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![]() (L-R) Press conference facilitator A. Akbar Muhammad, Viola Plummer of the December 12th Movement, Fmr. Rep. Cynthia McKinney spoke via telephone
hookup from Tripoli, Libya, Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Photos: Mikal Veale, Timothy 6X
![]() Queen Mother Dr. Delois Blakely and Ramsey Clark at the United Nations Plaza Hotel June 15. Photo: James L. Muhammad
Speaking via telephone hookup from Tripoli, Libya, June 15, former member of Congress Cynthia McKinney made a brief statement and listened to the Minister's press conference, which took place at the Millennium United Nations Plaza Hotel, across the street from the United Nations.
Audio of Cynthia McKinney speaking from Tripoli, Libya
“I've witnessed the NATO terror. I have seen this terror in people's homes, in the mosques, at schools, and even at community parties. No place is safe,” said the former Georgia lawmaker. “I would just like to say that the international media are here, U.S. media are here, but the (account) is nowhere to be found.”
Despite the fact that members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted to cut funding for the war in Libya, because of what Ms. McKinney termed “a 24-hour news blackout in the United States,” Americans did not know this because it was not reported in the press.
“It is correct that the first casualty of war is truth,” said Ms. McKinney. “War is a racket and nowhere is that more evident than right here in Libya.”
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, a committed human rights activist, also spoke words decrying the U.S. war machine and recounted past attempts to assassinate Col. Gadhafi. Current U.S.-sponsored military aggression, attacks on Iraq, which is being “systematically attacked and destroyed,” U.S. military action in Afghanistan and drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen, show America's war mongering appears to have no end, he said.
Ramsey Clark's comments at Press Conference |
“We tried to assassinate the leader of Libyan people in 1986. It was a sneak attack; planes from Lacken Heath Air Force Base in England flying all the way around the Iberian Peninsula, and coming through the Straits of Gibraltar, coming right off the sea, and what do they hit first? They hit the compound that we're seeing every day on television. They hit his office; they hit his tent out in the compound there. They hit his home; they killed a daughter. This time they've killed three grandchildren. Is there no end to it? Is there no decency?” Mr. Clark asked.
Long-time activist Viola Plummer, of the December 12th Movement, has traveled several times to Libya, and views the attack on Libya and Col. Gadhafi as well as sanctions on Zimbabwe and pressure on its leader Robert Mugabe, as part of a wider Western strategy to re-colonize Africa via AFRICOM, which is tied to the military action in Libya.
“It is very clear to us that what's afoot, if we go back to (Zbigniew) Brzezinski's ‘Chess Board,' that Africa, at this point, is the focal point for the Empire's re-colonization. There are two extremely important countries on the continent of Africa at this point. One such is the sovereign country of Libya; and that it is very clear that the bombing, the aggression, the attempt at the murderous assassination of a leader sits well with the government of the United States. We are calling on African people throughout the United States—and I say African people in particular (rise up and protest), because it is Africa … it is Africa which is, at this time, in the crosshairs,” said Ms. Plummer. Her organization is planning a massive August 13 protest against the military assault on Libya in Harlem.
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Libya, Getting it Right: A Revolutionary Pan-African Perspective (FCN, 03-08-2011)
Massive Disinformation War against Libya for US/West Military Intervention? [The 4th Media] (03-01-2011)
An Analysis of Muammar al-Qaddafi's Green Book (FCN, 06-18-2010)
TIME, 1986 - LIBYA: Real and Illusionary Events (TIME, 10-13-1986)
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