The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 01-01-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Crystal journey to the discovery of self enlightenment
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

�Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were closed up, so We rent them. And We made from water everything living. Will they not then believe? And We made firm mountains in the earth lest it be convulsed with them, and We made in it wide ways that they might follow a right direction. And We have made the heaven a guarded canopy; yet they turn away from its signs.�Holy Qur�an, Surah 21, Verses 30-32.

The idea that crystalline matter makes up the compositional structure of the heavens and the Earth from which we draw the sustenance of our own created forms is leading to a greater appreciation and understanding of who we are as a species and why we are here. A crystal is in essence a crystallized structure basic to life and order. From rocks to mountains, to woods, the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom to muscle formation to bones and our very genetic code are describable as crystal in nature. Crystals are now classified into some 1,500 species comprising six systems and exactly 32 classes of symmetry within these crystal species known to man.

According to author Guy Murchie, in his book, �The Seven Mysteries of Life,� the squeezing of a piezoelectric crystal unit once subject to an outside electric current becomes an oscillator regulating frequencies in all sorts of electronic equipment. These types of crystals have become important in radio and TV microphones, transmitters, submarine sonar systems, ultrasonic tools and cleaning devices and within collagen fibers slipping past one another in our bones� crystal layers. This is also true in the forming of hemoglobin crystalline structure of the blood.

Crystallinity is in essence a universal principle extending from the molecule to encompass all spiraling galaxies and worlds expanding in all directions. One cannot help but be reminded of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who laid the base for a whole New World Order, guided by a New Science and Technology in which he spoke to us about the new evolving human species and the use of Light that would be greatly in advance of our present use of electricity. I find it interesting in this regard that several of Nasa�s exploration missions into space was to generate and manufacture crystals.

In my recent journey to the mountain retreat established by Dr. Paul Goss in the south of Arizona, we were surprised by a collection of crystal rocks that were strewn about freely on Crystal Mountain at the foot of his property. But the greatest adventure of all was discovering the deeper crystal mystery within our own bodies, from the hairy filaments on the surface of our ears, to the intestinal nodes within our colons, to the creation of blood marrow in our bones, to the beating of the heart muscle, within the essence of our D.N.A., the journey within, finding this piezoelectric crystal unit activated within our own bodies.

Literally, water is the one essential element of the world and water literally constitutes most of ourselves. And it is this water crystal in a liquid state that ultimately solidifies into the Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdoms that make up our world. The human eye is also crystalline in nature and is the mirror of the soul that reflects the health of the body.

Native American Dhyani Ywahoo, writing in her book, �Voices of Our Ancestors,� states: �Without the voice of the crystals coating the fine hairs of our ears we would not even hear one another�s voices. The crystal is an amplifier of that ever-present voice of creation within. In our world of inventions the crystals in radios have been amplifying desire, saying, �buy this, buy that.� In reality the crystal sings, �Let us plant the seeds of peace, let us put aside the mind of separation.� It is that subtle vibration that has stirred the hearts of so many people to peaceful resolution. The crystals buried deep in the Earth sing out the song of our planetary harmony.�

 �And He it is Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. All float in orbits.�Holy Qur�an, Surah 21, Verse 33

 To be continued.

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