The Final Call Online Edition



WEB POSTED 02-22-2002




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(Win Media)
 CNN Interview with Minister
Louis Farrakhan

Farrakhan questions war on terrorism
motives during World Saviours� Day address

LOS ANGELES, Ca. (�s �insatiable appetite� for oil is causing her to take the country into ruin, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan told more than 14,000 people at the Great Western Forum during his Feb. 17 World Saviours� Day 2002 address. And the prosecution of President George W. Bush�s �so-called war on terrorism� is only a ruse under which repressive forces in the world can exist, he said.

�Not since (the biblical) Adam has one man or nation held sway over the whole earth,� Min. Farrakhan said, referring to America and its president, George W. Bush. �Today, America holds sway as the only remaining superpower.�

Power, however, can act as a heavy wine, he said, and it has made the Bush administration like drunkards, forgetting the presence and true power of God.

�When you become so immersed in Him (God) then He gives you more power,� he said. �But in drunkenness he (Mr. Bush) can forget. Pharaoh forgot, and you see where he ended up.�

�In good conscience, fearing only Allah (God), I cannot allow them to use the American soldiers--Black, Brown and poor White--to fight a war that is unjust and wrong,� he said, adding that the families of those political leaders who call for war are not going to be the ones fighting and dying.

�But these little Black babies, that couldn�t find justice in the streets of America,� these are the ones who will be used, he asserted.

Min. Farrakhan condemned the West�s profiling of Muslims and associating them with terrorism, stating emphatically that Muslim and the word �terrorist� are not synonymous. He spoke of media manipulation of the facts and the U.S. government�s craving for oil.

�I don�t think there is one Muslim leader on this earth that can summon 1.8 billion Muslims to a holy war,� he said. �But on the other hand, President Bush, you can summon the whole Muslim world against the West by how you handle this war on terrorism,� he said, also warning if America goes after Iraq, �your coalition is going to fall apart, and its falling apart right now.�

He said the U.S. State Department and the CIA discourage the American people from traveling to countries they have declared �rogue nations,� because they don�t want citizens to know America�s real interests in going into these countries.

America, Min. Farrakhan said, can have access �to whatever you need from the world. Nations would give you access with joy if you would be fair with them and allow what you get from them to get a decent price so that they can improve the quality of life for their people.�

He said the policies of America causes other nations to be poor, while America rises to richness. �Politics is controlled by money, so the people�s vote doesn�t mean much when the lobbyists get to Washington and start passing money around,� he said. He reminded the audience of how Mr. Bush came into office and the challenges America faced prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.

�Power is linked in world politics to oil. And as the greatest industrial nation on the earth, America has an insatiable appetite for oil,� said Min. Farrakhan.

Using aerial and stage jumbotron video screens, the Nation of Islam leader displayed maps to show America�s geo-political motivation to brand nations as �rogues,� which primarily is their connection to oil. The nations included Libya, Iraq, Iran, Sudan and the Middle Eastern region. He also explored Nigeria.

�You know, everyone of us has somebody in our family that is a victim of drugs,� Min. Farrakhan said. �Drug addicts become artful liars. They can make up the fanciest stories just to get money to get to the drug. If you don�t give them the money, if you turn your back, they become thieves and then soon, if they get real bad, they become murderers. America is an oil junkie. She doesn�t care how she gets it, she must have it,� he charged.

Through his theme, �Healing the Wounds to Bring About a Universal Family,� the Minister not only explained America�s challenge to lead the world to peace, but he also warned that her might is a trial for the nation because she stands in the place of God.

Others in attendance included Congressional Black Caucus members Maxine Waters (D-Ca.) and Earl Hilliard (D-Ala.), Los Angeles Lakers center Shaquille O�Neal and former Jamaica Ambassador to the U.S. Dudley Thompson. Minister Farrakhan also thanked Mr. O�Neal, comedians Steve Harvey and Michael Coyler, Earvin �Magic� Johnson, media mogul Russell Simmons and Source magazine publisher Dave Mays for their financial and vocal support of the World Saviours� Day conference in the city of Los Angeles.

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