The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 11-27-2001
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Journey to healing with Wauneta Lone Wolf Mitakuye Oyasin - (We are all related)
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes to the Beneficent as a servant. Certainly He comprehends them, and has numbered them all. And every one of them will come to Him on the day of Resurrection, alone. Those who believe and do good deeds, for them the Beneficent will surely bring about love." �Holy Qur�an Surah 19, verses 93-96

On the morning of November 13, 2001, I was preparing my article for this current edition of our newspaper with an honorary tribute to Wauneta Lone Wolf of the Lakota Indian Nation. She was born on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, on April 18, 1951. During an Inter-Faith or Cross-Traditions Healing ceremony that was held in her honor at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Phoenix on July 13 of this year, she acknowledged several persons towards the end of the Program whom she felt were especially helpful in her healing process. I was one of several recipients of a medicine pouch containing sage and herbs. I carried it with me when I departed on my journey to the Al-Tai Republic 13 days later.

It was during our stay in the Republic of Al-Tai, where a small group in our delegation called to remembrance the condition of our Sister Wauneta, with Sacred Prayers, Song and Ceremony on the grounds of this Sacred Place. Wauneta Lone Wolf had been diagnosed with lung cancer earlier this year and had undergone a combination of Traditional Medicine treatments consisting of herbs and electrolysis treated water with a frequency simply defined as red water accompanied with prayers. This was followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. On the weekend of April 14 and 15, the Native Traditional Sweat was invoked with a grand number of participants from Arizona taking part along with others who had traveled from surrounding areas. Two Medicine Men from her tribe had come in from her Native Pine Ridge birthplace in Oglala, South Dakota.

Several months later during ceremonies that were conducted during our stay in the Al-Tai Republic, a special moment occurred while we were visiting the Karakol Valley of Central Al-Tai, in the surrounding village environs of Shaman Priest and Teacher, Olga Erohonova, a devotee of the Order of the White Faith. She also hosted us in her home along with her sister Klaudia in their family village. She was full of compassion and deep sentiment concerning her people and the tribes; and she possessed great spiritual insights on their deep rooted origins and present state. The red Caravan Bus carrying our thirteen member delegation arrived at her home at about 4:00 AM following a full day�s activity which included a journey into mountainous terrain forested with pine and the cedars of Mt. Taiga where we also stayed the previous night in our wooded encampment under a starry canopy in another moment of blissful enchantment accompanied by artisan and guide, Anton Yudanov.

After settling in Olga�s house and home village following only a few hours of sleep, we awakened to a dazzling sunlit morning and began to make preparation to participate in a special ceremony to be conducted by Olga and the Headman of the village. Olga was an elder in the White Faith and dressed in her traditional garment and took pride in explaining to us some of the meanings of the ritual in which the making of ribbon ties were required of us to be completed in sets of three colors, white, blue and yellow, which we ceremonially placed after circling several times around the stone altar. The ties of the white ribbons represent God and Purity, the Blue represents the Nation of the Al-Tai Republic and the yellow represents the family. The newer faith (Ak Burkhan or the White Faith, established in 1904 as the state religion), is the reformed older shamanism of the Tengri or sky faith. Combined with the practicing Faiths of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, these religious communities all run through the hearts of the people beckoning to the reopening of Shambala or Heaven on Earth, when men�s hearts beat as one.

Following the opening and concluding part of the ritual, I beckoned to the Arguelles and a few others to join our efforts in soliciting prayers and offerings for the healing of our Sister, Wauneta Lone Wolf. Lloydine offered a prayerful song of Lakota origin and her husband, Jose, played a wooden Lakota Flute with melodic prayers. Thus, we shared in divine unity lifting our voices to God in the Healing Journey of Wauneta Lone Wolf. May our Sister continue to travel the Path of God�s Mercy and Love as our prayer has indeed circled the Globe from among the Tribes and Families on either shore with the hope of healing for all of humanity facing this most troublesome time. Mitakuye Oyasin� (We are all related).

This series of articles has covered my latest journey overseas to the Al-Tai Republic located in a chain of the Himalaya mountains rarely visited by the outside world. My first correspondence covering this expedition was published in The Final Call Newspaper in the August 21st edition. This date corresponded to the exact day of our return to North America. In the Sept. 4th edition, came my first full report; and one week later in the Sept. 11th edition, appeared my second article. This was the dreadful day in which the world was shocked over the immensity of the attack on the World Trade Center. Thereafter, I gave considerable comment on this tragic event, intertwined with my continuous report on my visit to Al-Tai. We now continue this series with a journey to healing with Wauneta Lone Wolf containing the atonement message for the regeneration of humanity from within as delivered by the Honorable Min. Louis Farrakhan, the divine Reminder of Almighty God, Allah, to a sin-sick nation and world. He has been divinely appointed to show us the way out of divine Judgment and Chastisement. Please respond with your thoughts and questions regarding this series via email, [email protected].

"Gardens of perpetuity which the Beneficent has promised to His servants in the Unseen. Surely His promise ever comes to pass. They will hear therein no vain discourse, but only, Peace! And they have their sustenance therein, morning and evening. This is the Garden which We cause those of Our servants to inherit who keep their duty." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 19, verses 61-63

To be continued.

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