The Final Call Online Edition


FCN Online People Poll

Are you concerned about vaccine test programs?

Yes 90%
No 10%

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Doctors call for more scrutiny of vaccines

January 20, 2000

Blacks in the United States in particular and people of color in general, have to be concerned with any form of vaccine testing being given to our people.
The United States Government in the 1930's sanctioned the Tuskegee experiment; thus, inflicting 300 Black men with one of the most vile strains of syphilis in the name of a vaccine. It was not disclosed to these Black men that they were part of a racist experiment in the name communicable disease research. These Black men were allowed to have sexual relationships void of treatment in which the experiment lasted until 1972. And we know how the United States Government sold our native American brothers and sisters smallpox blankets in the name goodwill diplomacy. The Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Disease Control are in political bed with the powerful pharmaceutical giants in this country; moreover, how can we trust them to serve our medical needs ? We need our Black scientists and medical doctors to truly inform us about the positive and negative effects of vaccines clinical trials. And permit us to assess any medical decision based on the facts and not U.S. Government propaganda.
Lastly, we need independent Black hospitals throughout Black America, who will be sensitive to our medical needs.

Fahim Knight
Durham, North Carolina

January 20, 2000

I am not only concerned about vaccines but about every action of the white man. He wants the earth so bad that he would and is killing for it. The only obstacle to his goal is the black man (natives). I say its time to strike back at him before he destroys us all. The earth belongs to us, the black man (natives). I also believe that God chose you (the dark skinned) as slaves in the hands of the white man in America and abroad so that today you become the key to bring down the white system (Babylon).

Loyiso Rhasi
Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

Date: January 25, 2000

The concerns voiced by many are valid and deserve a concerted, organized effort to educate our medical professionals and mass populations on this threat to their healthy existence, especially given the historically sinister nature of the domestic and global white supremacist agenda.

To compromise the developing immune system of newborn infants, toddlers, adolescents, etc. with ANY vaccinations, "untested" or otherwise, in the name of eradicating disease is evil tricknology at worst and utterly disingenuous at best.

The medical establishments policy(ies) is/are an indefensible crime against humanity. For historical parallels please read "Nazi Doctors".

James Shabazz
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

January 26, 2000

As Salaamu Alaikum ! History repeats itself, is a statement that will always ring true in America. They (the U.S.) say that they need patients to test new drugs. But, I believe that the only patients they will get is the Black and Latino poor. History repeats itself, I say a leopard (U.S.) never changes it's spots. Even as a European myself I see what the government is doing,'s called 'modern day lynching'. So they give the families a few dollars and some dreams about the future, but in reality it's their (U.S.) future that they're looking out for. I believe that we need vaccines, and insha'Allah (God willing) we will get them.

Michael R Grens
Bradenton, Florida

January 26, 2000

I think everyone should be concerned about vaccine test programs. This is nothing new to the African American community this has been going on for years they just have a different more modern day approach about it. If you think back about the incident in Tuskegee with the Syphilis in my opinion this is still going on. So this should be a major concern and me being a parent my self this is a serious issue and education is the key to keeping these tests out of the minority community. I personally think that second opinions will help. Unfortunately this occurs more in the low income homes but that's why I strongly feel that education is the key. Post signs up in the neighborhoods so that everybody can be aware. So yes there are several reasons for the concerns and these concerns should be addressed its well overdue.

Lakisa Taylor

Date: January 26, 2000

I think that the concerns are very valid. Because peoples lives depends on whether or not these vaccines are laced with some disease or a are not. History shows that doctors have not been our friends, in fact they have been our enemies. The sad thing is that when your heart is full of love for humanity, you do not expect others to not have love in their hearts. This world loves things more than they love human life, therefore it is nothing to take it for my space for themselves on earth.

Nicole Muhammad
Ft. Lauderdale

January 27, 2000

It is only to use the all original people (regardless of their color), as guinea pigs for the testing, though they call it (INEXPENSIVE RESEARCH) of their products. Once they have perfected their products on us. Then the big pharmaceutical companies will introduce their cheap products to the U.S. Government's Food and Drug Administration (FDA), (a co-conspirator) to kill all the original people of the planet earth, for (wink wink), governmental approval. Then the FDA will fast tract their product(s) and allow them to bring it the market place quickly and cheaply. But it be very costly to the average consumer even though it costs them nothing to test it, because we were use for that. And nothing to produce and manufacture it in poorest countries of the world.

Grady Muhammad
Miami, Florida

External web links and the letters from our readers  are not necessarily
the views of Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Nation of Islam or The Final Call.

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