Recent cases re-focus nation on missing and exploited children
Each year thousands of children simply vanish, either because they run away from home, are abducted by a stranger, or taken by a parent. The problem is so great that since 1983, May 25 has been observed as National Missing Children�s Day to bring increased attention to disappearances and to promote a national policy to protect children.  While there�s no way to guarantee a child won�t disappear, experts say families and communities can do things to help keep children safe. more
See also:
Chicago case puts national spotlight on missing and exploited children

Justice Department to sue over voting rights abuses
WASHINGTON�The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) May 21  announced plans to file lawsuits against counties in Florida, Missouri and Tennessee, accusing officials who monitored the 2000 presidential election of voting-rights violations. The passionately contested election took weeks of recounting votes, underscored with hundreds of protests, arrests, then finally, a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that declared Texas Gov. George W. Bush victorious over Vice President Al Gore. more
See also: Black Caucus still fighting for 'the vote'

Family, friends shocked at slaying of F.O.I. in Compton
COMPTON�Nation of Islam members throughout the Western Region expressed shock and grief with family and friends of 19-year-old Terrell X over his fatal shooting May 23 at a local gas station. Since the incident, over 200 F.O.I. throughout the region merged to scour the neighborhood for information and insight leading to their brother�s killer, and every day since the shooting, they have convened at the crime scene and Compton streets. more

Min. Farrakhan returns to historic St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church
BOSTON��Remembering our past � celebrating our present and renewing our faith for the future� was the theme of the grand reunion of church members, neighbors and friends, including the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who share a common history�St. Cyprian�s.  more

Lawsuit loss could be reparations 'victory'
WASHINGTON�The latest shot has been fired in the battle for reparations payments for the descendants of slaves in the United States. After three years of litigation, several briefs and two sets of oral arguments, a federal judge dismissed the first �modern� reparations lawsuit in late April. more

U.S. role in Sudan peace: Player or staller?
THE WHITE HOUSE�The path to peace in civil-war torn Sudan may pass through Nairobi with U.S. assistance, according to President George W. Bush. The U.S. will continue to urge the National Islamic Front (NIF) government in Khartoum, as well as Southern insurgents fighting a 19-year-old rebellion, toward a settlement at on-going peace talks in Kenya. more

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World Web News

Optimism Of Peace In D.R. Congo, Angola
PANA/The Herald

Iraq "offered to hand over terror suspect"  -Reuters

Musharraf renews call for Pakistan-India peace talks The Guardian

Mubarak: Egypt Warned U.S. of al Qaeda intention days before Sept. 11 Al Bawaba

Rollin' with Russell
Russell Simmons is nothing short of a visionary media mogul who has long shaped the cutting edge of hip-hop, America�s most compelling cultural explosion of the latter 20th century. Over the course of nearly 20 years, Simmons has integrated hip-hop into every facet of media and pop culture: in music with Def Jam Records; in fashion with the Phat Farm brand; in publishing with One World magazine; in television with HBO�s Def Comedy Jam and Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry; Def Pictures; and in advertising with dRush. more


Protecting children secures the nation

The Judgment of America
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Family ..from the perspective of Children
by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

AIPAC Goes To Alabama To Protect Israel's Black Vote

America's unfinished business:
To show the world it happened
by Hugh B. Price

State Terrorism in Israel?
by Lev Grinberg

God works for our benefit, regardless of circumstance
by Jabril Muhammad

Evolving the revolution of universal mind
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Boys Will Be Boys (Thank God!)
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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