The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 12-04-2001
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Wauneta Lonewolf link to the crystal prism of light and the healing journey
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His light is as a pillar on which is a lamp�the lamp is in a glass, the glass is as it were a brightly shining star�lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof gives light, though fire touch it not�light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. And Allah sets forth parables for men,  and Allah is Knower of all things." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 24, verse 35

 This resplendent verse of God�s Light is perhaps the most mystical and scientific description of the Nature of the Supreme Being and the Essence of all of His Divine Creation. It is summed up in this verse of Divine Light. In preparation for the next series of articles, which will include a return visit to ancient Egypt, highlighting its connection to our contemporary times as viewed from the perspective of art historians, musicologists and a long list of theatrical involvement all focusing on ancient Egypt and our contemporary times.

How does crystal relate to light and electricity and human evolution to Divine? Let us begin with the opening verse quoted above, Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. Light as well as electricity travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. Light from our central sun strikes the Planet in aproximately 8 minutes, while the complete circulation of blood within our bodies also takes aproximately 8 minutes. Here we see a direct relationship between the Light of the heavens and the earth and the human beings who habitate this earth and our link to Divinity.

In the next verse, "A likeness of His light is as a pillar on which is a lamp-the lamp is in a glass, the glass is as it were a brightly shining star." According to the Book of Genesis of the Bible, man was made in His Likeness on the 6th day and was given dominion over the whole earth. A similarity to the word pillar is contained in the word prism, which is a container that reflects light in a visible spectrum or band of 7 colors as demonstrated in the rainbow. According to the Book: "Voices of our Ancestors" by Author Dhyani Ywahoo, "The crystal, vibrating at 786,000 pulses per millisecond, is neither solid nor not solid; its vibrations occur faster than the speed of light."

 So man being a conductor of electricity and the receiver and transmitter of light which can be calculated by minutes and seconds and milliseconds emanating from the Divine Source of Light, Almighty God, Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, then this Divine Light is neither eastern nor western, being lit from a blessed olive-tree, (man) with the oil giving light though fire touch it not, light upon light, Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. In recalling the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his 22 lecture series, The Theology of Time, in which he stated that we would no longer go up to Jerusalem to the Temple to worship God or to any other Sacred Shrine looking for the Light of God, you or we would be the Temple of God�s Light ourselves.

Understanding the crystal matrix and its direct link to the Divine Creation and the Divine Mind will expand our spiritual consciousness and increase our ability to tap into the world of God�s Creative Power which He has bestowed on Man and His Divine Creation.

If we take the pillar to be man holding this lamp in a glass as if it were a brightly shining star, we can better see the imagery of the crystal matrix which germinates from a mother seed sustained by fire in earth�s geological matter. The peculiar properties of crystals begin with understanding the crystal seed. Any piece of natural quartz crystal can be a seed. Under intense heat and pressure, quartz crystal will dissolve in water. The liquid crystal appears to have a memory and attaches itself to any nearby existing crystal and begins building a new, perfect latticework crystal structure. This crystal seed requires a nutrient in order to grow which is silicon dioxide. With pressure and heat the seed begins to grow. The crystal grows in a hexagonal shape which is six-sided from the matrix up to a point. Let us keep in mind through this process of understanding crystals, that man�s number is also 6, whose creation is germinated from a seed that is taken from the earth�s crust.

 I wanted to share this perspective about crystals and its relationship to God�s Divine Light and the Divine Creation as a closing piece of information concerning Wauneta�s Journey to Healing. In exchange for receiving the medicine pouch, I was guided to leave with her my personal quartz crystal prism of light, upon my departure to the Al-Tai Himalaya in the month of August. Upon one of my last visits with Sister Wauneta, she reminded me that she was to return to me my crystal at my journey�s end.

I also learned from Wauneta several weeks later that it appeared that her cancer was in remission to be followed up with further examinations to determine that there were no other signs of the cancer in her body.

  "(It is) in houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and His name to be remembered therein. Therein do glorify Him, in the mornings and the evenings. Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the paying of the poor rate�they fear a day in which the hearts and the eyes will turn about, That Allah may give them the best reward for what they did, and give them more out of His grace. And Allah provides without measure for whom He pleases." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 24, verses 36-38

 To be continued.

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