The Final Call Online Edition



WEB POSTED 02-24-2002




Can America be beautiful?
Farrakhan offers Pres. Bush, Blacks and humanity road map for World Peace

by Eric Ture Muhammad
Staff Writer

LOS ANGELES (�America�s "insatiable appetite" for oil is pulling the country into ruin, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan told more than 14,000 people at the Great Western Forum during his Feb. 17 World Saviours� Day 2002 address. And the prosecution of President George W. Bush�s "so-called war on terrorism" is only a ruse to allow repressive regimes to exist under the guise of fighting terrorism.

Saviours' Day 2002
Special Coverage

 (Windows Media)
Saviours' Day 2002 Slide Show

Minister Farrakhan Speaks:
Healing the Wounds to
Bring About a Universal Family
Beethoven violin concert opening
Mohammed, Farrakhan unity
Hip Hop summit convenes
Rappers urged to be voices for peace
Believers recall Farrakhan's
commitment to rebuild the Nation
Saviours' Day: A spirited, family affair

"Healing the Wounds to Bring About a Universal Family" was the theme of the Nation of Islam gathering, celebrating the 125th birthday of Master Fard Muhammad, founder of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in the West and teacher of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It also represented the first time that the celebration was held outside the Chicagoland area. Saviours� Day 1983 was held in Gary, Ind., a short drive from Chicago.

"The whole human family is wounded," said Min. Farrakhan, opening his two-hour message. But "none of the wounds that we suffer from are without the possibility to heal."

Faith, Min. Farrakhan said, is the vehicle upon which Allah (God) rides to heal the afflictions of humanity.

The Muslim leader not only explained America�s challenge to lead the world to peace and healing, but he also warned that her unmatched power is a trial for the nation because she stands in the place of God.

"Not since (the biblical) Adam has one man or nation held sway over the whole earth," Min. Farrakhan said, referring to America and its president, George W. Bush. "Today, America holds sway as the only remaining superpower."

Power, however, can act as a heavy wine, he said, and it has made the Bush administration like drunkards, forgetting the presence and true power of God.

"When you become so immersed in Him (God) then He gives you more power," Min. Farrakhan said, "but in drunkenness, he (Mr. Bush) can forget. Pharaoh forgot, and you see where he ended up.

"In good conscience, fearing only Allah, I cannot allow (the government) to use the American soldiers�Black, Brown and poor White�to fight a war that is unjust and wrong," he said, adding that the families of those political leaders calling for war will not be the ones fighting and dying.

"But these little Black babies, that couldn�t find justice in the streets of America," these are the ones who will be used, he asserted.

The Minister informed the audience that several months ago, he wrote a letter to Pres. Bush cautioning that if he moves forward with the prosecution of the so-called war on terrorism, it would lead directly into the war to end all wars�the War of Armageddon. The letter subsequently was circulated to members of the press by former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal Jude Wanniski and published on his website at

During his speech, Min. Farrakhan discussed the nation�s current patriotic mood and how wicked leaders could use the people�s love for their country and fear of attacks to diminish civil liberties.

"America is a great nation, but America is also wounded and in need of healing. September 11 was a day that America shuddered and was horrified to see that 19 human beings would seek to destroy the symbol of America�s military might, America�s economic might. This was America�s first taste of what nations in the world have felt. Having their countries destroyed, their cities destroyed, their people destroyed. America has been spared what other nations and people live with daily," Minister Farrakhan explained.

Citing the patriotic song "America the Beautiful," he said the country is ugly in God�s sight, but the country also stands in place of God as a ruler and superpower on earth. In order to properly establish the nation as the God�s standard bearer on earth, America first must humble herself and give honor to God, he said.

Min. Farrakhan condemned the West�s profiling of Muslims and associating them with terrorism, stating emphatically that Muslim and the word "terrorist" are not synonymous. He spoke of media manipulation of the facts and the U.S. government�s craving for oil.

"I don�t think there is one Muslim leader on this earth that can summon 1.8 billion Muslims to a war," Min. Farrakhan said.

He assured the audience and dignitaries present that he is not interested in rallying the American people or anyone against the American government. "But there is a way to make your disapproval known," he said, "not by picking up a gun or fashioning a bomb." Use the truth as a weapon, he urged.

