The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 01-08-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

A crystal message for the new year, 2002- walking in harmony with sister Selena, brother Edward and brother Jamal Muhammad
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"And We granted abiding forever to no mortal before thee. If thou diest, will they abide? Every soul must taste of death. And We test you by evil and good by way of trial. And to Us you are returned."�Holy Qur�an, Surah 21, Verses 34-35

As the old year goes out and the New Year comes in, we can truly say that America and its citizens and the global community of nations with all our diverse societies and peoples the world over have changed forever. On the 25th of December, corresponding to the Christian world�s celebration of Christmas, a tragic conclusion to the lives of two brave souls terminated in a fatal plane crash  a half mile from the beach of San Onofre in the coastal waters of San Diego in the mid part of the afternoon.

The young pilot, alone, barely escaped with his life, being emersed in the cold, murky waters of the Pacific. He was courageously  rescued by police helicopter officers and a U.S. Coast Guard team, a nearby lifeguard, and a surfer from Pasadena.

 The mother of the young surviving pilot, Sister Syreeta Muhammad, a very dear Sister of mine, reached out to me and others on the day of the accident for my prayers and support as she was departing for the hospital where her son was taken in critical condition. I was in  Phoenix, Az., at the time with the tentative plans that were canceled on that day to fly over to Los Angeles to meet with her and a few others concerning some of the program  itineraries of the Nation of Islam�s upcoming Saviours� Day event for February, 2002 to be celebrated in the city of Los Angeles. On that same day in the Entertainment World, the premiering of the film "Ali," was scheduled to open at theaters around the country. The sign of these two concurrent events, occurring on the day celebrated around the world as Christmas, decry the tragic contradictions to Truth inherent in our contemporary world.

In a world of sport and play, life and death walk hand in hand at the price of Truth and Falsehood often being treated the same. The decree of life and death for everyone living is entirely in the Hands of Allah. The nature of life and death should produce in us an attitude of humility and gratefulness to God for whatever He, Allah, God, brings into our path and journey to Him.

We live and die many times over in this very lifetime through the trials and tribulations which are binding upon us in the ever evolving cycle of life and death. In life there is the seed of death and in death there is life. The essence of the life force lives forever and never dies because it is a continuous flow and an ever-evolving cycle from the Fountainhead and Presence of God, Himself.

In the production of the crystal seed and its lattice like structure, such resilience is created in the process of production so that it is stated that a crystal lives forever and never dies, but it changes its form from one crystalline structure into another with such harmony, geometry and symmetry, from a gaseous form to a liquid form and to a solid state. So, too, whatever the condition of our finite structure, the Righteous truly never die, but evolve and harmonize and synchronize as the crystal from one state to another emitting the vibrations of color and sound into one�s journey of Eternity.

May these three gallant souls living and dying as Muslims leave with us a living record of our own deeds as contained in the Crystal Message of our Universal Souls which will always be as One with Allah in Love and Peace, in life and in death, for all is Divine.

 I close with the words of Cherokee spiritual leader Dhyani Ywahoo, in her book: "Voices of our Ancestors," as a comfort for the bereaved in the loss of life, and for those who remain behind, who have yet to know the mystery of death and dying as well as the mystery of life. "When we affirm love and forgiveness as a stream within our hearts, we release in our bodies a great energy, and the sacred flow within us flows more readily, more fully. In that stream of forgiveness we see that we continue on in a process and that we have choices. Our words, our actions, our very breath shape the fiber of our reality. The rocks in the stream are part of the dream."

Everything in form is vibration. Energy moves along an axis, a line of energy of greatest flow and of least resistance. Energy within crystal structure flows as a generator; to manifest the initial form it chooses a path of least resistance through the spiral. The shape, the movement of the atomic structure within the crystal is consciousness, and the consciousness atoms are moving within us. We are in relationship to all that goes on in this universe.

"And when those who disbelieve see thee, they treat thee not but with mockery: Is this he who speaks of your gods? And they deny when the Beneficent God is mentioned. "Man is created of haste. Soon will I show you My signs, so ask Me not to hasten them."�Holy Qur�an, Surah 21, verses 36&37

To be continued..

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