The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 03-25-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Cultural Links-News journal focuses on global outreach following example of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan-Friendship in all walks of life
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"Thus We have sent thee among a nation before which other nations have passed away, that thou mightest recite to them what We have revealed to thee, and (still) they deny the Beneficent. Say: He is my Lord, there is no god but He; in Him do I trust and to Him is my return." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 13, verse 30

We have reached a stage in our national development where new fields of knowledge with scientific evidence is being revealed which is proving and verifying the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This is also a day in which the Providential Manner in which the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been Divinely Guided to lead us safely on the Straight Path in our Journey to God is being further manifested. We have been given a study in our Nation�s Book of Lessons that reveals the Foundation of our Nation�s existence which is Mathematics, which  can be proven in no limit of time.

It is upon this Foundation of Study drawn from our Lessons that is given to all new converts or students who are enrolled in this Mighty Classroom of God. Prior to the Departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975, he shared with me many illuminating insights on his purpose for establishing a Cultural Link with the People and Government of Mexico through the establishment of a special School. He then talked about future travels he had in mind to Egypt and a few other places within the global expansion of  his Mission. He had discussed with his laborers prior to leaving Chicago for Mexico, that he had to leave Chicago to take care of very important business outside of America. He also stated that it was written that he had others to teach which were outside of his immediate fold.

I am taking our readers into the deepest roots of how this news journal, Cultural Links, came to be published. Being both a student and wife of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I shared with him my desire to help him raise monies for the treasuries of the Nation of Islam counting into millions and millions and even  into billions of dollars through whatever gifts or talents that Allah had blessed me to obtain for the benefit of our Nation and our rising New World  Civilization.

Following his Departure, I received an invitation to travel to Libya in the company of Sister Ethel Sharrieff, the eldest daughter of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and her husband, Brother Raymond Sharrieff. I had never anticipated such a journey which included a trip to Egypt carrying my musical compositional work  to initiate a cultural exchange program between Egypt and the Nation of Islam in America. The first part of the journey to Libya was postponed and I recall sitting in the presence of Imam Warith Deen Mohammed in the Palace in Chicago, a month or so after he assumed the Leadership of the Nation of Islam, to discuss my trip to Egypt with my two eldest children, my daughter, Madeeah and my son, Ishmael. A meeting had been arranged by our  guide, to meet with the most famous composer and entertainer in Cairo,  Amar Sheria, to discuss a new arrangement and recording of my compositional work, The March of Victory, based on the 110th Surah of the Holy Qur�an.

The idea of Cultural Links has lived a lifetime within my heart, but now suddenly, the inspiration was sparked, and work began sometime in late November to publish this magazine, something that has proven to be a story within a story, giving birth to a Miracle within a Miracle, comprising many gifted individuals and their contributions within the United States and abroad. Such chosen ones came together in almost a twinkling of an eye, helping me to give birth to this new concept of a  global outreach on a universal level of spiritual consciousness, being guided By Allah through the example of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan,  taking the lead in bringing us in contact with the whole of  Humanity in  expressing  the New Cultural Revolution of our Times.

"A parable of the Garden which is promised to those who keep their duty: Therein flow rivers. Its fruits are perpetual and its plenty. Such is the end for those who keep their duty; and the end for the disbelievers is the Fire." Holy Qur�an, Surah 13, verse 35

To be continued.

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