The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 01-15-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Crystals and the human body - a visit with Dr. Goss and company
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"So Allah will ward off from them the evil of that day, and cause them to meet with splendour and happiness; And reward them, for their steadfastness, with a Garden and with silk, Reclining therein on raised couches; they will see therein neither (excessive heat of) sun nor intense cold. And close down upon them are its shadows, and its fruits are made near (to them), easy to reach. And round about them are made to go vessels of silver and goblets of glass, Crystal-clear, made of silver they have measured them according to a measure.�Holy Qur�an, Surah 76, Verses 11-16

True religious freedom comes from understanding who we are in relationship to God.  Getting acquainted with God is like getting acquainted with self.  Loving self is loving others. To truly serve others in the Temple or the Synagogue or in any House of Worship is to dedicate the Temple of one�s body as the true repository of the soul and the body of Christ.  All of Divine Creation first proceeded out of the Essence of Darkness. To know what that Darkness is, is the beginning of Wisdom. Without contemplating the Essence of that Darkness, there is no Light.

Writing on this subject in terms of Crystals, Author Ted Andrews in his book, "Crystal Balls and Crystal Bowls," states a known truth and a universal principle of light: "Black contains the full light spectrum. It is the potential of the unknown, and so obsidian spheres can help awaken our vision of those potentials. The images and visions that are awakened within these spheres are often blunt, and as the old saying goes: �Sometimes the truth hurts.� "

I am reminded of the words of Dr. Paul Goss on the subject of melanin as related to the human body and the nature of being, as described in his most recent book, "The Rebirth of Gods." 

"When you look at Nature, you see melanin everywhere. You see colors. When you see color, you see pigment. You see kidneys. You see liver. You see all of the organs of your body. Your bloodstream is well intact when you look at color. Color also represents the highest level of your mind. Black is the presence of all colors. To discover your melanin and put it into functions where it can work for you, take a trip through the plant life. Through Nature. This is the same as taking a trip through your own body."

 I first wrote about my journey to Dr. Goss�s Retreat several weeks ago. This visit took place on the first few days of December in the company of Sister Anana, Brother Wahid and his wife, Sister Ann. Driving from Phoenix for four hours, we reached his Retreat in Douglas, Az., a short distance from the Mexican and New Mexican borders. We joined several other guests from Phoenix and Tucson, Texas and California.

I had already begun my re-alignment work with crystals, a short month earlier due to some surprising developments. In fact, the beginning of the year 2001 initiated my accelerated journey with crystals, beginning immediately after our Saviours�  Day, February Celebration in Chicago. I was invited to give a lecture and cultural presentation in March at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Ca. This event was organized and hosted principally by Sister Nujah Muhammad in Orange County.  This journey to Los-Angeles was extended to include the Oakland Bay area with my attendance at a  Sufi Conference. I journeyed later to the City of San Diego where I was invited to present another Cultural Performance followed by a lecture on Mother�s Day. My subject was on the work of the Angels and the Great Mother�s Wheel activated by striking photographic images of the Majestic Cloud sightings over San Diego photographed by our own brother.

In Dr. Goss�s book, he gives a profound mathematical exactness to the science of the body crystals working in our system. He writes: "Man�s body contains 144,000 crystals. Your crystals cause your body to absorb and dispatch the information that is in you. Every type of crystal that exists on the Planet exists in the body of man. If the crystals did not exist in your body they would not exist on the Planet. Each crystal has a different function in your body. Your crystals store and transmit information like the crystals in radios or televisions. Your crystals store information from all of creation. They don�t just store the information you have come in contact with since you have been on the Planet. They store the information you were born with. Your crystals are fed through your antennas. Your crystals cause the real being in you to wake up."

 "And they are made to drink therein a cup tempered with ginger�(Of) a fountain therein called Salsabil. And round about them will go youths, never altering in age; when thou seest them thou wilt think them to be scattered pearls, And when thou lookest thither, thou seest blessings and a great kingdom."�Holy Qur�an, Surah 76, Verses 17-20

To be continued.

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