Railroaded in Georgia?
Some fear good ol' boy network helped unjustly convict Black officials

McINTOSH COUNTY, Ga.�The conviction of two Georgia tax commissioners for allegedly misappropriating funds has the state�s organization of Black-elected officials in an uproar and calling for a federal investigation of both cases. The Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials (GABEO) has declared the convictions fraudulent and a result of dirty politics.  �These women should be given an opportunity to appeal their cases in federal court and allowed to bring charges against those authorities who have illegally persecuted them," said State Representative Tyrone Brooks (D), who is GABEO president. more

'Proof of US involvement in Venezuela Coup Attempt'
In an exclusive interview for BBC's Newsnight programme, Mr Chavez accused the US of involvement in the coup.  He said: "I have written proof of the entries and exits of two military officers from the United States into the headquarters of the coup plotters.  "I have their names, whom they met with, what they said, proof on video and on still photographs."  Chavez said that he had tried to avert a coup by sending a note to President Bush, assuring him that Venezuela would never join any oil boycott. But coup leader Pedro Carmona moved on 12 April, the day after a general strike began, and four days after Iraq banned oil exports.

California unearths slavery-era insurance policies
LOS ANGELES�On May 1, the California Department of Insurance (CDI) released a report detailing the names of eight California insurance companies, or their predecessor companies, which operated during the slavery era and sold insurance policies on slaves.  The document stemmed from a CDI industry survey under Senate Bill 2199 (�Slavery Era Insurance Policies�), which calls for all California insurance companies to make public information relative to slave insurance policies written by them.more
Black Caucus split on Israel resolution
WASHINGTON�By lopsided votes of 94-2 in the Senate and 352-21 with 29 abstentions in the House, Congress May 2 endorsed Israel�s military campaign to dismantle the Palestinian �terrorist infrastructure� despite warnings from Bush administration officials that the vote could interfere in Middle East peace efforts.  Nearly half of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)�15 of 38 members�did not support what some observers consider to be that �one-sided� House resolution. more

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World Web News

U.S. Soldier Killed in Afghanistan -AP

Former President Carter refutes Bush Administration's claim of Cuban bioterrorism
The Independent (UK)

Zimbabwe: 'Smart Sanctions Fail'
The Herald  / allAfrica.com

Ugandan President: Ghadafi is No Terrorist
The Monitor  / allAfrica.com

Sudan Dismisses Israeli Terrorism Allegation
Daily Trust (Nigeria) / allAfrica.com

The real deal with Warren G
Platinum rap artist Warren G (brother of mega producer Dr. Dre) is taking hip hop by storm with his new single, �Looking at You�, and recent album release, The Return of the Regulator.  The rapper recently chatted with Final Call  contributing writer Earl 3X and shared his thoughts on Min. Farrakhan, the Jay Z/Nas controversy, 9/11 and self improvement. more


Fear of truth only reason to continue ban

On Universal Corruption
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Heaven Lies at the Foot of Mother
by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Alas! I Saw Apartheid, Practiced in the Holy Land
by Desmond Tutu (The East African / allAfrica.com)

FCN Interview: Zimbabwe Ambassador to U.S.
by Askia Muhammad

President Bush's Broken Promises To African Americans  by Terry McAullife

The ADL Snoops CounterPunch

You Can't Eat Wrong And Live Right!
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

An instrument used for the glory of God
by Jabril Muhammad

Mission statement and purpose of Cultural Links news journal by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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