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[Editor’s note: With the recent escalation of tensions between the United States and Syria and President Trump sending bombs into the Arab Nation, we wanted to reprint words of warning and guidance from Min. Farrakhan. On April 13, U.S. missiles were launched into Syria, amid serious questions about U.S. military intervention and its aftermath. These critical questions arise again as Russia and members of the international community respond to charges that President Assad used chemical weapons against his people. While the U.S. insists the charges are true, many are unconvinced. The following article is edited from an hour-long message delivered in 2013 by Minister Farrakhan as Part 34 of his 52- week Lecture Series “The Time and What Must Be Done.” The Minister dealt with similar circumstances in Syria at the time, including reports of a chemical weapons attack, and his words remain timely and important today. We encourage readers to listen to this message in its entirety as it is available on DVD, CD and MP3. To order the complete message, visit store.finalcall.com or call 1.866.602.1230, ext. 200.]
In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
We previously shared and recounted America’s misadventures and interventions in the affairs of other nations seeking to murder or overthrow the leaders of those countries, and replace them with leaders who were willing to do America’s bidding. … Based on America’s history of “false flag” operations, great doubt exists as to the truth of whether the Syrian government is in fact responsible for the use of chemical weapons. Or, is America responsible through the use of her proxies (“nations that America uses as an agent; as an authority to act on her behalf”)?
What would Syria have to gain by using chemical weapons to cause America to intervene militarily in her country as she is experiencing this terrible civil war? I think it is America and Europe that are tired of the civil war going on so long without definitive results in the favor of The West and Israel. So it is today as it was with America’s “client state” Iraq and Saddam Hussein in Saddam’s war against Ayatollah (or “Imam”) Khomeini and Iran.
America did not want Iran to be the victor in that war. America said “a victory for Iran” was totally unacceptable, so America turned a blind eye to Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons that America supplied him. Chemical weapons that not only killed soldiers, but innocent people, for the benefit of others. America never raised a cry then about the use of these heinous weapons, because “a victory for Iraq” would be in The West’s favor by destroying Iran.
![]() Bashar al-Assad, 19th President of Syria
According to an article appearing August 29, 2013 on RT.com (Russian TV-Novosti) titled, “Selective ‘obscenity’: U.S. checkered record on chemical weapons,” it reports on the history of America’s record on the use of chemical weapons. In part, it reads: “The U.S. charge against Syria is being driven by Damascus’ alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians. While Washington is quick to intervene on moral grounds, its own checkered past regarding WMDs may put the world’s policeman under the spotlight. … From 1962 to 1971, the U.S. military sprayed an estimated 20 million gallons of defoliants and herbicides over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in a bid to deprive the Vietcong of food and [the natural] cover [of the jungles]. The Vietnamese government estimates that 400,000 people were killed or maimed and 500,000 children born with birth defects as a result of the so-called ‘rainbow herbicides.’ … A similar legacy was left by the deployment of white phosphorous and depleted uranium following the U.S.-[led] 2003 invasion of Iraq.”
In an August 25, 2013 Global Research article by David Swanson, Mr. Swanson interestingly entitles his writing “Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying.” “U.S. prepares for possible retaliatory strike against Syria,” announces a Los Angeles Times headline, even though Syria has not attacked the United States or any of its occupied territories or imperial forces and has no intention to do so,” he wrote. Mr. Swanson then quotes “Chapter 1, Article 2, Principle No. 4” of The Charter of the United Nations (signed on June 26, 1945, enforced on October 24, 1945; the Statute of the International Court of Justice is an integral part of the Charter), which reads: “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”
The UN Charter—like the American Constitution—is gradually being ripped to shreds, so that there is no more “international law and order,” just the law and order of “the powerful against the weak” both in the world, and now in the United States of America.
Mr. Swanson’s article also provides “10 reasons why” America should not attack Syria. Mr. Swanson sums up his “10 points” in this way: “But—guess what?—the evidence suggests strongly that the latest chemical weapons claims are as phony as all the previous ones.”
