Observers worry U.S. weapons plan will escalate world arms race
WASHINGTON�The Bush administration is prepared to launch a first attack using nuclear weapons on targets in as many as seven countries, according to a Pentagon study. But in an effort to ease concerns overseas, the president�s top advisers insist there are no plans to do so at this time.  According to a secret Pentagon report that was sent to Congress in January, and revealed in The Los Angeles Times March 9, the U.S. has studied options for attacking Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea, and Syria�none of which have nuclear arsenals�as well as nuclear powers Russia and China.

Lawmakers: Media mergers hurt America's democracy
WASHINGTON�Despite the availability of more and more radio and television channels for American listeners and viewers, there will be less variety and more sameness in future programming on those outlets because of fewer owners, members of Congress as well as media analysts predict. more

F.O.I. Million Man Marchers hunt alleged child kidnapper
(�Nearly 25 men of the Nation of Islam�s Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) and the Million Man March Local Organizing Committee (MMM-LOC) flooded the Southeast Denver neighborhood near Mitchell Elementary School with descriptive flyers and composite sketches of a man who allegedly kidnapped and raped two sisters, ages 5 and 8, who were walking home from school February 26. more
CIA Web Site Tracks Visitors With Cookies
A Web site operated by the Central Intelligence Agency is marking visitors with a unique identification tag or "cookie" that violates federal privacy guidelines and the agency's own privacy policy, according to Public Information Research, a non-profit group.  more
Lumumba's family turns down Belgian apology
CAIRO (PANA)�Family members of the former Congolese leader, Patrice Lumumba, have denied accepting a recent apology from the Belgian government for its role in the assassination of Mr. Lumumba, an Egyptian paper reported.  The weekly Al-Arabi quotes Mr. Lumumba�s son, Patrice P. Lumumba, as saying that contrary to reports, "we have not accepted any apology from the Belgian government."  more

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World Web News

Opposition Leader Formally Charged with Treason, Zimbabwe

Angola Peace Process Begins Shakily with Fragmented Unita

Anthrax attacks & CIA  -BBC News

Iran President Khatami expresses concern over US plan to use nuclear arms -IRNA

Nas speaks on racism, Islam and hip hop
In the nine short years that he has been on scene, he has racked up an impressive body of work. His first album (1994) Illmatic is hailed as a classic, a status that most rappers never achieve on their very first project. He soon followed up in 1996 with It Was Written and subsequently released two more albums (1999) I Am...The Autobiography and (1999) Nastradamus. While the naysayers talked about how Nas "fell off," he was hard at work in the lab on his next masterpiece. more


Child refugees and sexual
exploitation in Africa

The Judgment nears
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Message to the 'Gang Leaders'
by Minister Louis Farrakhan

Have a drink!
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

Duplicity in Democracy: Towards a Global Standard for Democracy
by 'Dapo Oyewole

A Short History of Racialist Politics by Lenora Fulani by Lenora Fulani

A look at a man prepared for a divine mission
by Jabril Muhammad

The coming of the Son of Man
by Tynnetta Muhammad

I Come to Bury Jonas Savimbi, Not Praise Him
by Grace Bibala (Nairobi, Kenya)

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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