Religious scholars, hip hop leaders and activists join Minister Farrakhan in Los Angeles to call for Universal Atonement
LOS ANGELES�It will be a week of unity, of healing, of love. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and their communities will walk together Feb. 13-17 here. Leaders of various �gang� factions will put away their differences and seek out ways to build their communities through peace. Hip hop leaders will discuss their industry and how the negative aspects of the music and culture can give way to a more uplifting portrayal of America�s youth. Religious leaders from various faith traditions will dialogue to gain greater understanding of one another�s disciplines. more

'The luckiest president in history'
George W. Bush's good fortune another reason to bypass Black concerns

THE WHITE HOUSE�George W. Bush may be the luckiest president in American history.  He won the office despite getting fewer votes in the last election than his opponent.  Less than eight months after his inauguration, the nation was plunged into war. Since that time he has enjoyed record-high approval ratings. His popularity persists, despite what some analysts consider his �disastrous� domestic policies and the erection of an ideological stonewall which may prevent even slight progress in the near future for the Black agenda. more

IRS warns of tax scam; Reparations not tax deductible
WASHINGTON�Tax time is already stress-filled for most Black Americans. A tax scam involving the just-due reparations owed to Blacks is making tax season even more stressful for the IRS and duped taxpayers.  �Once again, African Americans have become the focus of a potentially major crime network involving slavery reparations through false tax claims. These predators mostly target church congregations and the elderly, preying on their frustrations and their feelings of injustice,� said Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX). more

Fallout after deadly explosion in Nigeria
LAGOS (GIN)�Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo is coming under attack for failing to provide strong leadership and give comfort in the aftermath of a deadly explosion in the densely-settled neighborhood of Ikeja.  Ikeja, despite its residential character, was home to an aging military depot containing explosives, cluster bombs, and other ordnance that went off like a bomb the night of Jan. 27. Responsibility for the explosion that left more than 600 dead and many missing is still under investigation. more

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World Web News

'With the African Union, the Leaders are Catching Up with the People'

Taylor Declares State of Emergency
 -Liberia,  This Day/

Chomsky Says US Foreign Policy Amounts to International Terrorism  Brazil,  -IPS

Tens of Palestinians Injured in New Wave of Israeli Air Strikes on Gaza Strip  -Al Bawaba

A Salute to Carter G. Woodson
This February marks the beginning of an other Black History Month celebration. All across the country from colleges and universities to public schools, community centers, radio and television, the history of Africans in America and the world will be the subject of lectures, forums, documentaries and household conversation.  Unfortunately, far too few Black people are acquainted with Carter G. Woodson, the noted historian who more than any other figure is responsible for what has become Black History Month. more


Happy Saviours' Day 2002!

The Unity of 22 Million
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

God's Healing Power
by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

E-Letter To Walter Williams Re: "Were Blacks Better Off Under Apartheid?" (Part 1)
by Cedric Muhammad

Those You Think Will Won't;
Those You Think Won't Will
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

What are the traits of a good student?
by Jabril Muhammad

Black Power, CEOs and progress
by Richard Muhammad

Africa Needs More On Murder of Lumumba
by Dominic Odipo (East African Standard)

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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