"Surely We revealed it on the Night of
Majesty�And what will make thee comprehend what the Night of Majesty
is? The Night of Majesty is better than a thousand months. The angels
and the Spirit descend in it by the permission of their Lord�for every
affair� Peace! it is till the rising of the morning."�Surah
97, verses 1-5
We have come to a most auspicious moment in the history of the
world in which the time we have known will no longer be the same. Time
is the essence of the material darkness in which evolution and a force
is constantly pushing up objects into our view. Objects which were
once unseen become seen in the transformation of the material of
darkness into light. Time is an endless cycle of eternity, as the
ancients described as the serpent swallowing its� tail and symbolized
as the dragon in her energetic form of activity.
Behold, it was truly a continuous Night of Majesty that took place
in Atlanta, Georgia, beginning on the evening of September 7th on the
theme of A Night of Elegance and Culture, which I translated as the
Night of Majesty which continued into the next day and the next night,
a continual expression of the Night of Power, where those who were
present experienced heightened Energy and Consciousness in the
Presence of the Spirit of God and of the angels simultaneously. God�s
Blessings were descending and transcending upon the audience in a way
that can only be described as Divine.
Characteristically, I have been invited from time to time to make a
presentation to the Sisterhood of a particular city followed by a
banquet celebration in the evening opened to the public, where I
present an educational slide program with Music, live talent along
with a fashion presentation and narration. But something magical
happened on that evening in Atlanta where the entire audience
participated in a pageant of joy and happiness, and we felt the
Presence of new and inspiring creative forms of expression. It was as
if we were feasting with the gods of the days of yore in the present
moment of perfect time.
Thus I raise this question: What is time? It is the unfolding of
motion from one point to another which leaves the past to become the
present which constantly expands into the future in a constant cycle
of eternity. Could this be what produces our expression that it
appears that time passes us by? Perhaps we could say that time is
recorded by the brain in a state of collective consciousness which is
stored as memory. All time is One unending cycle of Divine Being. The
more we know, the more we want to know and this keeps pushing us
forward in motion with the sole objective of manifesting the Truth of
All Things. This is how our Universe began and continues to sustain
itself into endless cycles of Eternity.
He said: My Lord, give me a sign. He said:
Thy sign is that thou speak not to people three nights, being in sound
health. So he went forth to his people from the sanctuary and
proclaimed to them: Glorify (Allah) morning and evening."�Holy
Qur�an, Surah 19, verses 10&11
To be continued.