On June 15, 2013 Global Research News reported on a “deleted January 29, 2013 British Daily Mail Online article” in an article titled, “Deleted Daily Mail Online Article: ‘U.S. Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad’.” What did the British Daily Mail Online article of January 29th say? In part: “Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country. A report released on January 28, 2013 contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence where a scheme [allegedly] ‘approved by Washington’ is outlined explaining that Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons. Barack Obama made it clear to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad (in December 2012) that the U.S. would not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons against its own people.”
The deleted Daily Mail Online article provided a copy of the actual email “From: David Goulding,” “To: Phillip Doughty,” which reads as follows: “Phil: We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington. We’ll have to deliver a CW”—“Chemical Weapon”—“to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record. Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion? Kind regards, David.”—and the Daily Mail Online continued by stating: “The U.S. State Department has not returned a request for comment on the alleged emails to MailOnline today at the time of publication. …”
As I heard this on the news, when the first report came of the use of chemical weapons, it occurred to me that the rebels and The West were losing the war to take Bashar al-Assad out of power and to destroy his regime; so, the introduction of chemical weapons would force President Obama to do what he threatened Assad that he would do if such weapons were used. But there was such an outcry. …
Israel, which is not a “dispassionate observer” of this, is the one that gave intelligence to the United States according to the British Guardian news. Consider the August 28, 2013 Guardian article titled “Israeli intelligence intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack”: “… The bulk of evidence proving the Assad regime’s deployment of chemical weapons—which would provide legal grounds essential to justify any Western military action—has been provided by Israeli military intelligence, the German magazine Focus has reported.” … The first time Israel told America that it was Assad’s regime that was doing this “the evidence” was overwhelming that it was, in fact, a lie. …
![]() Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
This was not a “civil war” in which the people inside Syria were rising against their government, alone—no. They were rising, but they were rising against their government with great help from the outside. So now we learn that fighters from all over the Middle East are now in Syria, armed by America through her proxies in Qatar and the United Emirates, and other states.
According to the June 18, 2013 article, “The U.S. wants Syrian Oil, Not Democracy” by Carl Gibson on Readers Supported News, we gleaned from his article that:
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So it is more than Assad being a “cruel leader” and a “dictator” that caused America to want him out. In my broadcast on “The Lie and The Liar,” Parts 25 and 26 of “The Time and What Must Be Done”: These lies and half-truths spread by the Zionist-controlled media are purposely spread to infect the minds of the people, and the peoples of the world; that we should think along the lines of The Mischief-Makers and The Blood-Shedders in furtherance of their wicked objectives.
The government of America, and its leadership, are taking America and the world on a very dangerous course. And I would not be a good student of my Teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad—as a Warner from Allah (God)—if I did not raise my voice in harmony with his to warn … this administration, as well as the Congress of the United States, of the danger of the course that America is embarking on.
America doesn’t care about “democracy” if that democracy brings into power people that she does not want, that will not be amenable to her foreign-policy objectives and her national interest. As a result of such planning, based on war mongering, the CIA (“Central Intelligence Agency”), the NSA (“National Security Agency”) and the government of the United States of America would engage, covertly, in creating and exploiting differences that naturally exist in all nations, and put money behind these differences that would one day explode into possible civil war, fratricidal conflict, death and destruction—based on the lies of the mischief making of this Mischief Maker and Universal Blood Shedder. Every time there has been a so-called democratic election in the Muslim world, that brought so-called Islamists into political power, America worked to destroy that democratically-elected government, which shows that America is not interested in a democratically-elected government that produces a government that she is not in control of, and cannot have free access to the natural resources of that nation. …
What did Syrian President Bashar al-Assad do to you? Nothing. What did he do? He was a friend to Russia, but not necessarily yours. He would be with you, America, if you would respect the sovereignty of his country. So you wanted President Assad gone; evidently, he’s been a thorn in your side. …
Israel is your companion in wickedness, America. So you both are headed downward into the bottomless pit of hell.
America, you expected President Assad to be gone, but he’s still there. You said he should step down, but he didn’t step down; and the rebellion became a “civil war” from an uprising. And you influenced Qatar, you influenced Saudi Arabia, you influenced the United Arab Emirates—you influenced others to send fighters into Syria to get him out of power. But evidently they all are failing.
