
The Oracle Nation of Islam Speaks: Journey To Hawaii And Its Significant Link To The Present Moment Of Time

By Mother Tynnetta Muhammad | Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 - 3:23:43 PM

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“Who is he that will offer to Allah a good gift, so He will double it for him, and he will have a generous reward. On that day thou wilt see the faithful men and the faithful women, their light gleaming before them and on their right hand. Good news for you this day!—Gardens wherein rivers flow, to abide therein! That is the grand achievement.” –Holy Qur'an, Surah 57, verses 11-12

My travels to Hawaii began in the latter 1980s via an invitation I received from my sister Karlotta, who had arranged a visit through a friend she met in the U.S.A. named Jewel McDonald. At that time, our sister Jewel was promoting beauty products in her own business established in Honolulu. My sister had prepared to carry the Nation's hair and skin products to distribute in Hawaii. She also wanted me to know that Hawaii was more than grass skirts, hula dancing and tourism. She desired for me to get acquainted with the Indigenous history and culture of its native people and society.

The Indigenous history and culture of Fiji and the Isles of the Pacifi c can be seen in Hawaii.
I remember discussing this invitation that I had received in the Palace with Mother Khadijah and her husband, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, to see what they thought about me traveling to Hawaii. They both instantly agreed that it sounded like a wonderful opportunity for me to go. My sister's enthusiasm had triumphed. She prepared a filming crew from the Oakland Bay area, which included Sis. Nisa Islam and a camera assistant who worked with her on her TV network program. My sister wanted to do a commercial on the Nation's Power Products while in Hawaii, which was accomplished.

Following our first visit, we were invited to return by Sister Jewel and to stage a fashion show and exhibit of our modest wearing apparel to the islanders. She arranged news coverage and an appearance and an interview on a local TV show. Several years later, she invited the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as the keynote speaker on Martin Luther King Jr. day, which turned out to be extremely successful. Then, in the early 1990s, I received another call and invitation to fly into Maui tor the first presentation and introduction of the 13 Moon Calendar concept of Dreamspell extended from Jose' and Lloydine Arguelles; I accepted the invitation.

Within two years from that event, I was invited once again by the Arguelles' to join them in their further study and research of the 13 Moon Calendar, this time on the Big Island where the Kilauea Volcano is located. I was accompanied by my eldest son, Ishmael. It turned out that we were the only persons invited to this island surrounded by the lush countryside, lava pits and spectacular ocean views.

Mother Tynnetta Muhammad in Hawaii.
Before leaving Mexico on my way to Hawaii, I had been given a special book found by a Cuban archeologist somewhere in the Yucatan Peninsula. I was asked by a Mayan Shaman to give this book to Jose' Arguelles, which turned out to be a great key in his continual study of Mayan origins and secrets to be unlocked in the Dreamspell 13 Moon Calendar. It was during that visit in which he asked me many questions about Prophet Muhammad and the Holy Qur'an. He found links from that historical period to his own critical studies of the legendary nobleman and king named Pacal Votan, interred in his burial tomb site at the archeological zone of Palenque. From these progressive studies came his discovery of the Telektonon and the oracle speaking tube found alongside the wall at the entrance of the stairs leading to the tomb of Pacal Votan, discovered by archeologist Alberto Ruz in 1952.

I felt the need to give this brief background information as we continue this series related to my last journey to Hawaii accompanied by my fellow companions. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There is always preparation in the path of learning in our work with our nation and people of the world. At this time I wish to share some of the visionary words and experience of Sister Callie Muhammad from Columbus, Ohio. She begins with a visionary statement, which is followed by the actual experience:


The health conference surfed through my mind before I went. I imagined that I was already there in Maui, Hawaii. In my mind's eye, I saw the great Pacific Ocean. I saw the dolphins, the humpback whales and the large sea turtles. The water was so blue and huge waves would come and wash ashore and back into the ocean. I would look far out and see ships sailing into unknown distances and then I would come back to reality. I had to pack and do all the things to get ready to go on this journey with my five traveling companions. I was so excited. My experience in traveling with Mother Tynnetta and Dr. Darnita had always offered adventure and a learning experience and I knew that this would be no different. So the day that we left to go to Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii (Oahu), I realized that I had already traveled this route and I was amazed at everything that took place. I had done it before just last week and now here we were.

Our travel from Columbus, Ohio to Atlanta, Georgia to Honolulu (Oahu) took ten hours, but we were in a hurry to get there and finally our plane arrived and the great adventure began. We were met and greeted at the airport by Mother Tynnetta's friend, Sister Jewel, the former president of the Afro American Society in Oahu. The next day we attended the Polynesian Cultural Center and we were introduced to all the cultures living on the Hawaiian islands who make up all of the Pacific Islands of Polynesia.

“On the day when the hypocrites, men and women, will say to those who believe: Wait for us, that we may borrow from your light. It will be said: Turn back and seek a light. Then a wall, with a door in it, will be raised between them. Within it shall be mercy, and outside of it chastisement. They will cry out to them: Were we not with you? They will say: Yeah, but you caused yourselves to fall into temptation, and you waited and doubted, and vain desires deceived you, till the threatened punishment of Allah came, and the arch-deceiver deceived you about Allah.” –Holy Qur'an, Surah 57, verses 13-14

To be continued.