a living people, see, inanimate objects don't do this. They don't procreate. They don't go looking for food or shelter. They're inanimate, meaning they're not living. But what about you? Ever since we've been in America we haven't provided food, clothing, shelter, education for ourselves and our people. Am I lying?”
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Bible had been so tampered with that it took God Himself, or one taught by Him to properly interpret its true meaning.
Could it be that one of the keys to properly understanding the Bible, for hundreds of millions of Christians, in particular, is accepting—what both the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan have taught—that the term “dead,” as it appears in the scriptures, has a spiritual meaning, and not just physical, and that one of the ways to measure the spiritual “life” and “death” of a people is studying the manner in which they conduct trade and commerce, with themselves, and others?
The Messiah's work of “raising the dead,” introduces the new science of spiritual economics.
Cedric Muhammad is a business consultant, political strategist, and monetary economist. He is a former GM of Wu-Tang Management and a current member of the African Union's First Congress of African Economists. Cedric also is Founder of the economic information service Africa PreBrief (http://africaprebrief.com/) and author of ‘The Entrepreneurial Secret' (http://theEsecret.com/). He can be contacted via e-mail at: cedric(at)cmcap.com