ISLAMABAD (IPS)�As the United States starts preparing for the
next round in its "war on terror," this time against Iraq, the situation
in Afghanistan�where this campaign began�remains unstable and shows no
signs of settling down.
In early August alone, U.S. troops came under sniper attacks and were
engaged in firefights with Taliban and Al Qaeda remnants. There have
been accidents and explosions resulting in the deaths of American
soldiers and Afghan civilians.
On Aug. 7, in the deadliest clash since the Taliban�s ouster in
November, Al Qaeda fighters attacked an Afghan army outpost near Kabul,
resulting in 15 casualties.
A day earlier, an American soldier was killed in an incident
involving U.S. troops and Afghans close to the border with Pakistan.
A U.S. attack on Iraq would have an impact on Afghanistan as well,
given that the neighbor of Iraq and Afghanistan happens to be Iran, high
on the U.S. "enemies list" as part of President George Bush�s "axis of
The expectations of a new order of stability emerging in the
post-Taliban phase, particularly after the June "loya jirga" or grand
consultative assembly, a mechanism for making decisions in Afghanistan�s
tribal society, have not been met.
The loya jirga sought to prepare a road map for the transition to a
democratic Afghanistan. It established a transitional administration
under Hamid Karzai, one entrusted to prepare a new Constitution and hold
a free, fair election in the next two years.
However, the loya jirga was caught between the conflicting demands of
the warlords who assert their own authority in their respective domains
versus an administration in Kabul, which wants to exercise centralized
authority and control.
Then the American-led "war on terror" has failed to stamp out Al
Qaeda and Taliban remnants, since Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar still
remain at large and have eluded the American forces pursuing them.
Given this scenario, three kinds of conflicts can be envisaged in
First, the lurking conflict between the so-called "Tajik troika" and
President Karzai.
This troika, representing the ethnic Persian-speaking Tajiks, manages
to control the foreign and security policies since Gen. Qasim Fahim is
defense minister while Dr. Abdullah Abdullah is foreign minister.
The third member of the troika, Younis Qanooni, has been relegated
from his previously powerful slot as interior minister to the
politically less influential education minister�s post.
The majority of Afghanistan�s population is Pashtun, who like the 20
million Pashtuns in Pakistan, speak Pashto. Tajiks make up some 25
percent of the population, with an ethnic affinity with Tajikistan and a
linguistic linkage with Iran.
Reports of tensions between President Karzai and Gen. Fahim have also
surfaced, and the July assassination of Vice President Haji Qadeer, who
like Mr. Karzai was a Pashtun, has upset the delicate balance of power
in Afghan politics, particularly in Kabul.
His assassins have not been found and remain unidentified. Recently,
Mr. Karzai replaced his security detail provided by Gen. Fahim�s defense
ministry with the U.S. Special Forces, a move that shows concerns over
his own personal security.
Demonstrations in Kabul extolling Ahmad Shah Masood, the famous Tajik
commander known as the "Lion of Panjsher," who was assassinated on Sept.
9, 2001, have been viewed as an attempt by the Tajik Troika to assert
control by building a personality cult around their slain leader.
Second, the role of the warlords is still significant. Afghanistan
sometimes manifests itself as a multi-ethnic, de facto confederation of
tribes and linguistic groups led by warlords, who often have camaraderie
and rapport with neighbors who share an ethnic linguistic or ethnic
affinity with them.
For instance, there is Pakistan with the Pashtuns, Iran with the
Shiite Hazara and Farsi-speaking Tajiks and Uzbekistan with the Uzbeks.
Until an Afghan National Army is constituted, warlordism will remain
a key political factor in Afghan politics with their infighting and
Aggravating the problem is American reliance on the warlords and
their forces to track down remnants of Al Qaeda and Taliban in
particular parts of Afghanistan.
The third conflict could emanate from the Iran factor especially
after the July 12 remarks of Mr. Bush, when he virtually incited the
Iranian people to "rise against the oppressor regime," making a "regime
change" in Tehran as much of a goal as is regime change in Baghdad.