If the United States is a Christian country founded on the principles
of good and righteousness, then it should use as a basis for its future
decisions those wonderful four letters that Christians are apt to use
these days when faced with a dilemma or important decision: WWJD?
Regarding the defenseless and the poor who die daily in the streets
of America, President Bush must ask, WWJD?
On addressing the question of race in America�discrimination, racial
profiling, police brutality, hate crimes�politicians, federal and state
prosecutors and police chiefs must ask, WWJD?
Concerning the elderly who are put away for storage in �old folks
homes,� abandoned by their children to be cared for by strangers who may
or may not care, America must ask itself, WWJD?
And what about the rapid advancement of science that now allows us to
inject fish genes into tomatoes so they will resist cold temperatures,
clone sheep and other animals, and venture into the next step, cloning
human beings? What are the ramifications of science advancement that is
not rooted in the Christian principles that America says this country is
founded upon? The question must be asked, WWJD?
How would the good doctor approach ridding the country and the world
of the scourge of AIDS? Would a righteous government be interested in
the truth of how the disease originated? What would a righteous judge do
if a disease that has claimed millions of innocent lives was, in fact,
man made? WWJD?
What about the drug war? Is America really fighting it, or has the
government been a co-conspirator in a scheme that has profited a few and
sentenced millions of others to lives of crime, poverty and death while
in search for their next hit?
Concerning the Israeli peace process and the call for a sovereign
Palestinian state, WWJD? What about Africa�s continued attempts to break
totally free of colonialism and chart a course for itself, should
America help her to stand on her own feet? WWJD?
Even regarding the government�s approach to finding those responsible
for the heinous acts of Sept. 11 have her actions been Christian-like?
Should the potential for the loss of innocent lives in Afghanistan from
relentless U.S. bombing attacks been considered, even though there were
thousands of innocent lives lost in the World Trade Center and Pentagon?
Just asking? WWJD?
As the country enters its annual holiday season, a holiday centered
around the birth of a man the country says is its Savior, then wouldn�t
it be appropriate for the government to ask a simple question as it
pursues in worldly endeavors: What Would Jesus Do?
If this question is asked and serious consideration given to what
Jesus Christ would actually do in the face of these crises, and
followed, then America truly will become the land of the free.