The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 11-20-2001
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Ramadan-A World in Crisis
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"They will make excuses to you when you return to them. Say: Make no excuse, we shall not believe you; Allah has informed us of matters relating to you. And Allah and His Messenger will now see your actions, then you will be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what you did." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 9, verse 94.

The Honorable Elijah Muha-mmad has been absent for the last 26 years. Prior to his departure, he prepared his Followers for the great battle to come, as part of a Divine Plan revealed to him by Almighty God Allah. As Moses served the Israelites throughout their wilderness journey, so it is with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Divinely Appointed Spiritual Guide for his people traveling through this Wilderness of North America on our Exodus. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in turn, was Divinely appointed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as his Greatest Helper serving Allah as Aaron was appointed to aid Moses.

The Prophet Muhammad, (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), received the Revelation of the Holy Qur�an throughout a period of 23 and one half years to nearly 24 years. Throughout his lifetime after the age of 40, portions of the Qur�an were revealed to him during specific periods and events that took place in his life�s mission following his initial call. The Honorable Minister Farrakhan has fulfilled exactly 23 and one half to nearly 24 years since his Divine Call began in 1977. This number of years equals the same number of years that it took Prophet Muhammad to receive the entire Revelation of the Holy Qur�an.

When the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was on the run from his enemies on the East coast for seven years following his flight from the city of Detroit in 1935, he was assigned the reading of 104 books at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. by his Teacher Master Fard Muhammad. He spoke to his Followers concerning the contents of those books. He said that the majority of those books pertained to the life of Prophet Muhammad. He further stated that of these 104 books, he liked the Holy Qur�an the best. He also stated that he would not rest until he made the Holy Qur�an the Law of the land.

In a few more days, we will be approaching The Sacred Month of Ramadan, the month in which the Holy Qur�an was revealed. In this Month of Ramadan, in the year 2001, the Muslim World is under seige, pitting one Muslim against another.

The Islamic Lunar Calendar Change, initiated with the Flight of the Prophet from the Holy City of Mecca to Medinah over 1,400 years ago, recedes each successive year approximately 11 days earlier. The prophetic signs of the ghastly attack on the Twin Towers within the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11th, has given rise to a military response from the United States government being staged in Afghanistan which began on the evening of October seventh. This day marked the 104th birthday of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad with no let up in the bombing, contining into the month of Ramadan.

What might this mean within the prophetic cycle of time?

Due to this indignation, the Muslim world is now being put on the chilling alert that the possible use of nuclear and biochemical weapons might be contemplated in the escalation of war. The ever reverberating code of 9/11 is revealed in these events as we move into the Month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Lunar Calendar losing 11 days each consecutive year.

When the Prophet returned from his journey during the Tabuk Expedition described in Surah 9, the people were questioned about their actions. "They will swear to you that you may be pleased with them. But if you are pleased with them, yet surely Allah is not pleased with the transgressing people." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 9, verse 96. With the sighting of the new Moon in the month of November, we will have entered Ramadan with war raging in the land of Muslims. We must be ever prayerful in this time of Ramadan�A World in Crisis. "Nor spend they any thing, small or great, nor do they traverse a valley but it is written down for them, that Allah may reward them for the best of what they did." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 9, verse 121.

Ramadan Mubarak!

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