Terror War hides America's Oil Addiction
Farrakhan's Saviours' Day message offers guidance to heal wounds, avoid war of Armageddon
LOS ANGELES�America�s �insatiable appetite� for oil is pulling the country into ruin, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan told more than 14,000 people at the Great Western Forum during his Feb. 17 World Saviours� Day 2002 address. And the prosecution of President George W. Bush�s �so-called war on terrorism� is only a ruse to allow repressive regimes to exist under the guise of fighting terrorism. �Healing the Wounds to Bring About a Universal Family� was the theme of the Nation of Islam gathering, celebrating the 125th birthday of Master Fard Muhammad, founder of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in the West and teacher of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

Hip Hop summit convenes on West Coast
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.�The west coast invitation-only Hip Hop Summit, held here at a hotel Feb. 14 as part of the Nation of Islam�s World Saviours� Day 2002, was full of the makings of a great Hollywood movie, strong men, intense drama and surprises. Sponsored by the Hip Hop Summit Action Network (HHSAN), this meeting of musical minds continued to reach out to artists and encourage progressive lyrics and exploit a unique opportunity for leadership. more

Groups oppose Mississippi judge over cross-burning case
WASHINGTON�President George W. Bush�s nomination of a Mississippi federal trial judge to the 5th U.S. Court of Appeals has run into stiff opposition from dozens of civil rights, labor and women�s groups. In a contentious, four-hour hearing in early February, Senate Democrats revealed that Charles W. Pickering, Sr. took unusual and possibly unethical steps to win a lighter sentence for a man convicted in his Jackson, Miss., court for burning a cross at the home of a mixed-race couple. more
Report: Angolan Rebel leader Jonas Savimbi killed
Journalists flown to view the body of Unita leader Jonas Savimbi in Angola's eastern Moxico Province have confirmed earlier government and army statements that he is dead. One reporter said Savimbi's body had suffered 15 bullet wounds. Angolan government forces say Savimbi was killed in fierce combat on Friday afternoon. more

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World Web News

Israel keeps Arafat siege
Occupied Jerusalem -ArabNews

'Zimbabwe Will Not Be Intimidated By EU'
Zimbabwe-The Herald

Lockerbie Conviction 'Legally Indefensible'
 The Herald (Harare, Zimbabwe)

Peace Talks Suspended After Alarming Gunship Attack Sudan -IRNA

The game face of the WNBA
SAN FRANCISCO (NNPA)�The WNBA is immersed in its fifth playoff season.

With talk focusing on the league�s new champion, its most valuable player and the rumor that Cynthia Cooper is keeping the door open for a possible return as a player, the WNBA has pleasantly surprised its audience with its competitive play and is quietly shedding the image of a minor league. more


Will America Repent?
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Healing the Wounds to
Bring About a Universal Family

by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Rep. John Conyers' Letter To President Over Possible Subversion Of The Voting Rights Act
by Cedric Muhammad

Oil, not a pretzel, did the damage
by Ali Baghdadi

Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave
by Jabril Muhammad

Celebrating the Honorable Min. Farrakhan's 25th Anniversary on Saviours' Day 2002
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Critical Elements Of The Enron Collapse
by James G. White

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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