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Though he had already been a soldier of truth for two decades, the Minister became known to the public in the 1980s when he gained legendary status by confronting and backing down the forces of White supremacy that had arisen to destroy the presidential candidacy of the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Touring in the wake of that episode, the Minister challenged students on American campuses to rethink their true identity and their divine role in the world. He left an indelible impression on Americans—Black and White—but his uncompromising stand for justice brought out the forces of Jewish supremacy intent on maintaining the very profitable racial status quo. Jews have become the richest single group of Americans under the same system that has locked Black America at the bottom of every socio-economic indicator. They sought to blunt The Minister’s message by their incessant and mendacious charge of “anti-Semitism”—a vicious calumny that led to the researching of their history, which culminated in the first volume of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, a book that proves beyond doubt that the very people who were making the charge had been at the very center of the African slave trade.
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For over a decade, The Minister strategically absented himself from the campuses, returning just last year first to Howard University, then to several other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), now speaking to a new generation of young men and women, who grew up hearing the name FARRAKHAN spoken with towering reverence. The fearless warrior who called 2.2 million Black Men to the Washington Mall is now calling on the students to carry the torchlight for their Black Nation.
The latest campus initiative by The Minister is not without controversy. The Minister exhorts our youth to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to revitalize and control our own communities. He talked of strengthening our spiritual moorings, doing for self, buying land, creating jobs, pooling our resources, providing for all our own needs, including the provision of food, clothing, shelter, and pursuing the kind of education needed to build an independent nation. But such right guidance is like kryptonite to those who have grown insanely rich through centuries of uninterrupted exploitation.
Given this history, it becomes abundantly clear why The Minister left the students with strong guidance to read The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2. He said of the book he released in 2010: “The mission will never be fully accomplished until our people have and understand the knowledge contained in that book.” And we know that Minister Farrakhan’s mission has always been the Resurrection of the REAL Children of Israel—Black people.
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But what “secrets” does it possess that led The Minister to say the book is “key” to our rise as a people? How might the truth about Jewish history help us to “come out of her with great substance”? Is it “hate” or “anti-Semitism” or “bigotry,” as his attackers have claimed? Or is it a rightly guided view of a historical trauma that will continue unabated unless and until we fully understand all the hidden causes of our devastating decline?
The Messenger told us, “The coming of God in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (to Whom praise is due forever) is to make manifest this arch deceiver’s work against us and to acquaint us with the nature of the arch deceiver—that deceit is part of his very nature.” What we have at work in America is trickery at the highest level—of the most incredible magnitude—and the secret is that this “tricknology” is being perpetrated by the very people we have always believed to be our “best friends.” It took God Himself to point out Satan as he walked arm in arm with the Righteous when they came to meet their Lord (Job 1:7). So it is today that we find that our closest friends have a lot of explaining to do.
And we ought not feel we are alone in this cruel deception. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote in his book Our Saviour Has Arrived (page 177) that Jesus “was actually believing that he could convert the Jews until he learned the history of the Jews. Then he [Jesus] changed his mind and denounced them as being a race of devils...” (See John 8: 31ff.) In straight words The Messenger said that Jesus of the New Testament was actually operating under a deception about the Jewish people, until he came into the knowledge of their history, at which point he changed his mind and changed his mission.
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Well, The Minister has made a new agreement: fables can no longer be agreed upon or even tolerated by a people fed on propaganda and starved for truth. Thus a new, accurate history of the Jews was required. And when he brought The Secret Relationship to the students on his recent mission, something very interesting occurred. The Jewish organizations that used to stampede to the venues to threaten, denounce, and repudiate Farrakhan have all fallen silent. The Lion is telling his story.
Certainly, The Secret Relationship obliterates the “agreed upon” Black–Jewish “friendship” fable, revealing the monumental role the so-called Jews played in devising and instituting the oppressive systems that destroyed us as a people. But it is also the embodiment of The Messenger’s edict to “Observe the operations of the White man.” It shows us the actual architecture of White supremacy, its systems and methods of control—not the fables of “American rugged individualism, freedom and democracy” that are fed to us daily in their “schools” of indoctrination. The Secret Relationship quite astonishingly spells out EXACTLY how the wealthiest and most powerful people in history used their worldwide family networks to master the earth, its resources, and its people. It illuminates the entire infrastructure of Jewish dominance—from their slave-trading empires in Africa and the Western hemisphere, to their cotton, sugar, and tobacco monopolies, to their mastery of international banking, which was fueled by these slavery-intensive enterprises. It is the premier exposé of the means and methods that made the notorious House of Rothschild ten times the size of its nearest banking rivals. And Black slavery was at the root of all their wealth and political power! And better yet, The Secret Relationship points to how such a system that stretches from the island of Patmos all the way to the Deep Southern cotton fields of Natchez, Mississippi, can be dismantled and replaced with a new edifice based on truth and the glory of God Himself.
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