Open Letter to Imam Jamil Al-Amin
by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

My Dear Brother,  He whom Allah befriends is not disgraced.  It grieves me and the members of the Nation of Islam to learn of the decision of the jury.  We had hoped that you would be found innocent.  However, knowing of your great faith in Allah and His Messenger and your striving for these many years to obey Allah�s Will and to give Right Guidance to the people, I am assured that Allah, the Most High is comforting you and will be protecting you from whatever evil is planned against you.

Cycle of death, retaliation
engulfs Israelis, Palestinians

NEW YORK�United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan entered the Secretariat building March 4 and a phalanx of cameras and reporters with notebooks awaited him. The subject, of course, was the violent weekend in Palestine.  The March 2-3 battles marked one of the bloodiest periods in the 17-month Intifada, or Palestinian uprising, that began in late September 2000. Security forces estimate that some 50 Palestinians and 26 Israelis were killed during a two-day rampage that left hundreds injured, with no let up in sight.

Farrakhan delivers message on 'Birth of a Saviour';
Nation set for reorganization, growth

CHICAGO�Fresh from a successful Saviours� Day 2002 annual celebration held in Los Angeles, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Feb. 26 addressed more than 3,000 people jammed into Mosque Maryam, Muhammad University Gymnasium and the Masalla (lower level prayer room) on the significance of the birth of the founder of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in the West, Master Fard Muhammad. more

See Also: A Peoples Victory! Nation of Islam wins landmark decision in discrimination case

Cancellations strengthen Cincinnati boycott
CINCINNATI�The coalition pushing a boycott here is preparing to kick the campaign up a notch by calling on international consumers not to buy products from Cincinnati-based powerhouses such as Procter & Gamble Co. and Chiquita Brands International, Inc. more

See Also:  Two officers in Louima trial walk free

Sudan slave redemptions exposed as 'frauds
WASHINGTON�The powerful human drama of American school children donating their lunch money to purchase the freedom of Black slaves in the Sudan is often part of nothing more than a corrupt racket operated by leaders of Southern Sudan�s rebel army, according to a major investigation conducted by reporters for the Washington Post, The Irish Times and The (London) Independent.more
Jonas Savimbi: U.S. sponsored terrorist?
When speaking to Black American audiences, he would claim friendship with Malcolm X, and with international revolutionaries, he would invoke the spirit of the Argentine, Che Guevara.  In European capitals and in Washington, D.C., Savimbi became the darling of the most racist right wing elements, and they handsomely financed his terrorist struggle against the peoples throughout southern Africa for nearly 30 years.  That was a perfect fit for U.S. foreign policy makers who have for centuries opposed justice and independence for people of color. more

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World Web News

Southern African Development Community (SADC) Statement on the Zimbabwe Elections Windoek, Zimbabwe

Mugabe Declared Winner, Opposition Urges World to Reject Results Harare, Zimbabwe

Pentagon nuclear plan obtuse, unwise and immoral - US analyst -ChinaDaily News

Iran President Khatami expresses concern over US plan to use nuclear arms -IRNA

North Korea Hits Out at U.S. Nuclear Arms Review  -Reuters

The next battle is for economic freedom
People love to talk about Black wealth. "We are worth $500 billion," they cry. Great. But how much of that is invested?  The Black community is not invisible, but its investment earnings are barely discernible. Maybe in the past, you thought that the stock market wasn�t open to you. As a child I don�t recall hearing much about the Dow Jones industrial average. Our family dinner table discussions were not about stocks and we certainly weren�t entertaining calls from stockbrokers. more


America's self-image problem

The Sure Truth
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Farrakhan's message to the Judges:
God's Law Must Underpin Man's Law
by Minister Louis Farrakhan

Time is winding down
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

Show Congress The Paperwork,
Vice-President Cheney
by Cedric Muhammad

An interview with Min. Farrakhan
by Jabril Muhammad

Why Did They Do It?
by Jude Wanniski

Arabs don't want war on Iraq. They want America to change its policy
by Robert Fisk

Guess who's tracking you by cell phone?
ZDNet News

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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