The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 07-30-2002
Patience is one of the keys to our success
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Farrakhan The Traveler by Jabril Muhammad

Brother Jabril: The word "endure" comes up in this redemptive task, in the scriptures. In one place it reads: "In your patience possess ye your souls." We�ve entered the dark hour the scriptures teach of and it�s going to get darker before it gets brighter.

Patience is a primary key the Believer must have to get through to the other side. We have spoken of patience many times, especially in these last 25 years. You have patiently and often answered questions about patience and have brought out different aspects of the need for, as well as the roots of patience. How does patience fit into what you�ve just covered about suffering and it�s roots?

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: One cannot have patience where one does not have knowledge. One cannot have patience where one does not have faith. One cannot have patience where one does not have love.

The Holy Qur�an teaches us that man is created in haste and we are like spiritual children who want the gratification of our desires as quickly as possible. Therefore, patience is something that has to be acquired. What God demands of us is patience, because without patience, we cannot see the out-working of His will.

Without patience, The Word loses its value in your own heart and mind. Without patience, you cannot endure the pain that accompanies the process of growing us into manifestations of God. So the Qur�an as well as the Bible encourages us to be patient.

Well, in my own humble opinion, we will never have enough knowledge, comprehensively, to see the out-working of God�s will through knowledge alone. So, without faith, undergirded by love, we�ll never be able to endure what is to be endured in order to become what God desires for us to become.

So the race, He says "Is not to the swift, nor even to the strong." So even strength will not allow you and me to endure. But the love of God which passes all understanding; the love of God that gives you faith in Him, that His word is as real in your heart and mind as though it is actually manifested, then you will wait on God and suffer as you wait to see the fulfillment of His word. So Allah commands us to have patience. Paul said, "Of faith, of hope and of charity of love, the greatest of these is love." So without love, we will not be able to endure to the end of this process.

Jesus endured. Because he endured, he was able to say, in the darkness of his hour, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." If they understood, they would never have said, "crucify him." They would never have chosen a thief over the servant of God, if they but understood.

Yes, I�m nailed. Yes, I�m in great pain. Yes, I�m being mocked; ridiculed. Yes, there�s a crown of thorns on my head. I�m left here to hang and suffer, with agonizing pain, while people walk by and spit on me and throw stones and I cannot defend myself. But when I open my mouth to speak, I curse no one. I curse not God. I say, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Into Thy hands do I command my spirit. It is finished. It is accomplished.

Brother Jabril: This, of course, takes us right back to Moses and the wise man that we touched on in our earlier conversation that was not taped. Now, we�re back to that subject.

There were three specific tests that Moses failed. What are the lessons we must focus on now that we�ve entered the first stages of the darkest of all hours, called in one place, "The time of Jacob�s trouble." But, it adds, that: "he shall be delivered out of it."

Minister Farrakhan: First, we must understand that this is not Moses following God. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, "This is the way my followers follow me in doubt and suspicion." Since I am seated in his seat by his permission with authority to continue to do his work, then those who continue to follow me, do so with the same doubt and suspicion.

We�ll never have a comprehensive knowledge unless God gives it to us. The wise man did not show his comprehensive knowledge of things until it was time for the parting of the ways. If the person characterized by Moses loved the wise man and had faith in him, he would not need a comprehensive knowledge to understand that even in that which appears negative, there is great good. The faithful one says, "I can�t see it all and I don�t understand it all, but I believe that this man that I�m following and what he does is good."

Unfortunately, doubt and suspicion were there from the beginning because when the Saviour left, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began to say who the man [Master Fard Muhammad] was. They did not hear the man say that. So immediately, there were those who said, "He�s trying to make more of the man than the man made of Himself so he could make something more of himself." There�s the doubt. There�s the suspicion. So some went on with him, but in doubt and suspicion. Then as he did other things, there was doubt and suspicion.

Every time the wise man called him to the promise that he made, he said, "Yes, yes, yes, I�m sorry. Please allow me to go on." But by his not explaining, he didn�t erase the doubt. And by the doubter making a judgment, and going on with the wise man, his doubt was not erased and so his judgment of the wise man produced a gap in the following. So at every point, the wise man went further ahead and the doubter went further behind.

So when they came to the parting of the ways, they had already [spiritually] parted, but now I�m going tell you why you and I are separated. Since you could not have patience with me because you didn�t love me, you didn�t believe in me from the very beginning. So you doubted and had suspicion of me in whatever I did, according to your [limited] understanding of, or lack of understanding of, the modern Moses, Elijah Muhammad. So you used his law and his teachings to [mis]judge me as the Jews used the law of Moses to judge Jesus, and as many [mis]judged the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

So gaps continued to develop and broaden. So it�s written, "That day shall not come except there be a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed."

Falling away is a gap. They will not any longer endure sound doctrine. Who are these teachers that you are now heaping to your ears that tickle your ears. See, to tickle your ear means they say the thing that is congruent to the [mis]judgment that you�ve made of the wise, thus increasing the gap, which confirms you in your madness.

So, to get through the dark hour now, one has to look deep into one�s self.

The completion of his answer, next issue, Allah willing.


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