The Final Call Online Edition



WEB POSTED 02-11-2002



Related links:

World Saviours' Day 2002 Convention Website
Saviours' Day L.A. highlights youth
Five day event to focus on healing the wounds of humanity
Message from Saviours' Day: World Peace

by Charlene Muhammad
Staff writer

Imam W.D. Mohammed (2nd from left) and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, center, enjoy prayer service at Saviours' Day 2000. The two Islamic leaders will be together again at Saviours' Day 2002. Photo: Kenneth Muhammad

LOS ANGELES (�It will be a week of unity, of healing, of love. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and their communities will walk together Feb. 13-17 here. Leaders of various "gang" factions will put away their differences and seek out ways to build their communities through peace. Hip hop leaders will discuss their industry and how the negative aspects of the music and culture can give way to a more uplifting portrayal of America�s youth. Religious leaders from various faith traditions will dialogue to gain greater understanding of one another�s disciplines.

In essence, Saviours� Day 2002 week of activities will bring the human family together to put America and the world back on course, seeking God�s right guidance for the future.

"With the Minister and the Imam coming together to heal the wounds, and right along with them, the (gang) bangers, and entertainers like Steve Harvey and Magic Johnson in the West, and the summit featuring the rappers, Russell Simmons and many others from the East, then the health fair, all coming together for unity, is simply beautiful," said Nation of Islam Western Region Minister Tony Muhammad, after a long evening of hosting on Feb. 1.

According to Min. Tony, Muhammad Mosque No. 27 here recently swelled with members of over 20 warring street factions who set their differences aside to meet with him in preparation for Saviours� Day and Min. Farrakhan�s visit. Each group, he said, wanted to assure that they were represented during the Street Peace Summit to be held during the week of activities.

Min. Tony explained that Min. Farrakhan is scheduled to meet with the male and female populations of the Los Angeles County jail system as part of Saviours� Day 2002 activities. Sheriff Lee Baca welcomes Min. Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in the county�s penal system, Min. Tony continued, and has agreed to make the message on videotape available for future viewing throughout the county�s penal facilities.

The healing the wounds theme of Saviours� Day is significant for the times, according to Rev. James Bevel, who along with Rev. Al Sampson of Chicago are co-presenters of the Atonement workshop.

"I would like for students to walk away with a conviction that they need to become a full time scholar and social transformer in the atonement movement," Rev. Bevel said.

Min. Tony and the Saviours� Day 2002 Executive Committee have been working tirelessly to receive Min. Farrakhan, Imam Mohammed, and scores of guests, scholars, and participants expected to arrive in L.A. in a short time. Many are fueled by the continued public activities of the communities of Imam Mohammed and Min. Farrakhan, and participation of other invited ethnic leaders and organizations such as Rev. Timothy Henning of the World Federation of Peace; Rev. Leonard Jackson of the First A.M.E. church; Native American Chief Little Bear; Sikh Kirtan Singh Khalsa, spokesperson for the Kalsa Council, an international council of Sikh affairs; Rabbi Ernesto Mongtomery, chief rabbi of the Beta Israel/Black Jewish Temple; Hector Perez-Pacheco of the Harmony Circle Aztlan-Mexicha Nation; and Wayne Arroyo of the American Indian Movement.

"Here you have two great men at the top coming together, then the middle with the community and celebrities, then the so-called bottom, the gang-bangers, all coming together to discuss the healing of wounds between our people. With that kind of synergy going�Min. Farrakhan and Imam Mohammed coming together�then certainly there�s an example in this for those of us in the human family who desire world peace," Min. Tony added.

In addition to convention activities, including over 30 informative and educational, adult and youth, workshops, the Millennium Biltmore will be the site of the "First Family of Love" tribute banquet to the Farrakhan family Feb. 15.

Balladeer Carl Anderson, violinist Karen Briggs, Sarah Dash (of the LaBelles), and the Something Smoothe Jazz Quartet will headline the evening�s entertainment.

"Scheduled for 7:30 p.m., the event marks the first time during Min. Farrakhan�s 25 years of rebuilding the Nation of Islam," Min. Tony said, "that his entire family stands to be honored for their great sacrifice and dedication to the Nation and the world."

All tickets are priced at $100 and may be purchased at banner hotels or at the L.A. Convention Center. Banquet seating is limited to 300, Min. Tony said.

There will be sessions on health, employment and social needs, with a focus on AIDS, emergency disaster management and biochemical warfare, hypertension and cancer. The health initiatives workshops and the free health screenings they will provide are vital, said Min. Tony, to give Black America and the Nation a medical report card in an effort toward prolonged life.

Also, there will be a highly anticipated "Healing the Wounds Between the Elders and Youth" workshop.

Rappers/producers Snoop Doggy-Dog, Dr. Dre, Suge Knight, Ice Cube, Lady of Rage, Mac-10, actress/singer Raven Simon and R&B group Dru Hill, among other R&B and rap hit makers, have been invited to attend the Hip Hop Unity Summit set for Feb. 16.

There will be R&B, hip-hop and youth concerts, city tours, a fashion show, and a Children�s Village (see related article), all set for Center Stage at the L.A. Convention Center.

Comedian/actor Michael Colyar will host Center Stage Feb. 15-16, with celebrities and guests including actor and Saviours� Day honorary co-chair Steve Harvey. There will be a fashion show presented by co-chairs Karl Kani and Russell Simmons. Invited celebrity guests include L.A. Laker Shaquille O�Neal, actor Tichina Arnold and Dub-C of the Westside Connection.

Other Center Stage talent includes the Adam Basma Middle Eastern Dance Troupe, The Black Experience-spoken word, Shorty of da Lench Mob, R&B groups Ruff Endz, Deja Jordan, and fashions by Dion Scott Designs, Brian McKinney and Michelle Muhammad.

World Saviours� Day 2002 closes out Feb. 17 with Min. Farrakhan�s keynote address to the world at the Great Western Forum, known as the Faithful Central Bible Church, led by Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, which seats up to 18,000.

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