Why Jim Brown chose jail term instead of community service, and his fight against oppression
VENTURA COUNTY, Calif.�Get Jim Brown to talk about how today�s athletes need to give back more to their community, or his troubles with a judge in a domestic case, and there is plenty of news coverage. But when he talks about Black self-determination, little if anything is noted, written about or discussed.  Yet, as the pro-football Hall of Fame athlete, actor and activist serves a six-month sentence for vandalism in the Ventura County Jail, self-determination could sum up his current struggle and his lifelong battle. more

Bush's snub of criminal court undermines world justice
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is now a reality. But the United States won�t be at the table. Office space has been rented. Professionals from around the world will serve as judges, attorneys and translators, tasked with prosecuting human rights violations such as war crimes and genocide. But the U.S. chair will be empty.  President Bush recently �unsigned� President Clinton�s signature on the treaty creating the court, a move dubious in its legality and shocking in its arrogance. more

See also: U.S. criticized for opposing international court

Alzheimer's: A silent epidemic among Blacks
WASHINGTON�Angie Smith was a vibrant woman who loved her family.  She was a retired beautician who had outlived two of her children.  Slowly and painfully she started to forget faces and withdraw.  �At first, I didn�t pick it up,� said her granddaughter, Baqiya Adam, who was her caretaker.  �I just thought she was having difficulty remembering things, but over time it got worse.  Mrs. Smith was later diagnosed with Alzheimer�s disease, a quiet invasion that appears as just the symptoms of old age but really is a silent epidemic in the Black community. more

Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney vindicated by White House revelations regarding 9/11 attacks
"Several weeks ago, I called for a congressional investigation into what warnings the Bush Administration received before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. I was derided by the White House, right wing talk radio, and spokespersons for the military-industrial complex as a conspiracy theorist. Even my patriotism was questioned because I dared to suggest that Congress should conduct a full and complete investigation into the most disastrous intelligence failure in American history."more

See also: Final Call Editorial - The courage of Cynthia McKinney

ANC members' visas delayed
Is African National Congress still on U.S. terrorist list?

NEW YORK (IPS)�Tokyo Sexwale, former premier of Gauteng Province, which includes Johannesburg, had planned to be on the New York Stock Exchange balcony when former South African President Nelson Mandela rang the opening bell May 9.  Instead, he watched the launch ceremony of Gold Fields Ltd., a mining company of which he is an officer, from its Johannesburg head office on a satellite link because the U.S. consulate was unable to process his visa in time. more

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World Web News

Thousands march in Berlin protest against Bush visit

Blockade on West Bank village ended as Israel prepares for additional bombing attacks

Liberian Government Rejects Calls for Ceasefire
URIN / allAfrica.com

Khatami Stresses Iran's Commitment to Ties With African Nations  Tehran Times

Entertainment Spotlight

Alicia Keys recently participated in The Chicago Chapter of the Recording Academy�s Grammy Mentor Session.   ..Lauryn Hill has received some negative coverage recently from the mainstream media as a result of her newly released second solo effort, MTV: Unplugged No. 2.0.  ..After a three-year hiatus, the groundbreaking hip-hop tour Smokin� Grooves will return this summer armed with a lineup that includes Outkast, Lauryn Hill and The Roots. more


Don't fail your history test

Old World Going Out; New World Coming In
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Self-Denial for God leads to Purification
by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Kemba Smith Marches to a Different Tune
by George Curry (NNPA)

The Political Establishment in Denial
by Jude Wanniski

The Ugly Truth about the ADL
TEI Book Analysis

An instrument used for the glory of God
by Jabril Muhammad

Mission statement and purpose of Cultural Links news journal by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

You Can't Eat Wrong And Live Right!
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad

FCN Interview: Zimbabwe Ambassador to U.S.
by Askia Muhammad


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