
What is a good Muslim Politician?

By Rasheed Ali -Guest Columnist- | Last updated: May 27, 2013 - 4:46:46 PM

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Rasheed Ali
Drug abuse; lack of proper education, violence, poverty, crime, and police brutality plague the Black community. The plight of Blacks and those who suffer from injustice has been ignored in City Halls, State Houses, and the United States Congress for years.

Some Politicians that we vote for every Election Day are only seen during their campaigns. In these political arenas, the enemies of the righteous proposes and passes laws and bills that could add more weight to the load we are carrying in our already weakened condition.

Our so-called representatives sit back and do nothing because of fear or bribery. My people, these weak representatives of our people in the government is not what you need! The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says what we need is “A good Muslim Politician” (Message To The Black Man Page 173.) To better understand what a good Muslim Politician is, we must understand what a Muslim is first!  A Muslim’s first primary goal is to submit his or her will to do the will of Allah (God). A Muslim is one who will “strive to be upright in a sinful world.” Muslims must “pray continuously to the One True God, whose proper name is Allah, for guidance.” Through prayer and submission one who has to represent our people can get the guidance from Allah (God).

Politics is a sinful arena and corrupted field, however, a good Muslim will strive to be upright and not be hungry for bribes or filth that is offered in exchange for political advantage. One downfall of many Black Politicians is that they are afraid of the enemy. Fearful people should not be in leadership because fear causes hesitation or inaction when bold thoughtful action is required. This fear of the wicked should be placed into fearing one who all mankind should fear Allah (God). David says in the Bible in Psalms 25:1-3:

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. I trust in you, do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one who hopes in God will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.”

Fear and trust in Allah will bring on success as the Holy Qur’an teaches us in the 23rd chapter titled, The Believers, specifically verses 2-7 which read:

“Who are humble in their prayers, And who shun what is vain, And who act for the sake of purity, And who restrain their sexual passions—Except in the presence of their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for such surely are not blameable, But whoever seeks to go beyond that, such are transgressors—”

This chapter of the Qur’an defines many of the traits that a Muslim must have while being a Politician. A Muslim must be “humble in their prayers” to get the protection and guidance from Allah. A Muslim must “shun what is vain.” Most politicians do not shun what is vain, but uplift what is vain and unrighteous. A Muslim must “act for the sake of purity,” which is the act of doing good deeds. Most of those who call themselves politicians do not commit to doing good deeds. A Muslim “who restrain(s) their sexual passions.” This is very important the main downfall of many of our greatest and our worst politicians are the sexual scandals! There are men who hold office and have a great deal of trouble resisting having sexual relations with women or men other than their wife, or husband. A Muslim man will not have any sexual relations with any woman that is not his wife and will restrain his urges. The sexual traps are what the enemies of the righteous use to destroy those who are perceived a threat.  A Muslim is obligated to cover all parts of the body, which are indecent to expose. Now a days, female politicians will show indecent parts of their bodies to get votes from males. Vote not for those who show more interest in exposing their bodies than building up your downtrodden community.

I do not believe that reliance on the government for things is what we need. There is a lot that we can get in the way of resources that can help our people a great deal. We must do like the White politicians and get our people the equal recognition and justice that they need. Once these good Muslim politicians make themselves known, we must give them our complete backing by our whole Black population. The Black population in the United States spends more money than some entire nations do! That money gets put back into the same hands of those who oppress us. By pooling that money, we will be able to give our good Muslim politicians money to move as free Black Men and Women. I pray that I can become one of these Muslim Politicians to help my people get the resouces and representation they need to help get them out of their condition. I pray also that this article inspires others to walk down the path with me to become great leaders in our communities and our country.

(Brother Rasheed Ali from Muhammad’s Mosque  No. 11 in Boston, Massachusetts is 17-years-old. He can be reached via Twitter @Sheedtalks617)