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(FinalCall.com) - In a lecture that was sometimes humorous and sometimes personal, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan walked an audience in Barbados through the process of independence on the eve of its celebration of 46 years as a free nation.
“Tonight I want us to think about independence as a process,” said Min. Farrakhan. “Barbados congratulations on 46 years of a great journey but the journey has not ended. Now you must think not just of Barbados, think of the region as a whole.”
Starting with the struggle of the sperm to reach the egg, life is difficult and a challenge but the quest of the sperm to fertilize the egg shows intelligence and purpose, he noted. If humans have purpose in the building blocks of life, there should be purpose as a fully grown human being, said Min. Farrakhan.
Tremendous odds, a hostile environment and uphill struggle were against life in the womb, he noted. God tests humans from the beginning and the struggle of life was never to be easy, the Minister explained. Struggle and overcoming difficulty develops and releases the gifts given by God, he continued.
The embryo grows in a hostile environment, overcomes rejection and comes forth with blood and pain but still connected by the umbilical cord, Min. Farrakhan. Then the child is detached from the umbilical cord but still dependent though outside the womb, he added.
Parents are given as loving dictators who have the duty to care for, love and develop children to stand alone, and as children chafe at the control of parents, it is time to go forward and do for self, Min. Farrakhan said.
“When you shut the door and you walk out on life’s road, don’t look back because your future is in front of you. And your character will guide you if you really believe that you are ready to be independent,” he said.
The legacy of colonial rule
“The British colonized this area of the Caribbean,” the Minister noted. There was no education or church for slaves, but the slave masters made Blacks Christians to be better slaves. The one thing all European slave masters did was to give slaves some form of Christianity, which is not a bad name, but it should not be used to divide people who believe in God, he said.
But, Min. Farrakhan said, the streets of London were paved with sweat from the backs of slaves in the British West Indies.
“You should know Britain owes you more than just sending the Navy tomorrow in your parade,” the Minister said to audience applause. “Britain owes reparations to us, that’s another story but it’s real. It’s just that after the hundreds of years that we worked for them for nothing. We made them rich and powerful.”
“The British, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch, the Portuguese, they infected us with their culture and their hatreds of each other,” said Min. Farrakhan.
“You grow up under British culture so whatever the British had as an enemy is your enemy, so today you can’t get along with your African brother because he speaks Spanish. You can’t get along with your African brother because he speaks French. So you have allowed, we have allowed, the enemy to divide us with their hatreds and their hatreds are in their culture. Their hatreds are in their history, their hatreds are in their educations.”
Even to putting white wigs on judges but whose system of justice and education is represented—and is it independent or subjected to the political and religious education of the cultural norms of the former colonial slave masters? he asked. “So you are independent but still tied, the umbilical cord not yet cut.”
“The life of a slave and colonial subject is covering you that’s why Jesus told the disciples wash and be clean,” he said. That is not just physical washing but doing away with the way of life and mind of the former masters, Min. Farrakhan explained.
The colonial master and slave master always desired to keep Blacks tied, he said.
Rebellion will follow if it is not understood that full pursuit of independence is needed, he said.
“Are you sure you crafted your fate? Are you sure that land beneath your feet is really yours?” he asked the audience. Citing outside investors coming to the islands and buying up land, and the inability of the Caribbean to feed itself, Min. Farrakhan asked can a people be free and independent but not, feed, clothe and shelter themselves?
Africa is in the same condition, Min. Farrakhan said.
When food production is in the hands of outsiders, health is in the hands of someone else, leading to diseases like diabetes, and subsequent amputations, he said. There are fast food outlets but you don’t know what the food is and where it comes from, said Min. Farrakhan.
Death plot against Blacks and the Third World
There is a genocidal scheme afoot to get rid of people, and Blacks are victims of such planning, he warned. Barbados suffers from huge AIDS infection rates among young people, said Min. Farrakhan. Young men and women are using drugs but if nothing is being done to serve them, the society can face upheaval, he said.
