A letter of warning and counsel to President Bush
On December 1, 2001, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan sent a letter to President George W. Bush relative to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks and the American government's declared War on Terrorism.  Though the correspondence was meant as a private matter, Jude Wanniski, a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and friend of the Minister, who tried using his contacts to get the Minister's letter directly into the hands of President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell, released it publicly, without the Minister's consent.  Mr. Wanniski was concerned, however that there was no response after 10 weeks that the letter had been sent.

Can justice be served in Atlanta?
Lawyers say anti-Muslim climate makes fair trial for Al-Amin impossible

ATLANTA�Issues of fairness and justice remain the core concern for family, supporters and activists in the case of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, the former Black Panther once known as H. Rap Brown. Now in its second week, Mr. Al-Amin is on trial for the murder of Fulton County Sheriff Deputy Rickey Kinchen and the wounding of his partner, Sheriff Deputy Aldranon English, in a gunfight that occurred in the West End section of Atlanta nearly two years ago.

Anger builds over European pressure on Mugabe
NEW YORK (GIN)�Growing pressure by European nations demanding to send observers to oversee Zimbabwe�s general elections scheduled for this month is creating resentment among some African leaders.  "I am not happy to see observers from outside," Amara Essy, leader of the Organization of African Unity/African Union said in a recent interview with journalists. "They do not ask or invite us to go to the (United States) or Europe to monitor elections there, or to check whether their elections were free and fair." more

See Also:  Why Shouldn�t The African Union and NAACP Lead Election Observers In Zimbabwe?

Report: U.S. Breaks Up Major Israeli Spy Ring;
Speculation: Mossad Was Aware of Sept. 11 Preparations
Authorities in the United States have broken up a network of Israeli spies living in the US who were burrowing into the justice and defense departments, a French website specializing in intelligence matters reported Monday.  The site, Intelligence Online, said it had exclusive access to a US justice department report that showed "a huge Israeli spy ring operating in the United States was rolled up by the Justice Department's counter-espionage service" last year, AFP cited the site. more

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World Web News

Lockerbie appeal verdict date set -BBC News

US troops die in battle for al-Qa'ida base
 Independent News (UK)

Sharon Says PA Should Receive ''Heavy Blow'' As Arafat Compound Bombed -Al Bawaba

African Leaders Attack Blair Over Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe-The Herald

Mandela steps up fight against AIDS-FinalCall.com

Enron's greed versus workers' needs
What began as a Texas-based energy trading company has become an international corporate calamity. The rise and fall of Enron, the multinational energy corporation, represents the worst in corporate manipulation and deception. As the air in Enron�s balloon is let out by the way of bankruptcy proceedings, the lonesome losers are the former Enron workers. more


Al-Amin trial a test for justice system

The destruction of America's education
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Wolfowitz And The Axis of Evil
by Jude Wanniski

My nephew was murdered
by Richard Muhammad

No Tears for Dr Savimbi!
by Muniini K. Mulera

The practice, attitude, spirit of prayer
by Jabril Muhammad

The example of Minister Farrakhan
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Critical Elements Of The Enron Collapse
by James G. White

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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