The Criterion, Part II
by The Honorable Minister Louis FarrakhanMy teacher asked me what is meant by “the abomination that brings desolation?” I said, “I don’t know.” He said, “it’s hatred. When people who hate will stand in the... »
The Criterion
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Jul 7, 2020 - 11:18:33 AMThis has never been a country of the people, by the people or for the people. This is a country that never was made with a woman in mind. Therefore, they had to suffer years before they could even earn the right to vote. This country was not made for the slave because they only fashioned us as three-fifths of a human being. This country was not made for poor people. »
The Lawful Captive Shall Be Delivered
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Jun 30, 2020 - 8:51:39 AMWhat is "Sedition"? It is "actions or words intended to incite rebellion against government authority." I can't tell Black people to fight a war that is Israel's war! What kind of leader will you be, or should I be, to allow these babies—Black, White and Brown—to fight Israel's war because Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America, and her banking system? »
Can Black and White Live Together in Peace?
by HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | Jun 23, 2020 - 12:16:30 AMThe Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that one of the things that must be done, in this time, is that we must be separated from our former slave masters and their children—because time will prove that they will become more and more disagreeable to live with in peace. »
Is America headed for civil war?
by Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Jun 16, 2020 - 10:01:03 AMAs we read this article, many wars are raging in different parts of the world, causing widespread death and destruction. These wars have caused, and are causing, nations to be divided, North and South and East and West, tribe against tribe, one ethnic, racial or religious group against the other. These lines of division that have bred hatred between those of similar ethnic and racial origin are being fed by wicked external forces.. »
The Immeasurable, Limitless Value and Beauty of a Woman
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | May 25, 2020 - 12:47:16 PMWhy the subject, "The Limitless, Immeasurable Value and Beauty of a Woman"? Some women may look in the mirror, and think, "Oh, I am not so pretty." They may not be considered physically attractive, but physical attractiveness is not beauty. »
Separation Or Death
by HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | May 19, 2020 - 5:14:30 AMMany people do not wish to say that the human is divine, but we call The Creation divine. The sun is divine, the moon is divine, the stars are divine, the trees, the seas, the oceans, the mountains, the rivers. ... They are divine because they come from The Originator of Divine. So if we can ascribe divinity to the things that He created, and the greatest of God’s creation is the human being, then why should we not understand that in the human being is the spark of divine that has been put out in the last 6,000 years of the rule of other than divine? »
Who Is The Natural Enemy of the ORIGINAL MAN?
by THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | May 12, 2020 - 2:49:49 AMWhen you live your life only for yourself, then you are already dead; you’re just waiting for time to return you to the Earth. But when you live your life to serve others, to make life better for others, to improve the condition of the world that we came into, that when we leave it, we leave it in a better state—and those are the people whose names live. »
The Good Samaritan: A Study of Cuba
by THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | May 4, 2020 - 10:16:16 PMWe were greatly pained to learn that the government of Cuba offered 1,100 doctors, without a political cause, to aid the suffering of our people in that area of the country. They offered this three times before Katrina struck and, unfortunately, three times the offer of the Cuban government was rejected. Cuba, 90 miles from America, has had to live under a blockade under the threat of invasion and terrorist activities from the anti-Cuban forces headquartered in Miami. »
Blessed Ramadan
by THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | Apr 28, 2020 - 5:44:14 AMDuring this month of Ramadan, each day we are to read one-thirtieth (1/30) of the Qur’an so that by the end of Ramadan, we shall have completed the reading of the whole of the Holy Qur’an. This is a very special month of prayer and fasting and sacrifice that is prescribed by Allah to give us the discipline necessary by forsaking the things that are natural. »
The Blessed, Noble Holy Month of Ramadan: ‘Guidance to the Muslim World’
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Apr 21, 2020 - 1:09:16 AMMay Allah guide us in this blessed month to understand that we are in the time of judgment: a time of judgment that whatever a man or woman sows, we shall reap it in this time—none will escape the Law of Requital. »
Statement On The Passing of Abdul Hafeez Muhammad
by THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | Apr 15, 2020 - 10:58:04 AMI mourn with all who knew and loved him and I write to you as one of the mourners who seek the peace and contentment of mind that only Allah (God) can give when we surrender; that the life, the work, and the death of our brother is the Will of God. »
Ancient Babylon: A Sign Of America
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Mar 31, 2020 - 1:57:23 AMThe word “term” is defined as a “fixed, or limited period for which something lasts, or is intended to last.” To quote from the Holy Qur’an, in Chapter 7, verse 34: “And every nation has a term; so when its term comes, they cannot remain behind the least while, nor can they precede (it).” »
The Judgement of Allah (God) has entered America
by THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | Mar 24, 2020 - 12:29:15 AMAllah (God) is so caring that He delays His own Judgement until the people of His choice understand His Judgement. In the Book of Genesis, God visits Abraham and tells him that He is going to destroy the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, except Lot and his family. Abraham asked God, “Would you destroy the righteous along with the wicked?” Abraham’s question reflects that he was not completely in agreement with God’s decision against Sodom and Gomorrah. God did not want to chastise Abraham, His friend, for not believing in the farseeing knowledge of God—that when He pronounces a judgement, that is it. God wanted Abraham to agree with Him. »
The Beginning of Sorrows
by THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN | Mar 17, 2020 - 1:05:45 AMWe are living at a time that was described by Jesus in these words: “If those days were not shortened for his elect sake, no flesh would be saved.” We know that we have now entered that period when we witnessed a tsunami killing over 200,000 people in Asia; an earthquake in Pakistan; storms raging throughout America, fire on one side, water on the other, snow, cold, ice in between; and the President of the United States unraveling in front of our eyes. »