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Ministry Of Defense: 10,000 Fearless For Conflict Resolution

By Donna Muhammad | Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 - 9:33:54 AM

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DETROIT—Conflict resolution and the organizing of the “10,000 Fearless” called for by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was the focus of the Feb. 20 Ministry of Defense workshop at the Cobo Convention Center during Saviours’ Day 2016.

The high spirit of the meeting was set by Nation of Islam (NOI) Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan, who called attention to the book Message to the Blackman by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the basis of what it takes to be one of the 10,000 fearless.

“One of the gravest handicaps among the so-called Negroes is that there is no love for self for his nor her own kind. This not having love for self is the root cause of hate (dislike), disunity, disagreement, quarreling, betraying, stool pigeons and fighting and killing one another,” Bro. Mustapha read.

He also thanked Student Southern Regional Minister Sharrieff Muhammad for securing a building for the “10,000 Fearless” in Atlanta, Student Captain Dennis Muhammad of Columbus, Ohio, for establishing the Peacekeepers who patrol streets in communities across the country and Student Minister Willie Muhammad of Muhammad Mosque No. 46 in New Orleans for the establishment of the Conflict Resolution Center (CRC).

Student National M.G.T. and G.C.C. Captain Sandy Muhammad addressed the concerns of many who do not see the value of women in defense. Reading from a Mother’s Day address by Min. Farrakhan, she said: “The woman was always the prize of the conquering nations. She passes on the seed, ways and ideas of the conqueror. Through women, men have conquered an entire nation.”


“We already have a defense system in the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. All we have to do is replicate him,” she said. 

“The defense system is not just in military might, the defense system is in our seven units,” she stated, giving an example as to how a unit such as cooking provides health to the man which enables him to fight. “There is no defense without the Black man and woman together,” she said.

Long time aide to Min. Farrakhan Leonard F. Muhammad spoke on the role civic engagement plays in defense.  He shared personal testimonies about Min. Farrakhan’s character and explained that Master Fard Muhammad brought a strategic plan that would have an effect of resurrection on Blacks in America.

Members of the N.O.I. must take this truth given from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and use it, he said. The N.O.I. must represent Black people where resources are being discussed, he added, indicating the importance of involvement in politics on behalf of Black people.

But Black people must have an enlightened self-interest as it relates to having a vote or the vote will become a tool used against us instead, he said.

Student Min. Willie Muhammad of Muhammad Mosque No. 46 in New Orleans gave a brief history of the birth of the CRC in his city, which has become the national model as directed by Min. Farrakhan.

From its start in 2009 to the establishment of the “beef hotline” in 2011 to the present, Bro. Willie and members of the CRC have successfully resolved 30 conflicts that range from fighting to fatal shootings. His group discovered that most incidents in their city occurred over simple misunderstandings and perceived disrespect.

“One key thing a mediator needs to do is listen, because in listening you will be able to see what the real issue is. This is not a reactive iniative, this is a proactive initiative. Out of all the 30 mediations that we have had, not one of them have had any flare ups,” Bro. Willie said.

Student Captain Dennis Muhammad, who founded the Peacekeepers group, delved into the concept of the word fearless. “When you hear the word fearless the first thing you want to say is ‘that’s me! I’m not afraid to die.’ Any fool can die, it takes a wise man to live,” he said.

Min. Farrakhan is sending the 10,000 out to make peace in our community, but not with a police attitude to a people who already lack love, Bro. Dennis emphasized.


Student Captain David Muhammad of San Diego gave an overview of the city’s Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Program. Not all crises require a physical response, he said.

Bro. David described the process of appropriate responses to crises until the stage of tension reduction occurs, in which the person returns to a rational state and is able to listen.

As the high energy workshop came to a close, Bro. Ansar Muhammad of Venice, Ca., shared how he used the Study Guides by Min. Farrakhan, titled Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development, to make a change in Venice. He polled the audience of how many members of the Nation of Islam present had been former gang members.

As hands went up, he reminded them they must always go back and help others. He shared a desire to bring them to California, which is the heart of where the Bloods and Crips began.

Moderated by Student Minister Hugh Muhammad of San Diego, the attendees were asked to sign up for the 10,000 Fearless at and go back to their respective cities and go to work.