The enemy feels Blacks do not deserve to live in paradise and wants to destroy them, and those who remain will be servants and sources of pleasure, warned Min. Farrakhan.
In America, and the bible says, pharaoh sees the children of Israel multiplying and desires to kill all the boy babies and spare the females, he said.
America’s denigrate culture is being fed to the world through gifted Black entertainers, spreading throughout the world. Even carnival is now debauchery, the Minister added.
Henry Kissinger, then U.S. secretary of state, signed a 1974 National Security memorandum and wanted Third World depopulation to be the highest priority of the U.S. government and foreign policy, Min. Farrakhan said. It was adopted in 1975 by President Ford, he added. Blacks are seen as “useless eaters” to be eliminated and Third World minerals are needed for maintenance of U.S. power, he said. But the U.S. military, Agriculture Department, State Dept., Joints Chiefs of State and Agency for International Development were recruited to be part of the policy.
The Caribbean region has resources which is why there is such opposition to a federation of the West Indies and one great nation where young people could be educated in industries and allow for regional manufacturing, instead of exporting raw materials and importing expensive finished products, he said. Haiti once grew rice and could export rice but under President Clinton Haitians were enticed to leave farms for city jobs that never materialized. Now Haiti doesn’t feed herself, and has rice imported from Mr. Clinton’s home state of Arkansas. So powdered milk now and other imports come in that are poison, along with chemicals in food, depleted uranium weapons and other diabolical tools, he added.
There needs to be a United Caribbean, and the region’s resources include gold, oil, diamonds, gypsum, copper, marble, natural gas, limestone, timber, cobalt and other resources in the 14 islands, the Minister said. Then connections could be made with neighboring countries, said Min. Farrakhan.
The Minister said he did not think it was an accident to be in Barbados on the 46th anniversary of independence and felt honored to be in the country, where he was warmly received and by Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and Opposition Leader Owen S. Arthur.
He spoke to business leaders, a conscious community group, youth and students and did numerous radio and television interviews. The Minister also thanked the police commissioner for security. He also attended an Independence Day parade and gathering. He thanked religious leader Archbishop Granville Williams and longtime friend Rev. Michael Haynes, former minister of the 12th Baptist Church in Boston.
The event lasted nearly three hours and included a crowd of 700-plus in attendance.
Dr. Myra Belgrave introduced the Minister as “a wonderful human being of great value and a treasured Pan Africanist with lots of experience and wisdom.” When she was grappling with identity, she didn’t learn about herself in Barbados but learned in the U.S. as she encountered the Minister who helped her begin critical thinking.
Regardless of race Min. Farrakhan will help unlock your intellect, she told the audience.
Respect for Life restaurant owner Miles Muhammad, of N.O.I. Study Group Barbados, and David Muhammad, student minister from Trinidad, hosted the visit as Believers from the U.S. and Hilary Muhammad, student minister from the UK, joined the delegation.
Abdul Akbar Muhammad, international representative of the Nation of Islam, said being in Barbados for the anniversary was a blessing.
“Anyone who will open eyes, the hearts the minds and hearts of Black people the enemies of our rise always talk against them,” said Min. Akbar Muhammad. He explained Min. Farrakhan’s roots in the region with his mother from St. Kitts and his father from Jamaica. Min. Farrakhan has made five trips to the Caribbean in the last year, he said. Min. Farrakhan is devoted to bringing a level of consciousness to the Caribbean, like Marcus Garvey of Jamaica or the Hon. Elijah Muhammad in America, said Min. Akbar Muhammad.
Attorney-at-law David Commissiong of Barbados said the Minister’s visit, must be made as “meaningful as possible” by people coming together and dealing with the issues that face the country. The world is in a critical period and an economic and political system is dying and nations and leaders need to recognize that reality and distance themselves from the apex of those death throes, he said.
Barbados cannot survive as a tourism haven and off shore business niche but needs to be part of a self-propelling regional and national economy and civilization, he said.
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Minister Farrakhan resumes Caribbean tour with stops in Barbados and Grenada (FCN, 11-27-2012)