Women of Color conference targets issues of life and death
CHICAGO�Hundreds of women of all ages and ethnicities recently convened here to determine how to stop the global cycle of violence against the female gender, a problem that impacts the living condition of women, children and men. Black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, Indian, Palestinian, Muslim, Christian and Jewish women shared their personal stories of bouts with violence to participants at the March 15-17 �Women of Color Against Violence� conference at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

See also: Minister Louis Farrakhan on: 'The Causes of Domestic Violence'

UK still seeks to ban Farrakhan
LONDON�A Court of Appeal sitting in London has reserved judgement in the UK government�s legal challenge to a High Court decision to overturn a 15-year ban on the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan visiting the United Kingdom. After two days of complex legal arguments by the attorneys representing the Sec. of State for the Home Department David Blunkett and attorneys for Min. Farrakhan, the three Appeal Court judges deferred ruling until the end of the month. more

Ex-Panther's only hope lies with unlikely prospect of a legal appeal
ATLANTA�Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as activist H. Rap Brown, narrowly escaped a sentence of death by lethal injection as appeals for mercy came from clergy, civil rights activists, politicians, area residents, and former comrades during his heyday as chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and his brief stint with the Black Panther Party. more
Rebel leader sees 'opportunity' for peace in Sudan
WASHINGTON�Despite continuing �icy� rhetoric on both sides, the climate for peace in Sudan may be warming up, even as the calendar changes from winter to spring. In Khartoum, Sudanese and American officials signed the fourth and final point of an agreement March 10  that was brokered by President George Bush�s special envoy�former U.S. Senator John Danforth�to begin a peace process to end the 19-year-old civil war. more

Mexicans 'invade" U.S. 150 years after annexation of Texas

More than a century after the U.S. invasion of Mexico that resulted in the annexation of Texas, Mexicans are "reoccupying" the territory, but through less violent means and for different reasons. According to official figures, 23 million people currently residing in the United States are of Mexican ancestry, representing 8.2 percent of the country's population. [TheNewsMexico.com]

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World Web News

Israeli outrages get US backing Arabnews, Ramallah

Afghan quake leaves 2,000 dead and 30,000 homeless -Independent

Cuba blasts Mexico over Monterrey Summit maneuvering -Havana, TheNewsMexico.com

Two Charged for Kabila assassination
-BuaNews, Pretoria

Appeal against death by Stoning upheld in Nigeria -P.M. News, Nigeria

No More Drama
The Queen of Hip Hop soul, Mary J. Blige, finds love and happiness and a whole new meaning for life

One minute she�s singing like the sweetest soprano in the church and the next she is flipping the script like a hip hop veteran.  Mary J. Blige once again reigns supreme as the queen of hip hop soul. With a hit album, renewed love for self and a fianc�e in tow, there is no stopping Mary these days.  Her ascension to the top hasn�t been a smooth one; it has been tumultuous at best. more


UN must take lead in Iraqi stand-off

The Worst is yet to come
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

The Causes of Domestic Violence
by Minister Louis Farrakhan

Can Black Americans pull together economically? by W.L.Lillard

Stealing Black Homes or Giving Them Away?
by Dr. Ron Walters

Bush & Cheney Are Misinformed
by Jude Wanniski

Better Safe than sorry
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

God gives power to do the extraordinary
by Jabril Muhammad

Cultural Links-News journal focuses on global outreach
by Tynnetta Muhammad

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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