That’s a “Syrian problem” that should have been handled by the Syrian people. But you intervened, America: The Mischief-Maker. The Blood-Shedder. The Liar.
So now, America, you back your proxies with weapons that you sold to the Middle Eastern countries. Is it in Syria’s interest to push America into war with Syria? I don’t think so. …
Oh, you warmongers … Let me hasten to tell you that you’re getting yourself into a War that you would wish that you had never gotten into. You that love war: You will be forced to eat from the plate that you have delighted in serving to others. Here we are again—just as in Iraq, just as in Afghanistan, just as in Libya, The Liars and Their Lies are now spreading to justify what America’s policy has already been developed to do to Assad and Syria. So you want to “tip the balance” by using the very weapon that you say Assad is using, you inspire others to use it to justify pulling America into war. Did you think that you would do this and Russia would be quiet? She’s already warned that if you do this, there would be catastrophic results if you bomb Syria. But, you are blinded; you think you are more powerful than you are.
So if you, Mr. President, allow these Liars, Deceivers and Warmongers, who lied to get America into war in Iraq, to lie to you again to get involved in Syria: When this explodes beyond anything that you have imagined, who will you blame for that? …
This is what The West, throughout history, has done: You draw up borders throughout the Aboriginal world, and brothers end up fighting brothers over the question of “Who owns the land?” The same is being done in Syria; the same is in Iraq. But the very division that you are inspiring for others is “coming home to roost” right here in America.
What about Iran, and the exposed plots of Israel killing Iranian scientists? According to the Pentagon memorandum revealed by General Clark: You clearly have Iran in your sights, as you continue to charge Iran with developing nuclear weapons, despite the findings of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) to the contrary. And just as you continue to lie about me, claiming that I am a “hater” and an “anti-Semite,” to turn the ear of the people of America and the world from hearing The Truth of your wickedness, as you tumble the entire Earth into the most devastating War in the history of the world. What contrivance will you bring to the people about me?
I am a Warner to you! … Please, don’t let them misguide you with their false information that they feed you to make you a pawn of their wicked ideas for domination of that part of the world.
“Syria”: America is divided over this. The military leaders are divided over this. And the U.S. Congress is divided over how this situation should be handled. America, you are in trouble, and you can’t see it because your heart is being hardened and your eyes are being blinded by the wicked desire that is already in your heart. This is definitely your desire (to overthrow Assad with U.S. military might); but your desire is your own undoing. If you will not heed what we are saying to you from Allah, then I guarantee to you: Your destruction is now entered across the threshold of the door of America.
The United States government: You cannot say that you “love” the American people; you cannot stand up and say to the American people, who love this country, and the patriotic members of the Armed Forces of America that would give their lives to defend democracy and freedom—you cannot stand up and say that this war that you are entering into is for “democracy,” when you’ve destroyed democracy whenever an election elected somebody that would be against your errant foreign policy objectives and your national interest. You can’t say you “love” the Armed Forces—the soldiers and sailors of America. Go and look at them with their limbs blown off. Look at the deformed babies from being irradiated from the weapons of war that you have dropped in areas where you have our soldiers trying to serve. Go and look at your soldiers who are coming home to you and cannot fit back into American society; committing suicide at an alarming rate; their wives and their children not being able to recognize them anymore from the horror of their wars.
The scriptures have already recorded that “in the hearts of the leaders is a disease”; and Allah increased the disease “because they lie.” And, “He leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wondering on.” (In the Holy Qur’an, Surah 6 Al-An’am (“The Cattle”), verse 110: “And We turn their hearts and their sights, even as they did not believe in it the first time; and We leave them in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on”; and Surah 7 Al-A’raf (“The Elevated Places”), verse 186: “Whomsoever Allah leaves in error, there is no guide for him. And He leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on.”)
I live in this country. This is my country; and as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to his followers: “Wherever he,” meaning myself, “tells you to go, go. And wherever he tells you to stay from, stay from.” That’s not just advice for his followers; that’s advice for you, Mr. President: I am asking you to stay away from that war that you are treading heavily into. But, I believe, you are already determined to do it. So the consequence of your rejection is blindness; and, you are wandering on, failing to come under The Orders of Allah’s Divine Guidance and Instruction.