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![]() Is it possible that at the core of your reaction to Minister Farrakhan's ‘independent spirit' is a deep-seated fear that he is exposing errant behavior that members of the Jewish community acknowledge in private but believe no other community (especially Black people) has the right to make reference to in public? |
To: Morton A. Klein, National
President of The Zionist Organization Of America
From: Cedric Muhammad
Date: September 7, 2010
According to your organization's website, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), is “the oldest pro-Israel group in the U.S., founded in 1897.”
Therefore I ask four simple questions:
1.) In 113 years of existence has ZOA ever catalogued anti-Black behavior by members of the American Jewish community or citizens of the State of Israel?
2.) Does the concept of ‘anti-Black Jewish (or Israeli)' behavior exist in your mind or in the worldview of ZOA?
3.) Are the actions of alleged serial killer Elias Abuelazam, an Israeli national, charged with five murders and racially motivated attacks (reportedly all but two of his alleged targets were Black) an example of ‘anti-Black Jewish (or Israeli)' behavior?
4.) Will you and ZOA comment upon the alleged actions of Israeli national Elias Abuelazam? As of September 3, 2010 you had not issued a press release on the matter.
I read your release dated July 6, 2010, “Obama Should Condemn Farrakhan's New Anti-Semitic Letter/Threats To ZOA, AIPAC, ADL & Others” with great interest. I particularly noted this portion:
“ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, ‘Louis Farrakhan's letter is not only vicious anti-Semitic nonsense but deliberately threatening. Basically, he is saying that unless American Jews cooperate with whatever scheme of ‘helping' his movement that he may have in mind, Jews everywhere will be endangered. This is a veiled call for violence against Jews.'”
Your words are inaccurate, unjust and arrogant. No rational individual would mistake or characterize the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's lucid June 24th letter to Mr. Abraham Foxman as you have. How could only the inviting yet firm words of a single Black man, who is unarmed and teaches his followers to not carry weapons, with no prior record of violence against Jewish people cause you to have such a reaction?
Where specifically is the ‘call for violence,' in his words? If you cannot show such a ‘call,' you are guilty of slander, libel and character assassination. And if you are guilty of such and won't correct your mischaracterization, one can reasonably interpret your own words to actually be a ‘call for violence' against Minister Farrakhan.
Why else would you want millions of Jews, and the masses in America and the world to believe something that is not true?
Why is this—lying on Minister Farrakhan—so easy for you to do?
Minister Farrakhan wrote in his letter:
“As you have constantly labeled me and done everything within your power to hinder me and us from the civilizing work that Allah (God) has given to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and myself to do, I ask you to find one act committed by me or those who follow me that has injured one Jewish person, stopped Jews from doing business, hindered their education, injured their families, sullied or desecrated their synagogues. You will not find one.”
Minister Farrakhan continues, “However, should you choose to make our struggle to civilize our people more difficult, then I respectfully warn you, in the Name of Allah (God) and His Messiah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that the more you fight and oppose me rather than help me to lift my people from their degraded state, Allah (God) and His Messiah will bring you and your people to disgrace and ruin and destroy your power and influence here and throughout the world. I pray that you will make the wise and best choice.”
Minister Farrakhan has clearly left consequence in the hands of God.
Allah in the Holy Qur'an—Surah 2 verse 190 - directs Muslims, “And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you but be not aggressive. Surely Allah loves not the aggressors.”
Minister Farrakhan's letter isn't an act of aggression. It is a firm invitation to dialogue and also an act of self-defense after years of the reckless, casual, and erroneous labeling of him as ‘anti-Semitic.'
Your misrepresentation of Minister Farrakhan's motives and words continues a tradition from slavery. See if you don't see your own spirit and attitude toward Minister Farrakhan in this from Frederick Law Olmsted in “The Cotton Kingdom”:
“If a laborer on a plantation should contradict his master, it may often appear to be no more than a reasonableprecaution for his master to kill him on the spot; for, when a slave has acquired such boldness, it may be evident thatnot merely is his value as property seriously diminished, but the attempt to make further use of him at all, as property,[endangers] the whole white community. ‘If I let this man live, and permit him the necessary degree of freedom, to befurther useful to me, he will infect, with his audacity, all my negro property, which will be correspondingly more difficultto control, and correspondingly reduced in value. If he treats me with so little respect now, what have I to anticipatewhen he has found other equally independent spirits among the slaves? They will not alone make themselves free, butwill avenge upon me, and my wife, and my daughters, and upon all our community, the injustice which they will thinkhas been done them, and their women, and children.'…”
Is your reaction to the mere words of a man who has never hurt a single Jewish person and who has effectively guided his followers to do the same for over 30 years an admission that truth is not on your side?
