Observers fear broader FBI powers are another blow to civil liberties
New Federal Bureau of Investigation terrorism guidelines that allow agents to monitor religious services, political organizations, and public meetings of Americans and non-citizens drew sharp criticism from some politicians, civil libertarians and activists.  The new rules announced May 30 by U.S. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft represent a loosening of restrictions placed on the agency in the 1970s as a result of the late FBI director J. Edgar Hoover�s Counter-Intelligence Program against Black Power leaders, civil rights groups, leftist organizations and anti-war activists. more
See also:
FCN Editorial: Expanded FBI powers: Problem or solution?

Black journalists get close-up view of Cuba
HAVANA,Cuba�The Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies at Delaware State University, under the direction of USA Today syndicated columnist DeWayne Wickham, organized a delegation of Black journalists for a journey to Cuba May 20-26. This prestigious group will report on life behind the U.S. blockade and document the African influence on this tiny island nation.more

Mind Wars: Attack of the Songs!
by Robert Muhammad - Guest Columnist-
It has been known for ages amongst those who have risen into the higher degrees of freemasonry and ancient hermetic philosophy, that the classical definition of alchemy, as an art devoted to the transmutation of chemicals, is in reality a metaphor for its true purpose, which is the study of the science of the transmutation or transformation of minds, political systems and spiritual beliefs.  In more recent times, the science of mental alchemy, or mind manipulation, has been employed by major advertising firms through what is called subliminal suggestion. more


Libya denies Lockerbie settlement offer
TRIPOLI, Libya (PANA)�Former South African President Nelson Mandela, in a May 29 evening telephone conversation with the leader of the Libyan revolution, Colonel Muammar Gadhafi, reiterated his commitment in the Lockerbie case and his determination to pursue consultations with all the parties concerned. Mr. Mandela, in collaboration with the Saudi Arabian authorities, played a key role in breaking the deadlock in the Lockerbie case in March 1999 while he was still South African president. more

A skeptical Europe hears Bush tirade against terror
BERLIN (IPS)�In a major speech to the German parliament May 23, President George W. Bush called upon Europe to continue its support of the U.S.-led war against global terrorism, declaring that �terror cannot be appeased.�  �In this war, we defend not just America or Europe, we defend civilization itself,� said President Bush, mindful of criticism in Europe that U.S. is pushing its own national interests in the war against terror, which do not necessarily coincide with Europe�s. more

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World Web News

Mali's new president sworn in

Oaxaca community threatens violence if gov't doesn't settle land disputes  -TheNewsMexico

Israeli Army seals off Arafat�s HQ ArabNews

Mandela calls for new Lockerbie appeal
London Times

Entertainment Spotlight

A sampling of the very best in independent music

You won�t find it on MTV, MTV2, BET or VH1. You may however find it on your local radio station.  I am talking about the very best in independent music.  Many great artists never land a record deal with one of the major record companies, but they continue to work hard and put out good music on their own.  If they are lucky enough to sell a significant amount of records, they can gain the attention of sound scan, thereby getting noticed by the recording industry. more


Expanded FBI powers: Problem or solution?

Old World Going Out; New World Coming In
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Allah (God) Hates Ingratitude
by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied!!!
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

Should we boycott firms who oust Blacks from major corporate boards? by William Reed

COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story

Quid Pro Quo and the ADL�s Modus Operandi
Analysis by TEI

God uses humble-hearted one to convey divine wisdom by Jabril Muhammad

In Search Of The Messiah
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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