Business & Money

Corruption and a Return to Gold and Silver

By Cedric Muhammad -Guest Columnist- | Last updated: Apr 21, 2011 - 6:29:35 PM

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( - Over the past few years, 10 states have introduced legislation calling for the use of gold and silver coins in commerce. These efforts in one way or another are reactions to the corrupt policies of the Federal Reserve which have devalued the U.S. dollar and dramatically increased the American debt, now approaching 15 trillion dollars.

While money is foremost a medium of exchange, it also serves as information, a messenger, or indicator—revealing the quality of relationships.

When the value of a nation's currency has no clear definition, an economy has no standard for activity or financial instrument to signal mistakes and errors. In Gold: The Once and Future Money, Nathan Lewis writes, “Because money is information, and the messages sent by the monetary economy dictate in hard, clear terms the actions of billions of people, naturally humans have taken great pains to develop means to keep this information as pure and uncorrupted as possible. If an engineer orders a mechanical shaft of ‘500 millimeters,' and the machine shop produces one of 500 millimeters, but due to fluctuation in the meaning of millimeter it is 10 percent shorter than the engineer desired, both the engineer and the machine shop have become unable to cooperate productively. The information contained in the phrase ‘500 millimeters' has become corrupted, meaning different things at different times.”

Allah (God), says, in the Holy Qur'an Surah 30:41,‘Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of that which men's hands have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return.”


'One of the persons responsible for taking America off of the gold standard (which happened in stages) was French President Georges Pompidou, the former Director General of the Rothschild Bank in Paris. It was he, and not President Richard Nixon who negotiated a key devaluation of the dollar relative to gold with Henry Kissinger in December of 1971.'
If we ask, ‘return to what?' in the right spirit, love the research process, search the scriptures, and consult the most accurate of historical records we'll receive a good answer. In his footnote to this verse, Maulana Muhammad Ali quotes this portion of Emotion as the Basis of Civilization, “In the fifth and sixth centuries the civilized world stood on the verge of chaos. The old emotional cultures that had made civilization possible, since they had given men a sense of unity and of reverence for their rulers, had broken down, and nothing had been adequate to take their place…”

In this context Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was raised, returning a significant portion of the world to righteous principles.

This year chaos, disunity, and irreverence toward leadership - dissatisfaction – have increased and people are calling out for change.

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Rep. Glen Bradley wants North Carolina to issue its own legal tender backed by silver and gold. Delegate Bob Marshall wants Virginia to begin minting its own gold and silver coins as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. And the Utah state legislature has passed a bill setting the stage for gold and silver to be used as legal tender.

These actions can best be understood by these words from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, “…when the world went off the gold and silver standard, the financial doom of England and America was sealed.”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad – beginning in the 1930s - described a series of events which began over 6,600 years ago that represent the root of the corruption of this world. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in a particular way, in the 1990s, began to uniquely explain the role that international banking played in the economic aspects of that corruption, which reached an apex with the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913-1914.

One of the persons responsible for taking America off of the gold standard (which happened in stages) was French President Georges Pompidou, the former Director General of the Rothschild Bank in Paris. It was he, and not President Richard Nixon who negotiated a key devaluation of the dollar relative to gold with Henry Kissinger in December of 1971. While they negotiated, President Nixon listened to a football game on the radio.

The greatest economic undertaking in the history of this world is the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

The base of the wealth of the international banking community is cotton and the dry goods business. This is a fact that many run from because of the explosive truth to which it points. John Moody, the respected financial analyst who founded the bond rating service Moody's, wrote in 1919, “The great financial houses of Wall Street, which are today most closely identified with the organization and control of the great corporate enterprises of the country, nearly all started as firms engaged in the dry-goods or clothing business. Not only the Morgans, but the Brown Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, the Seligmans, and other old private banking houses of New York, began in this way…Even Nathan Rothschild, the most famous financier of the early nineteenth century, had made his start by financing the materials and products of the early English cotton mills. So also in America, the capital of the day tended to gather in the hands of great merchants whose stock in trade was very largely cloth or manufactures from cloth.”

The most meticulously documented book series on the connection between cotton, dry goods and the international banks responsible for establishing the Federal Reserve Bank are Volume I and II of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

What would happen if the original stock certificate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York were ever revealed in public?

(Cedric Muhammad is a monetary economist, political strategist and brand manager. He is the author of ‘The Entrepreneurial Secret' book series [] and CEO of the Africa PreBrief economic information service []. Cedric does not provide investment advice but has a referral relationship with SDL Numismatic Properties Inc. - a specialist in rare coin investments. To enjoy a discount, please visit: or call 1-800-878-2646 and utilize code ‘cmcap')