National News

Minister Farrakhan addresses thousands across nation in lecture series

By Nubian L. Muhammad
Assistant Editor | Last updated: Mar 22, 2007 - 7:56:00 PM

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Audience listens intently to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's message March 11. Photo: (l) by Oscar A. Muhammad; (r) by Stephen Muhammad

MOSQUE MARYAM (  - On Sunday, Mar. 11, the Nation of Islam, supporters and friends lovingly welcomed back the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to deliver part two of his “One Nation Under God” address which he commenced on Feb. 25 during Saviours’ Day in Detroit Mich.

The sanctuary of Mosque Maryam in Chicago was standing room only, as overflow guests also packed the downstairs masala (prayer room) and Muhammad University of Islam’s gymnasium next door, to watch the address on screens, while mosques and study groups in 120 cities throughout America, including Canada and London, England, viewed via webcast.

As he entered the stage through the golden gates, Min. Farrakhan was greeted to a thunderous standing ovation, with many audience members crying tears of joy at being able to see their beloved leader, teacher and guide looking as strong as ever, to prepare to deliver what Allah (God) has placed in his mind and heart to share.

As the audience took to their seats while Min. Farrakhan mounted the rostrum, one Brother shouted “Good to see you back!” which the Minster responded, “It’s good to be back!,” and opened his lecture with extreme appreciation to Allah for his being able to stand before us to deliver a mighty word, and for the acts of kindness through the hard work, sacrifice and charity that many gave of themselves during his absence.

“To Minister Ishmael Muhammad, staff, laborers, Executive Council, my ministers from different parts of the country; our guests who came to visit with us today, and to the Brothers and Sisters of the Nation of Islam, I am very, very, very thankful to Allah that He has allowed me to come before you once again. I want to thank all of you for your hard work that made Saviours’ Day such a great success.”

“I want to thank all of the Believers who are watching and friends and well wishers who are watching around the country, for your help of me and my family and the poor of the Nation. Through your charity and your sacrifice, you make it possible for me to be strong. Although I must confess that I’m strong in the Lord, and I don’t need assistance to be strong, but it’s so wonderful when you have people who support you that you’re not beholden to anybody but them. So I thank you for your support,” Min. Farrakhan stated.

On referring to the time of his 6-month absence in which he underwent a 14-hour surgical procedure that he is still in the process of healing from, Min. Farrakhan thanked once more the members of the Nation of Islam’s Executive Council and those who supported them, stating that the Nation must go on even though an individual is incapacitated or dies—that if it were the end of the Nation, then it should never have been in the first place. Min. Farrakhan taught that when Master Fard Muhammad came, whenever He wrote a letter to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, He would always say “Best wishes to you and the whole 17 million,” which did not exclude any of His people, who were all valuable in His sight and to whom this Mission and Cause would benefit.

“The Nation is bigger than any individual. [Master Fard Muhammad’s] concern was with the masses of our people, and the individual only was valuable if that individual could help Him get to His people. So if you all want to be valuable, and you want to be valuable in the sight of God, know that He is concerned with the masses of our people; the suffering of our people.

“Once you get comfortable, so comfortable that you forget where you came from and forget the people who are not blessed as you may be blessed, then God slowly will forget you and me and us. So, we cannot afford to be the bourgeois Nation of Islam. We cannot afford, even in a time like this, to hobnob with the rich and the famous who are enamored by the Minister and you, that you forget the little man in the mud, cause that’s where God got us all from. He took us all out of the mud,” he said.

One notable guest was Chicago 3rd Ward Alderwoman Dorothy Tillman, who is currently in a fight to keep her position from being stolen by what Min. Farrakhan described as “organized forces,” or “organized labor,” that won’t have the best interests of the community at heart. He then stated he would like for us to support Ald. Tillman’s efforts by mobilizing in the community with flyers and knocking on doors to get the community out to vote.

Min. Farrakhan began his subject matter by going into why the 192 nations on earth that have separate systems of government and separate flags are not what Jesus Christ nor Prophet Muhammad desired for the people. Both men desired to see the boundaries which separated human beings abolished, so that there was only one nation under God. He then addressed how those who are being maligned as “illegal aliens”—as if they were from some other planet—could never be considered aliens, for if one dies in any part of the earth, the earth will receive their remains, because the earth belongs to those who become the righteous. God never created the earth for the rebellious and wicked, who the earth will eventually cast off due to the burden they cause.

“So, what is the burden that the earth is carrying? See, God made or created the earth as a home for the righteous. That’s why He created the earth and man to live in harmony with His will. When we rebel against the will of God and the law under which we are created, then we become a burden not only to the earth, but we become a burden to those who have to deal with us in our chicanery, our wickedness, our deceitfulness, our lying tongues, slithering on our bellies as I said Saviours’ Day—like a snake or a serpent.