Is it possible that at the core of your reaction to Minister Farrakhan's ‘independent spirit' is a deep-seated fear that he is exposing errant behavior that members of the Jewish community acknowledge in private but believe no other community (especially Black people) has the right to make reference to in public?
Every people, and individual, has a historical record or spiritual book, so to speak, of their actions—both good and bad. And no one is beyond an evaluation of that record or book, and the behavior it documents. In Surah 18 verse 49 the Holy Qur'an describes the mindset of some toward this principle, “And the book is placed, and thou seest the guilty fearing for what is in it, and they say: O woe to us! What a book is this! It leaves out neither a small thing nor a great one, but numbers them (all), and they find what they did confronting them. And thy Lord wrongs not anyone.”
Your evil suggestion that Minister Farrakhan is ‘threatening' Jewish people can be understood by this scripture. Volume 2 of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” and “Jews Selling Blacks” are part of a larger ‘book'—known to the wisest Jewish rabbis, historians, and scholars—that chronicle a horrible record of ‘anti-Black' behavior.
An interesting book cited by Volume 2, touching on this ‘hidden' history is “Image of the Black in Jewish Culture: A History Of The Other “by Abraham Melamed. In it Mr. Melamed writes, “While most biblical references are neutral or positive, in the rabbinic and later texts there is a clear tendency towards negative value judgements about the black and about anyone whose skin is significantly darker than the norm … References to the black in general, and the negative references in particular, continue to increase in the [Babylonian Talmud] and especially in certain collections of Midrashic stories.” Perhaps the most wicked example of spiritual ‘anti-Black Jewish' behavior with lasting consequences, documented by Jewish scholars is the scriptural interpretation by Jewish rabbis that blackness is a ‘curse' resulting from the behavior of Ham, the son of Noah, described in Genesis 9:21-27. Although color is not referenced in those verses, Jewish rabbis wickedly re-interpreted them. Simon Wiesenthal Center scholar Dr. Harold Brackman writes of the Jewish invention of this profoundly racist version, “[T]there is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the episode …”
Mr. Klein does your distortion and slander of Minister Farrakhan come from what Mr. Melamed describes as “a clear tendency towards negative value judgements about the black and about anyone else whose skin is significantly darker than the norm”?
One can only wonder if this disrespectful view of Blacks (including Africans) as sub-humans —found in the Talmud and Midrash is a factor in the actions of the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, in Africa and the well-documented mistreatment of Ethiopian Jews—the Falasha— within the state of Israel.
If you are sincerely looking for threatening behavior and violence you will find it in the kind of alleged behavior of the Israeli national Elias Abuelazam towards Blacks, and not coming from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan toward Jews.
When, Sir, will you send out a press release on the former?
(Cedric Muhammad is Founder of the economic information service Africa PreBrief (http://africaprebrief.com/) and author of “The Entrepreneurial Secret” (http://theEsecret.com/) and he can be contacted via e-mail at: cedric(at)cmcap.com.)
Related news:
A genocidal legacy of human trafficking uncovered (FCN, 08-21-2010)
The Rabbi, The Historian, Minister Farrakhan and Louis Armstrong (FCN, 06-13-2010)
A Response to Rabbi Abraham Cooper (FCN, 08-04-2010)
An Open Letter To Black Leadership by Minister Louis Farrakhan (07-19-2010)
A Speech and Book for The New Spiritual Economics (FCN, 07-19-2010)
Jewish leaders demand Farrakhan denounce "Secret Relationship" book (07-11-2010)
Farrakhan's challenge to the Jewish community goes unanswered (FCN, 07-07-2010)
Farrakhan: Blacks are True Children of Israel (FCN, 06-28-2010)
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Volume 2 Book Review (FCN, 06-28-2010)
Minister Louis Farrakhan's Letter To ADL's Abraham Foxman (06-24-2010)