The Final Call Online Edition



WEB POSTED 03-05-2002




Saviours' Day: A spirited, family affair

LOS ANGELES (�From hotels to the downtown convention center and Great Western Forum, thousands flocked to the Nation of Islam�s recent Saviours� Day Convention.

With workshops, a dinner tribute to the Farrakhan family, a violin concert, hip hop summit, gang peace meetings, a major address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Children�s Village and other activities, the five-day event surpassed all expectations.

But more than just meetings, Saviours� Day was devoted to healing and bridging personal and spiritual divides.

For 30-year-old Felicia X, a Muslim from the Nation of Islam mosque in Milwaukee, Saviours� Day was a personal homecoming and a chance to see her brother and extended family. It was also a chance to see Min. Farrakhan, live and in person. That was gratifying and inspiring, said the mother of three, who came to L.A. with her husband and children.

The plane ride was long, she conceded. "But it was beautiful, the whole time knowing that we were coming to be with family, to see the Minister. It was a big struggle and sacrifice to get here, but I thank Allah so much to be here because I don�t think I would have wanted to miss it for the world," she said.

Mark, a 14-year-old Muslim from Los Angeles, was proud to have the convention hosted in his city and likened it to a family reunion.

"I�m not talking about the immediate family. It feels nice to just walk up to somebody and say �As Salaam Alaikum� (Peace be unto you). You don�t know them but you know it�s your family and I�ve been doing that today," he said.

It also was a chance to bring more and more people together and show guests what the Nation is about so that it can live forever, said Bro. Mark.

"The spirit is very rejuvenating for myself and I�m sure it�s also that way for all the other believers and friends and guests of the Nation of Islam," said Roberta Muhammad of Riverdale, Ga. She felt the journey to Los Angeles was something like hajj, which can be trying, but it is very beneficial.

Mala Gross has been in the Nation since 1968 and lives in Phoenix. Saviours� Day is a special coming together, she said. "Each one was totally different, but each one had the same thing, a lot of love," she said. Once she goes home, Ms. Gross looks forward to more study and more focus on self-awareness.

"My plans are to implement all the things that I was doing this time last year, but I kind of slipped back a bit," said Anthony Muhammad, a 32-year-old paramedic from upstate New York, who calls Saviours� Day a time of reconnection with Allah (God) and the mission of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. "We come here to get that electric jolt, to get our hearts beating at the right pace again by our Min. Farrakhan," Bro. Anthony said.

Nkinghe Muhammad, a physician, enjoyed hearing from Min. Farrakhan. "It�s been a rejuvenation of spirit and it�s also caused me to be motivated, to be more dedicated to the mosque, to my community and to the Nation," she said.

Esther Washington came to Saviours� Day by way of Atlanta, where she was visiting her sister. Last December, her sister asked that she come to Saviours� Day and Ms. Washington "moved heaven and hell to make it possible."

The Mobile, Ala., resident said she came with an open mind and heart, which allowed her to erase preconceived notions, attend seminars and reconnect with her sister. She wanted to learn about her sister�s religion and strengthen their bond. She did.

Then when Min. Rasul Muhammad spoke at the Male-Female Relationships seminar, Ms. Washington also gained a better understanding of the concept of nation.

"A nation covers all. It doesn�t cover one particular race, creed or color. It covers all," she said.

(Reported by Julia Muhammad and Dora Muhammad.)

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