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![]() (L-R) Master Fard Muhammad, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
In the 1930s, the great teacher of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad started teaching in Black Bottom in Detroit. This mysterious man went door to door offering silks and telling Black people of their brothers and sisters in the East. This man, who we know to be Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi or Self-Guided One, started to teach in bigger venues and a one-time sharecropper from Georgia, whose name was then Elijah Poole came to hear this man. The son of a Baptist preacher recognized quickly that the man he was hearing was the one who was prophesied to come in the Bible. His life was changed.
Elijah Poole was later given the name Elijah Muhammad and accepted a mission to spread the word of his teaching to warn and raise a suffering people, Black people, and to say to the powerful government of the United States that God Himself had come to free America’s once slaves and there was nothing this great world power, modeled after mighty Rome and Babylon in the scripture, could do to stop the redemption of the so-called American Negro.
America had been judged and found wanting but Almighty God, Allah, was so merciful that he sent a warner and a guide to a nation that had engaged in some of the most wicked behavior in the history of the world—snatching a people from their native land, dehumanizing them, making merchandise of them, murdering them.
Before Allah (God) punishes, He warns and in his warning is the chance for salvation provided the one warned will listen and repent. This is divine mercy and divine favor.
And to those who had been on the bottom, Elijah Muhammad shared a great destiny ahead provided that they would shun the ways and the world of their open enemy, submit to Allah (God) and begin to build a reality for themselves. Black people in America are the fulfilment of the biblical prophecy of the children of Abraham who would be afflicted and who would serve a strange people in a strange land for 400 years, he taught. The time for servitude is up and the time has come for the Black man and women of America to go forward in the names of God and in the names of the Original People of the planet, he said. The time had come, he said, for the bottom rail to be raised to the top.
This incredible man and divine servant did a miraculous work inside America despite enemies, hypocrites, government agents and naysayers. He and his followers built an economic empire that remains unrivaled and his record for reforming Black people remains unmatched. Millions have been saved from the prison of ignorance through the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, his ministers and his followers like Muhammad Ali, Min. Malcom X, Imam W.D. Mohammed and the preeminent student in the class, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
After 40 years of work, this devoted man and servant would depart and the Nation would fall. There would be deliberate efforts to write his name, his work, his methodology out of history. Though this man impacted Black America and the world, the enemy would try to destroy his reputation. The enemy would degrade a people and then try to turn that degraded people against the man whose life’s work had been to save them. His words cast light and like a bright sun impacted Black theology, Black liberation and political thought, Black culture, Black diet and health, Black psychology, Black economics and every single sphere of Black activity—as well as the world of the enemy. Elijah’s words contained light, life and power and wherever they went, there was new thought, new growth, new activity, new ideas and even new names.
With the destruction of the Nation, Black suffering would continue unabated. No government entity would come to save us. No foreign power would come to rescue us. No invisible angels would descend from the sky to befriend us. But one man would arise with love in his heart and the scales removed from his eyes to pick up the mantle of his teacher and to offer deep explanation and highly spiritual expressions, teaching the meanings of Elijah’s words and histories. That man was Minister Farrakhan and this year marks 40 years since the departure of his teacher. It marks nearly 40 years of a rebuilding effort that has been miraculous and incredible from changing the lives of Black men and women and children, to supporting Black leaders and organizations in a true spirit of love and unity, to challenging the enemy at every turn and disrupting continued plots and efforts to doom Black people whether through drug trafficking, guns and violence or a poisonous popular culture that depicts Black people as beasts and worthless trash fit only for removal from the planet.
The Minister’s work has been a work of salvation and reconciliation and that has been the work of his followers and the revived Nation of Islam. This Saviours’ Day, however, is not just a time to recount history but a time to be reminded of the mission. Black people still suffer and the masses worldwide groan as if under the weight of some almighty Pharaoh. The world needs saviours and no invisible angels with wings are coming back to do the job. The job must be done by committed, courageous, inspired men and women who mount the wings of faith, knowledge, sacrifice and service to uplift their fallen brothers and sisters and then all of humanity. It’s Saviours’ Day, it is our time. Let us seize the time, serve, go forth and save.