Can U.S. rein Israel in?
THE WHITE HOUSE�Forced by growing protests in the Middle East and around the world, and increasing dissension among Muslims, Christians and even Jews in this country, President George W. Bush signaled a renewed U.S. participation in the quest to end the spiraling cycle of violence and death in the Holy Land.  Just two days after the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan vowed that he would lead a peace-delegation to the region, Mr. Bush called on Israel to withdraw its military forces from Palestinian cities and cease all settlement activity in the occupied territories; and he announced that he was dispatching Secretary of State Colin Powell to the region to push for a political settlement. more

See also: Mid-East conflict needs an honest broker (Press Conference Transcript & Webcast)

Cincinnati rally marks anniversary of uprising
CINCINNATI�A crowd of about 1,500 gathered at a March for Justice rally at Fountain Square here to remember the tragic police shooting of Timothy Thomas. Also, they came to reflect on the four days of violent civil and racial unrest that followed. Speakers included Rev. Damon Lynch III of the Cincinnati Black United Front; Rev. Stephen Scott of the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati; Angela Leisure, mother of Timothy Thomas; and Roger Owensby Sr., father of Roger Owensby Jr., who was also killed at the hands of Cincinnati police. more

The destruction of Black colleges?
Whites winning lawsuits against HBCUs

PHILADELPHIA, Pa.�A series of legal battles waged by White employees against Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) claiming discrimination, now threatens the survival of these institutions created for Blacks when attending White-only institutions was unacceptable, critics charge. White professors, administrators as well as rank-and-file employees have now begun the process of suing HBCUs with claims of "last hired, first fired," and unfair denials of tenure or advancement. Some view the growing trend as a means to manipulate civil rights laws, creating a form of reverse affirmative action for Whites. more

Cuba followed U.S. into Angola, secret papers reveal
WASHINGTON (IPS)�Secret Cuban and U.S. documents released here April 1 show that the administration of then-President Gerald Ford was planning covert actions in Angola well before Cuba�s intervention in the former Portuguese colony�s civil war in 1975. The documents, released by the independent National Security Archive (NSA), also show that the Soviet Union only reluctantly backed Havana�s intervention in Angola and tried to put strict limits on it. The papers were uncovered by Washington-based Cuban expert, Piero Gleijeses, during research for a new book. more

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World Web News

Bush officials met with Venezuelans who ousted Chavez

American-Led Slavery Mission Due to Report in May Johannesburg

Chinese President Continues World Tour As 155 Die in Air China Crash -This Day / -Nigeria

Mussa rejects Sharon peace conference proposal
 Al Bawaba

Coach them to be champions in the classroom
One could get a good debate going by asserting that no sport exemplifies the blend of skill, power, grace, quick thinking, determination and self-confidence required to be a top-flight athlete than basketball. The NCAA tournament�s win-or-go-home format simultaneously puts a premium on both an entire team�s unquestioning commitment to teamwork and yet also on the necessity in virtually every game of an individual deciding to rise above others to make the difference. more


Stop the violence, stop the killing

America's loss of friendship
by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Congress Chooses The Jewish Political Establishment Over Truth, Justice And The
"Rule Of Law"

We are still what we eat (sorry)!
by Abdul Allah Muhammad

Killing the Black insane
by Ron Walters

United Front Required To Win Reparations
by Ron Daniels

Adversity accompanies everything of value
by Jabril Muhammad

Voluntary Gifts
by Tynnetta Muhammad

Muhammad Farms
by Dr. Ridgely Mu'min Muhammad


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