“It’s a burden on the Black community to see Black Brothers killing Black Brothers, shooting; and killing innocent babies because of our self hatred. That’s a burden, and the earth is tired of the burden and the God Who created the earth is also tired of the burden, so He intends to cast off the burden of the wicked, he stated.”

He then discussed the means and methods that would be required to take place in making one nation under God. A verse from the Holy Qur’an, he said, states that whenever the messenger desires, the devil or Satan will cast respecting the messenger’s desire, and he mentioned that in the time of Moses, the magicians always cast first. Min. Farrakhan said that God always allows the devil to cast first, because it will only serve His purpose in the end.

“That’s why I’m so confident of the victory of the righteous,” he said, smiling. “I don’t care how bad it looks out there. I don’t care how crazy the community looks—we’re headed for victory because our evil has become so great that even the doers of evil are sick of their own evil. So, the devil is casting as we speak.”

One of the methods Satan uses in casting first is by reproducing himself or herself, through the creation of “dumb devils,” whom Satan hides behind and uses to carry out wicked deeds. At this point is where the group of wise persons, known as The Illuminati, was mentioned.

The Illuminati, the Minister explained, is a secret society that was established in the late 18th Century in Europe, which is comprised largely today of the richest people in the world—international bankers who control mainstream media, the work force, educational systems, companies, banks, energy supplies and governments. He also delved into the significance of the year 1913, when the Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and the FBI were formed, as well as Congress’ passing of the Federal Reserve Act which legalized international bankers to print money.

Min. Farrakhan taught that when Master Fard Muhammad was six years old, He saw Himself pushing the super rich families, such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, DuPonts, and Astors, into a lake of fire. There was no need to deal with the little “dumb devil,” for God knew who the real force behind the wickedness was, disguising itself in a business suit.

“In the Bible, in II Thessalonians, it teaches us that that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed Not the spirit of sin,—the man of sin—revealed, uncovered, because he’s hiding, looking like a philanthropist. In a business suit, hiding. He’s got on the clothes of truth,” said Min. Farrakhan.

One of the aims of The Illuminati, he said, is to destroy Christianity, which they are working hard at doing by making evil fair-seeming and attractive. He then instructed the audience to pull out the mustard seed they were given upon entering Mosque Maryam, and to compare its small size to how small we are. He said that by our having just that small amount of faith, when our faith becomes weakened, we would be able to resist Satan’s world and ways.

Towards the close of his address, Min. Farrakhan discussed the extreme weather patterns that affected America the week after his Saviours’ Day address, stating that “God is angry,” and said that there will be more flooding to come in the spring. He also shared that in future lectures, he wanted to talk about foreign and domestic policy, and how prophesies related to what America is doing, and has done, show why she is reaping the consequences now.

Numerous ministers from across the Nation of Islam traveled to Chicago, and among the other dignitaries present to show their support were, Women of the Millions More Movement committee member, Julie Santos, a community activist based in Chicago; Bishop Ki Hoon Kim of the Unification Church under Rev. Sun Myung Moon; Mikhael Ben Yehuda of the Hebrew Israelite Nation; Martin E. Sanchez, Consul General of Venezuela in Chicago; and Jamaican reggae artists Luciano, Mikey General and Anthony Gadd.

“It was a great and moving lecture, hearing Min. Farrakhan speak. He touched on foreign topics and things that really affect us in this time as a people, and the world in general. So, it was really good to be here. Actually, I was supposed to leave this morning to go back home, but my brothers [Luciano and Anthony Gadd] convinced me to stay and said, ‘No, this is a very important message. You have to come.’ I’ve seen the Minister when he was in Jamaica a couple of times, and to hear him was really worth it, 1 million times. The message really made an impact on me, and I just hope I can take it from here and move to a higher level,” stated Mikey General.

Venezuelan Consul General Sanchez said he was very pleased to hear Min. Farrakhan speak on the atrocities in poor countries brought on by those in control of the world’s banking systems.

“I was very pleased to see Min. Farrakhan come back with renewed force. I think his speech reflects the desperation that’s among us to want to see a better world, and I was particularly impressed by his mentioning of how the international institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, are used to going into poor countries—the countries they define as “third world countries”—and impose their will in order to give these countries loans for development projects. This is one of the ways that the international capital and the international bourgeois have tools to oppress the people in the developing world. So, I was very pleased to hear this.”

Min. Farrakhan, to the excitement of all in attendance, announced that he, with the help of Allah, will be returning to Mosque Maryam to deliver a highly anticipated series of lectures continuing the theme, “One Nation Under God.”