It has been two decades now since the Honorable Minister
Louis Farrakhan published the first edition of The Final Call newspaper out of
the basement of his south side Chicago home.
The weekly Black newspaper is carried along the streets, highways and byways of America
by a cadre of dedicated men, the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I). The Mighty F.O.I., the men of the
Nation of Islam, shrug off personal rejection and even hostility from some and enjoy the
admiration and love of most peoplewho are struck with pride at the sight of the
clean cut, bow-tied messengers of truth.
The women of the Nation, the M.G.T. & G.C.C., also push the programnot on
street corners or door-to-door but via telemarketing, carrying the newspaper in their
businesses and offering the newspaper to friends, family and coworkers.
The Final Call is more than just a news outlet. It is dedicated to the pursuit
of truth and opening the blind eyes of Black America and any who will listen before God
brings down his final judgment on the worlds only superpower for his misdeeds,
arrogance and wicked domination of the earth.
With an article from Min. Farrakhan and his teacher, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad,
contained in each edition,The Final Call offers divine truth that is a healing
for all of the "isms"racism, sexism, nationalism and materialismthat
eat away at the core of society.
The Final Call is a Warner, telling the world that the time to shun evil
deeds, impure thoughts and unjust schemes is now. It offers snapshots of what is happening
in the world to make the message clearer and to make the truth plain.
The Final Call is a product that grew out of Min. Farrakhans love of
Allah, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, the truth, his people and freedom, justice and equality.
The Final Call is your newspaper and we thank you for having had the honor of
serving you yesterday, and pledge to work harder to serve you today and tomorrow.