The Final Call Online Edition


August 21, 2001

Building blocks for family

When federal policy makers years ago decided that in order for a woman to receive welfare the man had to be out of the house, they must have known that the results would be disastrous.

Female headed households became the order of the day. Women were left to rear children alone
or at least the man had to stay out of sight. That resulted in a compounding effect of consecutive generations producing increasingly reckless and defiant teens and a further decay of every nation�s building block�the family, particularly the Black family.

So today we see a disrespect across the board for the elderly, for women, and for authority, not only among today�s youth, but the disrespect for life and decency even emanates from many adults.

Nevertheless, recent studies, reports and census figures are showing a change in direction. According to an analysis of census figures, between 1996-2000 there has been a 4.1 percentage point rise�to 38.9 percent from 34.8 percent�in the proportion of Black children living with married parents. But even that number was far below that of white and Latino children�78.2 percent and 66.2 percent, respectively.

In addition, a survey by the Urban Institute found that increasingly, single mothers in the country were living with non-spouses.

The destruction of the Black family has been a devious plan of the rulers of this society in effect for centuries. The idea is to keep the Black community destabilized and unable to mount an effective effort to strengthen itself internally. Thus, we have never been able to increase our strength externally by forming relationships with our natural allies, the darker peoples of the planet who are the majority.

The destruction of the Black family didn�t start with the welfare laws that took the man out of the house; it didn�t start with the war on drug laws that has crushed the Black male population; and racial profiling won�t be the last spoke in a wheel designed to steamroll right over our community.

Such destruction will stop, however, if we determine that it will stop.

It will have to start with our people revisiting the moral underpinnings that historically have defined our communities and villages here and on the Motherland. We must stand up for those leaders who call us back to the moral high ground.

Poverty can no longer be an excuse for reckless or deviant behavior. We must abandon the pursuit of the destructive, materialistic lifestyles held up before us as "the way to be."

We don�t have to kill one another in order to get the benefits of "the good life." We simply must work hard and live a life in accordance with the laws dictated by God.

This will bring us back into a proper orbit where the benefit is a long and prosperous life.

The real rogue nation

During a recent visit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il launched a verbal attack on the United States.

"American agitation about the missile threat from our country is totally unjustified. It is no more than sophistry aimed at concealing the ambitions of those seeking to establish their global domination," he said of U.S. justification for wanting to build a missile defense station in space.

The U.S. has said the space station will protect the world from nuclear attacks by "rouge" nations�North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and other favorite targets of U.S. smear campaigns.

President Kim Jong Il made his remarks on the heels of a meeting between U.S. National Security Adviser Condeleezza Rice and Pres. Putin, where Rice pushed for the missile shield. Pres. Bush�s desire to build the weapons defense system�and fatten the pockets of his buddies in the military industrial complex�throws out the window the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty signed in 1972 to stem the proliferation of such weaponry.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld admitted that the United States is definitely interested in making major reductions from the current level of about 7,200 nuclear weapons.

With that kind of artillery, it�s hard to conceive why the most powerful country on earth would want to pour billions of dollars into a missile defense system that may not work, when it can use a tiny portion of that amount to feed every hungry child in the country, give every child a decent education, and more.

With the kind of priorities pursued by the current administration, one has to wonder, who is the real rogue nation?



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