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The human breeding process that created the White race has now been corroborated by scientists of the University of Copenhagen who show that a major genetic bifurcation occurred at the EXACT time The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it did—6,000 years ago, when they say all blue-eyed humans can point to a single parent. (See The Final Call article titled “Myth Or High Science: Is There Evidence Of Mr. Yakub?”)
The breeding of animals and plants to create hybrid enhancements is a process that had been used in farming and animal husbandry for centuries before Mr. Yakub adapted it to human beings for his calculated objective. And just as a farmer must isolate the animals he is breeding to ensure the purity of his final product, Mr. Yakub also needed isolation in the form of an island laboratory to secure his 600-year human breeding experiment. He chose the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea, about 36 miles from the coast of Turkey, because it was relatively invulnerable to outside interference and genetic contamination.
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By his own written record we can trace the movements of this created man around the globe as he ultimately subdued every nation, race, and people with whom he came in contact. By 1890 a United States senator could portentously report to the President that “the race to which we belong is the most arrogant and rapacious, the most exclusive and indomitable in history. It is the conquering and the unconquerable race, through which alone man has taken possession of the physical and moral world. ... All other races have been its enemies or its victims.”
Overlooked in our view of history is a crucial part of the Caucasian’s methodology of conquest that was adopted directly from the knowledge they gained on Patmos Island. The Messenger said that Yakub lived for 150 years but that “He gave his people guidance in the form of literature” on “What they should do and … how to rule the black nation.” A review of history shows that Yakub’s created man continued to follow Yakub’s methodology and directives long into the future.
We can actually see this in the Caucasian’s repeated use of isolated islands as laboratories to breed or create a people for designated functions in European colonization schemes. In fact, some of the strongest proof of Yakub’s very existence is the fact that his genetic breeding experiments on Patmos have been replicated so often and so successfully. The need to create a lighter-skinned substitute ruler over the earth’s indigenous peoples seems to have been the purpose of these colonial experiments. The resulting man had the physical features and biological immunities to the diseases of the indigenous people, but his mentality and actions would reflect the aims and desires of his European creator. Tracing the Jewish history of expansion out of Europe provides more than a few examples of the island laboratories that echo this Yakubian technique.
In the mid-1400s, Portuguese King Dom Manuel colonized the African coastal islands of Sao Tome and Principe in order “to whiten the race,” as he put it. Two thousand Jews and their children, as well as their orphans, went to those African islands specifically for that “whitening” purpose. They became masters of the sugar trade and developed the slavery-intensive model for the plantation economy that would soon thereafter dominate the Western Hemisphere for the coming centuries. On these two islands alone the Jewish sugar planters imported and enslaved 3,000 Africans.
About that same time Jewish slave merchants from Portugal invaded the Cape Verde islands, about 350 miles off the coast of Senegal. They kidnapped and raped African women, and the mixed-race progeny, called lancados, were sent into the African mainland for the express purpose of trading in Black human beings. White historians hide these malevolent half-breeds under the name “Africans” when they claim that “Africans sold each other.” So brazen were these light-skinned newcomers that they even implanted themselves in the local population as “African chiefs.”
The Jewish thinking on this very issue was revealed by Rabbi Dr. Louis M. Epstein, in his book Sex Laws and Customs in Judaism: “The female slave was a sex tool beneath the level of moral considerations. She was an economic good, useful, in addition to her menial labor, for breeding more slaves. To attain that purpose, the master mated her promiscuously according to his breeding plans. The master himself and his sons and other members of his household took turns with her for the increase of the family wealth ...”
The African experience on the French-stolen Caribbean island of Haiti reflects the Yakubian mindset of the Caucasian. The prominent role of the mixed-race mulattos as agents of French repression was on full display during the Haitian Revolution between 1792 and 1804, when the enslaved Africans rose up to defeat Napoleon. Rabbi Harold Sharfman wrote that the Frenchmen were “whitening” African females for sexual purposes: “French and Spanish plantation owners in Santo Domingo [Haiti], by selective breeding, had produced an exotic type [with] remarkably exquisite facial features, lithe bodies, small hands and feet. These above all were sought as mistresses.”
The pillagers that travelled with Columbus to the islands of the West Indies in 1492 were obviously programmed in the Yakubian point of view. One of them wrote of the first recorded rape in the New World: “While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman [and] I conceived desire to take pleasure … but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that … I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears …”
A shockingly similar story is found in documents from the earliest settlement of an island in the Boston harbor. In the 1630s, a shipper named Samuel Maverick enslaved more than thirty African men, women, and children at his small fortified mansion on Noddles Island (now East Boston). An English traveler recounted that “Mr. Maverick was desirous to have a breed of negroes” but that an African woman would not yield to him. Our Black sister, he reported, “had been a queen in her own country.” A “Maverick Square” near Boston’s major airport is now named for the degenerate.
In South America we find that even when a large land mass is being colonized, the islands are still sought after for Caucasian settlement. A Dutch Jew named David Nassi created a little “Jewish homeland” on a large island in the Surinam River that became known as the “Savannah of the Jews.” Soon these Jews owned vast sugar, coffee, cotton, and lumber plantations using many thousands of enslaved Africans. By 1791, there were reportedly 100 “Jewish mulattoes”—the “whitened” result of the rape of African women by Jewish slave masters.
As we can see, the island breeding method of Yakub can be observed in many societies as Europeans moved to impose their will upon the world. And, just as on Patmos, this birth control plan coincided with a “strict law” and mental training to prepare the mixed-race progeny for rulership over their indigenous victims. This vital acculturation process has been concealed in the history of the African slave trade under the terms “seasoning” and “Christianizing,” though the purpose of this Yakubian process had nothing to do with Jesus or His liberating principles. Again, islands factored strongly in this equation. Africans were warehoused in huge numbers on Barbados and Jamaica to then be distributed to regional markets. “Seasoning camps” were prominent here and it was estimated that only one in four Africans could be broken down and made into reliable slaves.
In West Africa, Dutch “explorers” set up an actual school system for the mixed-race mulattos lasting two centuries! According to scholars, the intention was that graduates would be mentally and biologically better suited to the European system and the African climate and thus would be able to replace White Dutch officials in maintaining White supremacist colonial rule. One such school in Ghana “admitted only boys who it was hoped would become soldiers who would form a mulatto guard for the Danish forts on the coast.” All were trained to rule over the Black world.
What we see is that since that fateful original enterprise on Patmos Island 6,600 years ago, there have been a succession of human breeding experiments on remote island laboratories—clear echoes of Yakub’s original model. His purpose was to breed a human being that would not only rule but could carry out that Yakubian method through the Caucasian’s 6,000-year reign. It took an island of isolation to perfect this unruly and unrulable product, and the clear result is “an exclusive and indomitable” man who has done exactly as The Messenger taught he was created to do—create mischief and cause the shedding of blood. And, just as The Messenger said, his time of rule has now come to an end.
(Tingba Muhammad is a citizen of the Nation of Islam and a member of the NOI Research Group NOIRG.org)