The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 07-24-2002
Consider the time and nature of a divine mission
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Farrakhan The Traveler by Jabril Muhammad

"Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. Many will be purged, purified and refined...none of the wicked will understand, those who have insight will understand." Daniel 12:9, 10

"Seal up what the seven thunders have said; do not write it down." Revelation 10:4


As we study the magnificent words of the May 1st interview of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, let�s not forget for one second the context of the time in which we live when he is fulfilling his awesome mission.

Today, July 4th, ought to be a great reminder of the true nature of these times, if we understand that this was the day, 72 years ago, when Master Fard Muhammad chose to declare our freedom. Let�s now deeply reflect.

Today, the Declaration of Independence and Mr. Thomas Jefferson will be mentioned over and over again.

A great national temple was built to honor Thomas Jefferson�s memory. It�s named The Jefferson Memorial. It�s located in Washington, D.C. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dedicated it on the two hundredth anniversary of Jefferson�s birth, which was on April 13, 1743.

According to an official brochure, "Inscriptions at the memorial were selected by The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission and were taken from a wide variety of his writings on freedom, slavery, education and government."

The section of the inscriptions that deals with freedom and slavery runs as follows, in part: "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever."

Did Mr. Jefferson write what he foresaw that caused him to tremble? Yes! The commissioners omitted it from the inscriptions on the monument. Why?


Secretary of State Colin Powell was asked this question, when he was the head of The Joint Chiefs of Staff: "The Declaration of Independence is unprecedented, a watershed moment in the nation. How did it apply to Black people?"

His answer was: "The Declaration of Independence is one of the most remarkable documents in the world, and certainly in the English language or in Christendom. And in just a few words, it captures the essence. You know, �inalienable rights,� rights not given to you by the state but given to you by God, so they can�t be taken away. And the purpose of the state is to secure these rights, not to give them to you or to tell you what you�re supposed to do with them, but to secure those rights for you.

"What are those rights? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. �We hold these truths to be self-evident.� In other words, you don�t have to prove them. It�s self-evident. Why is it self-evident? Came from God. They�re inalienable. Government secures them. Remarkable document. It didn�t apply to Black folks."

It still doesn�t.


Israel�s recent rejection of Minister Farrakhan reminds me of a statement quoted from Einstein, in a book titled: The Einstein�s Files by Fred Jerome. On page 110, of this book, he is quoted in a letter he wrote to the Zionist leader, Chaim Weizmann: "If we do not succeed in finding the path of honest cooperation and coming to terms with the Arabs, we will not have learned anything from our two thousand-year-old ordeal and will deserve the fate which will beset us."

Mr. Jerome continues: "Cooperation with the Arab population, in Einstein�s view, was both the only �practical possibility� and �moral justification� for Zionism."

He pointed out Einstein�s effort to be even handed by citing that he "was also critical of Arab nationalism."

The above, of course, is but a thin slice of Einstein�s thinking and efforts, on behalf of what he deemed to be a better world.

Regardless to how Minister Farrakhan�s peace mission turns out, it will not be a failure, any more than any of the men of God, who were turned down by those whose hearts refused to know.

By the way, the sub-title of this book is: "J. Edgar Hoover�s Secret War Against The World�s Most Famous Scientist."


Now, back to the interview I conducted with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, on May 1st of this year.

Brother Jabril: "John 19:30 records Jesus� last words, at the moment of his death as: �It is finished.� Some translations put it: �It is accomplished.� Still others: �It is done.� What was finished, accomplished or done? Why was it accompanied by such excruciating suffering? Why was this a necessary factor in the planning of God?"

Be it the will of Allah, the first part of his answer will be fully stated at the end of this interview, with the reason given.

Minister Farrakhan first went to the root of suffering. He continued: "Even though He said �Be� and it is, that which accompanied His will was great suffering to bring into existence what He desired."

He stated that what Allah now desired "to bring in was even greater than His bringing in the sun or the moon or the stars." Minister Farrakhan explained, in part, that His bringing into being, at present, "the perfection of human beings through whom would come a perfect world" is greater than that which He brought in prior to this day.

He said that Allah is now bringing in "A new heaven and a new earth. So if an imperfect world is accompanied by great suffering to bring it in; an imperfect universe was accompanied by great suffering to bring it in, how much more should the suffering be to perfect the man through whom would come a new heaven and a new earth.

"So the words �It is finished� means to me, that what I was to endure to produce that which would glorify God, the suffering that was endured to accomplish the will of God it was done. �It is finished� and in its being finished it has been accomplished and the result of this is the exaltation of man; the reconnection of man to God and the fulfillment in man for the purpose of His creations."

(For more on "It Is Finished," see chapter seven, which starts on page 75, in Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive???)

"So the Saviour said to his Servant, Elijah Muhammad, �Take plenty, Brother. Take plenty.� How could he take plenty if he didn�t have plenty of love for that which he was going to take plenty from? How could he take plenty if he did not have faith in the results of that which he would take plenty from or what it would produce?

"So it was love. It was faith ... that love produced faith; love produced long suffering. That�s why Paul (1st Corinthians chapter 13) described, in this way, what love was. It suffers all. It hopeth all. It endureth all. Why? Because in order to bring about what was to be brought about, that redemptive agent had to be able, through that love, to suffer all that was necessary to accomplish the task it [he] had."

Notice Minister Farrakhan�s pure humility.

More next issue, Allah willing.


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