America�s lust for oil

The policies of America cause other nations to be poor, while America rises to richness, the popular leader said. "Politics is controlled by money, so the people�s vote doesn�t mean much when the lobbyists get to Washington and start passing money around," he said. He reminded the audience of how Mr. Bush came into office and the challenges America faced prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"Power is linked in world politics to oil. And as the greatest industrial nation on the earth, America has an insatiable appetite for oil," said Min. Farrakhan.

Using aerial and stage jumbotron video screens, the Nation of Islam leader left the audience spellbound as he displayed maps to show America�s geo-political motivation to brand nations as "rogues," which primarily is their connection to oil. The nations included Libya, Iraq, Iran, Sudan and the Middle Eastern region. He also explored Nigeria.

"You know, everyone of us has somebody in our family that is a victim of drugs," Min. Farrakhan said. "Drug addicts become artful liars. They can make up the fanciest stories just to get money to get to the drug. If you don�t give them the money, if you turn your back, they become thieves and then soon, if they get real bad, they become murderers. America is an oil junkie. She doesn�t care how she gets it, she must have it," he charged.

The Minister also expressed his support of parental rights to discipline their children and condemned Atlanta officials in the recent removal of 49 children from a church congregation. He said parents should not abuse their children, nor take out their frustrations on children in the name of discipline, but "tapping their behinds" today keeps them from meeting police forces with 9 mm. Glock pistols, taser guns, shotguns and batons tomorrow.

Before the near two-hour presentation, attendees heard from Congressional Black Caucus members Maxine Waters (D-Ca.) and Earl Hilliard (D-Ala.); former Jamaica Foreign Minister Dudley Thompson; Nation of Islam International Representative Min. Abdul Akbar Muhammad; Mother Tynnetta Muhammad, wife of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad; Rev. Willie Wilson of Union Temple Baptist Church; Rev. Albert Sampson of Fernwood Methodist Church; Native American activist Wauneta Lonewolf; LA Lakers basketball star Shaquille O�Neal, former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry and his wife Cora Masters Barry, and former Congressman Mervyn Dymally.

To the delight of thousands, also on the stage with Min. Farrakhan were Imam Warith Deen Mohammed and his brother Jabbir, the eldest living sons of the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad.

The lines started long before the doors opened and when they did L.A. and participants of World Saviours� Day 2002 streamed into the Great Western Forum. The program was emceed by Min. Ishmael, assistant minister of Muhammad Mosque No. 2 in Chicago, and Western Regional Minister Tony Muhammad, of Muhammad Mosque No. 27 in Los Angeles, who hosted the annual Nation of Islam gathering.

Min. Tony thanked businessman Earvin "Magic" Johnson, actor and L.A. radio host Steve Harvey, hip hop guru Russell Simmons, designer Karl Kani, actor Michael Colyar, Shaquille O�Neal and Source magazine publisher David Mays. "These men put their money were their mouth is and helped make Saviours� Day a success," he said.

Rev. Sampson shared how he gave Min. Farrakhan the keys to his church in 1979, as the Minister sought to rebuild the Nation. A relationship has developed between Islam and Christianity, he said. "In 1995 after the Million Man March, we put together a Christian and Muslim relationship. The Black church and the Nation of Islam is one because our God is one. When the Minister gives us the signal we�ll walk with him. It�s God�s battle. Min. Farrakhan give us our orders because we�re not backing up," he said.

That same fire and passion was feminized with the words of Rep. Waters, whose district includes Los Angeles. "The unification of Christianity and Islam is accomplished by the leadership of Min. Farrakhan. We need this today. We have a president talking about creating war not only in Afghanistan but Iraq. We can�t bomb our way to peace," said the former Congressional Black Caucus chair.

"He has spent the money, deployed the troops, done all manner of things and still hasn�t found Osama bin Laden. We need leadership with integrity. We need leadership that will bring us together," she said.

Wauneta Lonewolf told the audience that one of the most profound things they could do is practice unconditional love.

"I�m here because there needs to be diversity in Black folks but also unity in Black folks. Anyone who speaks and practices peace is truly a world class leader. When history is written, it will read, that that man (Min. Farrakhan) brought unity to Black people and peace to the world," said Mr. Hilliard.

On Feb. 26, Min. Farrakhan will deliver an address from Chicago on the actual birth date of Master Fard Muhammad that will be carried via satellite across the nation and other parts of the world.

(Nisa Islam Muhammad contributed to this report.)

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