FCN Online People Poll

Do you support
the death penalty?

Death penalty unfair to Blacks, poor


I oppose the death penalty. Reason being is I feel that no man has the authority to decide if another man should live or die. Although some type of punishment is mandatory, death is not the answer.

Ras Mobley
Clarkston, Georgia

Death Penalty

I don't support the Death Penalty in America because of it is unfairly administered. Race
and wealth seem to be those factors. Otherwise I would be in favor of the Death Penalty.

Myron Johnson
Reidsville, NC.

On the death penalty

I see the death penalty as a tool, to make the people believe that when you kill a murderer, the problem is solved.

Abu Tahir
Munich, Germany

Death Penalty

The death penalty is inhuman, not given across the board and used against blacks and [the] poor unfairly.

As I look at the people deciding on life or death, it is clear that they are not capable of making a just decision based on the facts. Race plays a big part in all cases in court.

Life should not be decided this way and most important, we all are on borrowed time and all will pass on soon enough.

David J. Bentley Sr.
Anchorage, Alaska

Death Penalty

There are some people out there that are pure evil. The only way for our society to be safer is to send them to the great beyond.

Kevin Pean
ichita, Kansas

Why I agree with the death penalty

The reason I agree with the death penalty is because when you murder someone you can never bring that person back.  So the only just option is a life for a life. I disagree with the challenge of the death penalty claiming those on death row are political prisoners.  That, I say is not reasonable. The ones I have seen on death row did have a political agenda when they committed their crime they had a mischief -making agenda. They snuff out the life of some innocent person then talk some foolishness about how they were an abused child and how the white man's world made them crazy. Even though most persons on death row are poor and black and are those who cannot afford adequate representation the only question I am concerned with is did they do the crime. If they are honestly guilty, they are receiving a punishment both the Holy Qur'an and the Bible prescribe. The Bible says Num.35:16 "And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death "The Quran(17:33) "And kill not the soul which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause. And whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority-but let him not exceed the limit in slaying. Surely he will be helped".

In conclusion we as Muslims can not honestly disagree with the death penalty particularly if the person had a sinister intent when he committed the deed. If he is rich such as Dupont who murdered that wrestler and can afford big time lawyers and can weasel out of the death penalty even though he deserved it, that I hate to say is his lucky break. If he is a poor man and he pays the piper for his transgression both men by both books of God deserve death, why halt justice for the victims families just because he is poor or rich. If their is a question of innocence I can respect that argument, but not the issue of classism or racism.

Alim Hakim
Hampton, VA.

Why the death penalty is wrong

I do not support the death penalty because in the first place, it does not act as a deterrent for crime as the "white" law system would have us believe. A person dies and that is it. No one is to act in judgment of another human being!

Second, the legal system is inherently racist and therefore cannot be counted on or trusted to be fair and impartial. White men wrote the laws, govern the court system and waive "justice" over our heads to make us believe the system is fair. No racist based system can offer a fair trial, or fair day in court......so why should we fall into to trap of counting on the white legal system?

Sumter, SC

Death Penalty

I do not support the death penalty. It is my view that executions are essentially political. They expand the opportunities for white racism. 

Strange isn't it, that in the United States--a nation known throughout the world for its racism--that only Blacks appear in the media as racist?
These days, it seems, that only Blacks qualify as racist.?

The media labels are "cover stories." The reality of racism can be seen in the numbers of African Americans in U.S.. prisons and the percentages of Af
rican Americans on death row.

Any African American who supports capital punishment might as well support suicide. There is not much difference.

African Americans need to respond to both the disparity in the percentages of executions and to the "cover story." This can be done scientifically by advertising the facts. More importantly, the truth should be broadcasted frequently. Racists know that if you tell a lie frequently enough it will pass as the truth. Everyday, through the national media, Black Americans are held up as criminals, e.g., murderers, rapist, thieves, etc. That is the lie. Truthful responses are made, but they are not heard. Every effort should be made to get the truth out there, to have the truth heard and have it heard frequently.

Jon & Janet Gray
Phoenix, Az.

I oppose the death penalty

I oppose the death penalty because it is not right. It is written, Thou shall not kill. That is point blank. There should be no debate or argument. The standard is already set. Even if a thousand people say it's right, that doesn't make it right. I say this without shouting or raising my voice for, the truth if it is whispered, is loud enough.

George L. Ward
Jacksonville, Florida

Death Penalty

I support the death penalty for murderers only because that is just, but I do so with reservations regarding the historical misuse of the legal system regarding blacks. One second of pleasure granted to a person who denied another person his very own existence is unjust and immoral.

Jim Koy 
Los Angeles, CA

Death Penalty

The decay of American morality disqualifies her from the issuing of justice. Especially when it comes to Blacks who are disproportionately issued the death penalty. The original premise for penitentiaries was for penitence. There was a "somewhat" Godly premise involved. Nowadays when someone goes to prison and repents of their evil it doesn't matter, whether Christian or Muslim.

America is in no moral position to impose the death penalty on anyone.

Wadell T. Muhammad
Hartford, Connecticut

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