The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 12-18-2001
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Crystal Mountain-Crystal Skull-A Crystal story for the 21st century
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"And we descend not but by the command of thy Lord. To Him belongs what is before us and what is behind us and what is between these, and thy Lord is never forgetful."Holy Qur�an, Surah 19, verse 64

To say that we are composed of crystalline matter in essence with exquisite vibratory memory cells that form and shape our bodies that is drawn from the compositional matter of our earth�s sphere and planetary orbits in space may be to the average reader a little far fetched upon hearing. However, the deeper we explore this subject from a scientific, biochemical and spiritual perspective, the truer the above statement  becomes.

We are all part and parcel of God�s Resplendent Divine Light which resonates Color and Sound. The essence of Light, what  it is and how  it manifests itself in the realm of all Creation, has become the leading quest of scientists in the 21st century and will lead to new evolutionary technologies that will be applied to new educational programming and a new economic development that will be liberating for the whole of humanity.

 To begin my Crystal Story at this interval of my quest for  understanding the nature of God�s Divine Light, I will begin with an experience I had recently on November the 19th of this year. While preparing for a meeting involving a Saviours� Day presentation scheduled for February in Los Angeles, California, I received a strong signal thought that instructed me to begin surrounding myself with more crystals throughout my environment.

 This was clearly intuitive thought which carried the impulse of an important message within. I had already received some introductory knowledge about crystals from previous years of  study and research involving the discovery of the crystal skull on a Mayan Temple site in Belize, the former British Honduras in Central America located at the junction of the Caribbean Sea. I had also procured a small reproduction of this famous Hedge-Mitchell Skull, so named by the British explorer and journalist by that name in 1924.  I shared this information in presentations for the first time to audiences in California in the early 1990�s and then later in a few lectures at Mosque Maryam during approximately the same period of time.

On a recent journey to the Health Retreat of Dr. Paul  Goss, famed iridologist and herbologist located on 800 acres of land in Douglass, Arizona, a small group of guests including Brother Wahid and his wife, Sister Ann, and a sister official from the Arizona staff, had the occasion to enjoy for a few days a healthful and natural environment which included discussions on improving health and diet and a shared experience of my journey to the Al-Tai Himalaya Region of southern Siberia. We also visited at the foot of Dr. Goss� property, a resonating treasure trove of natural crystals embedded on so named, Crystal Mountain.

It was on this property owned by Dr. Goss, that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan went on retreat during the early stages in the diagnosis of his prostrate cancer. In my understanding of the crystal healing mechanism and how it works, we learn that in the making of the quartz crystal, in particular,  it grows or is manufactured from the liquid matrix originating the mother seed composed of pure silicon dioxide, a kind of milky white substance  or water.  When infused with intense heat occurring over years of geological changes on our earth, the crystal is then processed through fire until it hardens and becomes what has been termed "frozen water."

According to the writings of Dhyani Ywahoo, Native American leader, in her book, "Voices Of Our Ancestors�Cherokee Teachings from the Wisdom Fire," she states that thought and crystals interact with each other in consciousness to resonate the basic sound of creation. "The crystal is a living being, vibrating faster than the speed of light. It is not a solid; it is sound, ether, concretized. The crystal is a conscious being that has taken a particular form to resonate the basic sound of creation. The clear quartz crystal is one of the deeper mysteries of the practice of the Tsalagi people. With the quartz one walks in all dimensions. It is also a key to healing, amplifying the proper tone so that the body may realize its resonance with the sound of creation."

Returning back to Phoenix, following our three day retreat, the four of us  were loaded down with these natural crystal rocks as much as we could carry  from our visit to Crystal Mountain. I left a symbolic number of 19 of these rocks with the Sisterhood in Phoenix with the thought to begin building our own Rock Garden embued with a horticultural project in growing our own food supply balancing nature with spiritual attunment as we embrace with more deepening insights, dignity and respect the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. With this deepening love and respect, we are greater helpers of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and The Witnesses to the Presence of God in our lives.

 "Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, so serve Him and be patient in His service. Knowest thou any one equal to Him?"�Holy Qur�an, Surah 19, verse 65

 To be continued.

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