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![]() 'The pig is a mass of worms. ... These worms even enter your brain, lungs or your spinal fluid. They cause muscular aches, fever and many other symptoms of sickness.' |
The pig is a mass of worms. Each mouthful you eat is not a nutritious food but a mass of small worms the naked eye cannot detect. Worms thrive in the hog. When these worms are digested into your system, they cause a high birth rate to hundreds of new worms called larvae which travels the blood stream of your system and lodge in your muscles. These worms even enter your brain, lungs or your spinal fluid. They cause muscular aches, fever and many other symptoms of sickness. The worm has an amazing ability to go undetected in your system for many years.
The scientific name for the ill-causing worm found in all pork is Trichinella spiralis which causes trichinosis.
Despite what veterinarians, public health officials, the Agricultural Department or your doctor say, the best defense against the pig is DO NOT EAT IT! When you do eat it, you do not hurt God, His Messenger, the Muslim or anyone else. You hurt yourself. Thorough and slow cooking of pork does not remove the danger of the worms found in all pork. Additional cooking of pork purchased in the summer or processed pork products does not make the worm-infested pork safe for eating.
Inspection and governmental seals on pork do not remove the danger of the worms yet in the pork to make it safe for you to eat.
Some say never taste raw sausage or any raw pork. It is best not to eat pork, raw, processed, cooked, smoked, cured or seasoned.
You are what you eat, so why not eat the best and be the best. Do not allow this rotten, diseased meat to be sold in your neighborhoods or brought into your homes.
Pork is often referred to as “cured.” The word “cured” is the past tense of the verb “cure.” If a meat has to be cured before we eat it, we should not even take the chance to eat it.
In the Bible and the Holy Qur'an, it is the Divine will of God that the pig should not be eaten and God has never changed this instruction, despite the White man's setting up governmental bureaus to grade and approve the selling of pork.
The so-called Negroes should ban this meat from their communities and all those who sell and eat it!
(Excerpt from “How to Eat to Live,” Book Two 1972.)