Unmasking Mr. Dershowitz
Mr. Dershowitz, in writing and publishing several false claims in your article of July 8th, one of which is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan “threatened” you during his worldwide address on July 4th, proves that his words are true.
“You’re such a skillful deceiver; you are Satan masquerading as a lawyer. Satan, walking in full sight, deceiving whoever they can deceive. That’s Satan.”
As Jesus told a party of the Jews in the Bible. “You are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44 KJV).
There was no threat to inflict physical harm upon you. In fact, his words on July 4th were directed at you, because you were the one advancing a threat, which was publicly advocating that the government could forcibly vaccinate citizens against their will. It is deceitful, how you sanitized your words in the article, that you were “urging people to take COVID-19 vaccine if a safe and effective one were developed.” Here is the main thrust of your words as published in your May 19 statement:
The Criterion, Part II
By The Honorable Minister Louis FarrakhanMy teacher asked me what is meant by “the abomination that brings desolation?” I said, “I don’t know.” He said, “it’s hatred. When people who hate will stand in the place where love should be exercised, that’s when the house of God will become desolate.” To my Christian family, you talk about Christ and he’s the right man to talk about. I talk about him, too, but I represent him. » CONTINUE
The Lawful Captive Shall Be Delivered
By The Honorable Minister Louis FarrakhanWhat is "Sedition"? It is "actions or words intended to incite rebellion against government authority." I can't tell Black people to fight a war that is Israel's war! What kind of leader will you be, or should I be, to allow these babies—Black, White and Brown—to fight Israel's war because Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America, and her banking system? » CONTINUE
Can Black and White Live Together in Peace?
By HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHANThe Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that one of the things that must be done, in this time, is that we must be separated from our former slave masters and their children—because time will prove that they will become more and more disagreeable to live with in peace. » CONTINUE
Is America headed for civil war?
By Honorable Minister Louis FarrakhanAs we read this article, many wars are raging in different parts of the world, causing widespread death and destruction. These wars have caused, and are causing, nations to be divided, North and South and East and West, tribe against tribe, one ethnic, racial or religious group against the other. These lines of division that have bred hatred between those of similar ethnic and racial origin are being fed by wicked external forces.. » CONTINUE
The Immeasurable, Limitless Value and Beauty of a Woman
By The Honorable Minister Louis FarrakhanWhy the subject, "The Limitless, Immeasurable Value and Beauty of a Woman"? Some women may look in the mirror, and think, "Oh, I am not so pretty." They may not be considered physically attractive, but physical attractiveness is not beauty. » CONTINUE
Separation Or Death
By HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHANMany people do not wish to say that the human is divine, but we call The Creation divine. The sun is divine, the moon is divine, the stars are divine, the trees, the seas, the oceans, the mountains, the rivers. ... They are divine because they come from The Originator of Divine. So if we can ascribe divinity to the things that He created, and the greatest of God’s creation is the human being, then why should we not understand that in the human being is the spark of divine that has been put out in the last 6,000 years of the rule of other than divine? » CONTINUE
Who Is The Natural Enemy of the ORIGINAL MAN?
By THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHANWhen you live your life only for yourself, then you are already dead; you’re just waiting for time to return you to the Earth. But when you live your life to serve others, to make life better for others, to improve the condition of the world that we came into, that when we leave it, we leave it in a better state—and those are the people whose names live. » CONTINUE
The Good Samaritan: A Study of Cuba
By THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHANWe were greatly pained to learn that the government of Cuba offered 1,100 doctors, without a political cause, to aid the suffering of our people in that area of the country. They offered this three times before Katrina struck and, unfortunately, three times the offer of the Cuban government was rejected. Cuba, 90 miles from America, has had to live under a blockade under the threat of invasion and terrorist activities from the anti-Cuban forces headquartered in Miami. » CONTINUE
Blessed Ramadan
By THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHANDuring this month of Ramadan, each day we are to read one-thirtieth (1/30) of the Qur’an so that by the end of Ramadan, we shall have completed the reading of the whole of the Holy Qur’an. This is a very special month of prayer and fasting and sacrifice that is prescribed by Allah to give us the discipline necessary by forsaking the things that are natural. » CONTINUE
The Blessed, Noble Holy Month of Ramadan: ‘Guidance to the Muslim World’
By The Honorable Minister Louis FarrakhanMay Allah guide us in this blessed month to understand that we are in the time of judgment: a time of judgment that whatever a man or woman sows, we shall reap it in this time—none will escape the Law of Requital. » CONTINUE
About Harriett ... and the Negro Hollywood Road Show
By Rabiah Muhammad, Guest Columnist » Full Story -
Skepticism greets Jay-Z, NFL talk of inspiring change
By Bryan 18X Crawford and Richard B. Muhammad The Final Call Newspaper @TheFinalCall » Full Story -
The painful problem of Black girls and suicide
By Charlene Muhammad -National Correspondent- » Full Story -
Exploitation of Innocence - Report: Perceptions, policies hurting Black girls
By Charlene Muhammad -National Correspondent- » Full Story -
Big Ballin: Big ideas fuel a father’s Big Baller Brand and brash business sense
By Bryan Crawford -Contributing Writer- » Full Story